Thursday, 18 December 2014

Outpourings of a Mushroom November 2014 pt 8

"Short story."
11'16 -pic* @MikeSwansson sometimes there's so much lust in the world I feel like I can't take it...

"everything is poetry. it just needs someone to write it"
11'16 @OceanOfSong do you believe it's beneficial to have such a strong romantic vein?

"the trees always know when to be silent"
11'16 @OceanOfSong corporate mainstream media? "9/11" and stuff?
I don't want to got to be another person in public than I am privately.

"there's a forest in my soul where I sometimes hide from myself"
11'16 @OceanOfSong everybody does TWEET and especially notorious romantics... 
mystery or clarity – what's more important to you?

"because you peeled away the layers of silence and now my soul can sing"
11'16 @OceanOfSong was it a painful or a playful release, a pleasure?

"so much strength lies in your vulnerability"
11'16 @OceanOfSong so go for it! use it! feel the power!
does the ego always have to consume most of the energy? face your occult non-breakability

"writing until my soul is naked and I stand before you unshackled, uninhibited – free"
11'16 @OceanOfSong do you really believe that? because the purpose of feel-good poetry is always to just stay away from true bareness. for me, talking to one another emulates the sex act.

11'16 Internalized Jesus – the Jesus Piety Code inside your heart.
a.k.a. the Jesus Magic... hero worship, cult of celebrity, role model mentality.

"America's not a country, it's just a business, now fucking pay me."
11'16 @insuperlative well, it is a country but with a society constituted as one monolithic corporation...
you're totally right: business prevails

11'14 "existence: the cruel beauty of mystery" @GnosisNeurosis

11'16 re- @Edie_Is_Dead I am either an eclipse or an apocalypse

"Marveling at an abundance of gigantic-breasted, scantily clad poetesses – Harlequinesque up in the TwitterVerse, yo." 11'16 -pic* @Feenohmenal WOW, I love it! very distinctive. truly phenomenal

"When will the shift occur and take the shit out of my soul?"
11'17 @anaturaldreamer only then TWEET because like the heart is a feedback mechanism TWEET the soul is too.

"So much of it is about how we feel, rather than what we think."
11'17 @MsMielAbeille it's an illusion to believe these were different things. 
we feel-think or think-feel. like body and soul form a unified whole.
11'17 it's the reason why we don't differentiate rational from romantic notions. we always mix them together TWEET 

"Zionism is not a religion, its a political movement that's based on racism, supremacy, ethnic cleansing and exploiting poor people."
11'17 @lex_looper Zionism is a Jesuit long-term strategy like Illuminism, Communism or "9/11"...
Catholicism is piety science.

@TerenceMcKenna_ @cosmopinciotti "Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around." Terence McKenna
11'17 @EtherealExpo @TerenceMcKenna_ when I believe something I do it anti-apologetically.
Lundborg: "McKenna reconsidered" BLOG POST

"The UK gives six billion pounds to Israel and a similar amount in arms.
1/4 of the UK population need to claim benefits while working."
11'17 @lex_looper of course TWEET Israel is like a bridge head comparable with the former West Berlin... TWEET 

@NicholaSzeto @cosmopinciotti @ripster31 "Culture is a mass hallucination." Terence Mckenna VIDEO 
11'17 @EtherealExpo but a mass hallucination based on the Roman calender and on Roman Civil and Roman Corporate Maritime Law @NicholaSzeto @ripster31

11'17 I'll go with Terror Sacrifice, because the never-ending, global "War on Terror" was born on that day and depends on it. WIKIPEDIA 

11'17 Mr. Intensity TWEET as the best example of how easily predictable the so-called common sense is... TWEET

11'17 @EtherealExpo Terence speculated in vacuo TWEET 
like conspiracy theorists TWEET @NicholaSzeto @ripster31
11'17 @EtherealExpo corporatism is quite monolithic TWEET 
and as to complexity... TWEET @NicholaSzeto @ripster31

"Irony: the men that claim to be the nicest, always turn out to be the bigger assholes."
11'17 @InnocentMarina6 everyone preaches more or less – it's cultural tradition.
we use language to conquer far more often than to listen and to understand

