Saturday, 22 November 2014

RTs July 2014

07'03 He opened her heart and looked into her soul.

05'20 My sexy body wants to play with your sexy mind.

07'06 I would like a snuggle pile.

"This day in history. 1924. Franz Kafka died after a surrealistically charged life which should have its own adjective. Kafkastic? Kafkable?"
06'04 @JimmerThatisAll @loisandbea Kafkalicious!

07'05 Today I declare my independence from pants and familial guilt.

06'05 Life's too short to be anything but horny.

05'22 Why the fuck isn't he under my spell yet! What went wrong!
He must be a wizard of sorts... or whatever

05'20 your lips... a slowly moving glacier along my flesh

06'27 Therapist: you've got a very special soul and it was wounded at such an early age...
Me: oh shut up. this conversation is wounding me.

05'15 I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in lust at first sight

06'29 -pic* Just beautiful


07'05 -pic* Mistress Fire Nymph

07'07 -pic* Anyone like yellow #panties?

07'09 With 35.6 million Tweets, #BRA v #GER is the most-discussed single sports game ever on Twitter. #WorldCup

06'27 Twitter: For people who don't like people, except those people who also don't like people, who like you, for your dislike of people.

07'09 -pic* Up and at'em

07'08 -pic* Smoke on the water

07'08 -pic* Could someone help with her back?

05'13 Sex is like going to the gym.
If you aren't sweating like a pig after, what's the point?

07'11 -pic* Tango.

06'23 I didn't tweet for 6 days and you assholes weren't even remotely concerned?!? What the fuck.

06'23 What I want most is good conversation.

07'08 Trust me, I'm not nearly as excited as my nipples are.

07'13 RT @tphilosophyquot Awesome Statues With Clothes PHOTOS amazing how much uglier they are w/clothes on. beautiful as they were.

06'27 The simplest, yet most overlooked way, for them to know everything that you feel, is just to tell them.

07'16 It's entirely possible that if I ever meet Taylor Swift I'll kick her in the vagina.

07'16 -pic* -Zilla's Cosmos

05'25 -pic* Sandcastle

07'16 -pic* Sometimes when you walk your dog at 2 am in a thunderstorm: soaked.

06'10 -pic* in high heels through the snow

07'18 The rest of the women in my family are fairly flat. We don't know where my boobs came from.

07'18 I have a raging migraine. My back is so tight I'd kill for a massage.

07'04 -pic* The United States of Amerijuana

07'18 You meander, aberrate, divagate, circumlocute, ramble, drift, veer, swerve, wander, range, stray, rove, deviate, maunder, but I digress.

07'20 Hey, it's raining! Lets go to the beach! *skips away*

07'21 -pic* squirrel with hazelnuts

07'21 -pic* simply irresistible

07'21 Dominance and Submission are the same thing.
Recognition of temporary moments to raise sensuality. Two roles. Two minds. One objective.

07'21 A text so confusing you burn his house down just in case.

07'22 -pic* Eiffelturm

07'22 -pic* bed on the beach

07'22 -pic* sweet feet

07'22 Have you tried manipulating the situation to make yourself look like the victim.

07'19 -pic* cat and bird: instincts

07'12 8 Reasons Why Introverts Rule the Interactive Age ARTICLE

08'27 *Cartwheels into room* HR: You're fired. *Cartwheels out of room*

07'12 Some days, I'm as lost as a thong on a fat lady.

07'24 It's true. I would destroy you. You're weak and soft like spaghetti.

07'24 I'm so used to being passive that contemplating taking action is hard.
How to know what to say? How much is too much?

07'24 You're the meal replacement shake of people.

07'01 -pic* Can you see inside of me? Will you come inside of me? Do you wanna ride? Inside of my love <3

07'24 I punched a cop in the face while dancing in a parking lot. 
He bought me more beer and said he didn't want to ruin "what looked like a good night."

07'25 Currently taking applications to fulfill my inner Snuggleslut.

07'25 #YoureFat and that's ok. You're amazing just the way you are. <3 :) #FatIsOk #FatAcceptance

07'19 -pic* She was nervous at first in agreeing for her Master to invite a friend.
Once the collar and cuffs went on it all changed.

07'22 -pic* sword and sheath

07'25 -pic* free clouding

07'26 Him: what? Me: I'm pretending to hand you a bag of dicks.

07'26 You know what'll help? NIN.

07'26 Me: why am I not being spanked soundly? Ella: ruff Me: true.

07'26 Him: did you just growl? Me: I would never.

07'25 -pic* After the Kill

07'24 -pic* Lagoon Nebula

07'18 -pic* Gorgeous!

07'04 he intensifies everything that she is

06'29 