"Consciousness and the psychedelic experience seem to be a kind of angelic decent into the domain of matter."
11'17 @TerenceMcKenna_ "this double book-keeping went on for 10 years" TWEET
on the dynamic of the heart TWEET

11'17 "My online moniker for years was 'Mushroom'... hence Shroomantics." WEBSITE Rahima Begum @RestlessRahima

11'01 "Psychedelics call into question the identity of the scientist doing the observation.
The object of study becomes observer and observed".
@psychonaut_org says who?
11'17 @cosmopinciotti Sorry, it's a bittersweet feature of Twitter that we're limited to 140 characters. ESSAY 
11'18 @psychonaut_org that's fine.
for me, Twitter is a link machine: kind of an engine which enables you to protocol brainstorming. thanks a lot!
11'18 @psychonaut_org Twitter provides a brainstorm memory function for free TWEET if you save your tweets and RTs as text files
@cosmopinciotti @psychonaut_org I'm still learning Twitter!
11'22 @StevenP23 @psychonaut_org maybe there is already a software that does what I do tweet by tweet automatically: a live-archiving application.
11'18 "Bellah does not believe it is necessary to choose one approach over the other, but suggests that both the experiential-expressivist theory and cultural-linguistic theory can be utilized as 'coordinate approaches' (2011, p. 12)." interesting stuff!
11'18 "The principal aim of this essay is to explore the influence of chemically-altered, or alchemical consciousness, not only on the founding and ongoing articulation of transpersonal theory, but on the origins of spirituality in general."
11'20 @psychonaut_org "I then carefully compare the DMT and prophetic states using excerpts from my clinical notes as well as from the Hebrew Bible."
11'20 @psychonaut_org "the practical implications of my theory...are twofold"
at least!! TWEET that's the breakthrough TWEET

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. 
We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ
11'17 @psychonaut_org @5thdimdreamz  
I recommend a lecture by his fellow traveler Avery Dulles SJ for a more balanced picture: WEBSITE

10'02 Known as "God's Flesh" amongst Aztec tribes the #psilocybin mushroom held great religious significance.
More info at WEBSITE 
@psychonaut_org nonetheless, the high priests of the Aztecs seemed to have been rather militant and bloodthirsty than distinctly psychedelic
@cosmopinciotti Agreed. On the other hand, why think part of being a 'psychedelic' community necessarily involves peace and demilitarization?
11'18 @psychonaut_org how familiar are you with Bill Hicks?
and 2nd "what we're about to discover is that death has no sting" BLOG POST
@cosmopinciotti Yeah, we love Bill and Terence! Without them we wouldn't be here.
Recently saw American: The Bill Hicks Story, which was profound.
11'18 @psychonaut_org same with me, same with me, they were GIANTS!
I have found them through "9/11" and the incredible Mr. Grove. @tragedyandhope
@cosmopinciotti Awesome. Never heard of Richard Grove, I'll check him out.
Always good to know there are like-minded people out there!
11'18 @psychonaut_org his bosses tried to kill him, the young millionaire, in the towers that day.
for me, he's the crown of the "truth movement".

11'17 "At this point I started freaking out. Everything felt wrong. I was stuck in a parallel world."
My first salvia trip REPORT 

11'17 "In conclusion, if you decide to do something similar to me, don't say nobody ever warned you not to."
LSD, five tabs REPORT 

11'17 the particles that make up those particles

"I had a vision of everything being broken down into atoms and then the particles that make up atoms and then the particles that make up those was something so spectacular that I started to cry just thinking about it...I came to this sense that when we die nothing is lost. these bodies are nothing more than molecules and atoms and other smaller things. when we die our body just continues to be all of that. I don't know that I could ever explain the sensation I had, but it is at that moment that I saw the universe in its entirety...I lost my ego. this is another aspect of tripping I would have never understood without experiencing consciousness was simply floating in free space and I had nothing to attach it to."

"About 8 weeks ago I started a batch because I finally decided that I wanted to experience what everyone has been describing for so long.

...I was pretty confident that I would not have a bad trip and that was mostly because I knew what to expect and I had no troubling issues in my life that I had not been dealing with.

...I took 3 at first and because I had no scale to weigh anything out I planned on just waiting it out for a while to see what effect that much would have.

...We sat and talked for almost an hour and I could not help but just soak in all the beauty of the river. I could feel the sensation getting slightly stronger but not overwhelming. I saw the ripples in the water moving in what seemed to be an orchestrated symphony and everything seemed to be chiming with harmony. It was one of the coolest feelings that I have ever felt.

...When I would see an image that I thought was strange it would almost echo through my mind and with each echo become something slightly more distorted than the last.

I was really enjoying this feeling and I wanted to experience more so I decided to try a few more shrooms. I do not remember how many more I ate I think something like 4 which maybe was not smart of me but the mushrooms actually started to taste delicious and I almost could not stop.

...I just recall at some point noticing myself talking and realizing I have been saying stuff for a few minutes and not even realizing it. What an odd feeling to catch yourself talking and realize you were not aware of it. I don't remember what I was saying to myself but it seemed to make perfect sense to me even though it was probably complete non-sense. As I spoke my voice became deeper and slower like when you slow a tape down although I don't think it was actually my voice doing the slowing but instead my perception of my voice.

...I closed my eyes and saw a kaleidoscope full of blue and grey and red and in the midst of the image was an eye lid opening and it was so vivid it actually surprised me. The eye seemed so real and meaningful as it opened as if it was a signal that my mind was about to be opened to a whole new world.

I saw many things while laying there and felt myself letting go and surrendering to the trip. One of the most amazing things I experienced was what I can only describe as 'seeing the whole universe'. I have heard that when you are under the influence you have the feeling of becoming one with everything or nature but found it hard to imagine what that was like. I understood completely when at this moment I had no fear of death no sense of loss or sadness. I saw everything at its basic form. We are all a collection of the same things. I had a vision of everything being broken down into atoms and then the particles that make up atoms and then the particles that make up those particles, not that anyone knows whether or not those truly exists. Either way it was something so spectacular that I started to cry just thinking about it. When we break it all down we are the same... everything is the same. I came to this sense that when we die nothing is lost. These bodies are nothing more than molecules and atoms and other smaller things. When we die our body just continues to be all of that. I don't know that I could ever explain the sensation I had, but it is at that moment that I saw the universe in its entirety. I saw it all spread out around me in a flat plain and I could see for endless miles but no part was too distant for me to not see it. I was able to see every part in its detail but at the same time see the whole thing in one whole part. It is said that humans can not understand the concept of eternity but I feel that at that moment I did.

After this great moment I realized that I did not know who I was. As they say, I lost my ego. This is another aspect of tripping I would have never understood without experiencing it. It was not that I forgot completely about my life or my past experiences but it felt as if me was not me anymore and that I was experiencing what I was experiencing not from someone else's point of view but from the point of view of no one. My consciousness was simply floating in free space and I had nothing to attach it to. It was scary to think about and the thought crossed my mind that I may never come back to reality but I had to just let go and tell myself I will soon be back.

If I am being honest I think the ego loss started when I caught myself talking and didn't realize it because at that moment my 'self' was continuing to operate in reality while my mind was drifting away and perceiving it from a far off view point. A very, very strange phenomenon that, I imagine, can be horrible but extremely eye opening if experienced correctly.

...I felt so good and so alive and I grabbed one of my drums and began to play and dance around my room and I was amazed at how awesome this felt. I sat for a while after and just played the drum on my bed. Every time I beat the drum the room would shake and vibrate with the vibration of the music. I knew that I had experienced something amazing and I almost could not wait to come back to reality to reflect on my journey with a clear mind.

...I can truly say that what happened that night was amazingly unique and that I will never forget it. WEBSITE

@BostonCollege Professors Use Twitter As Classroom Tool ARTICLE 
11'17 @ColinCrowell by giving every single thought its own address, you could use Twitter as a memory...
publicly or not @BostonCollege

11'17 "Twitter is way better than Facebook just because of the access" BLOG POST
"The openness of Twitter is unbelievable."

11'12 These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ARTICLE 
11'18 @AlSweigart corporatism makes capitalism as monolithic as communism... TWEET 
"The Corporation Nation" by Clint Richardson

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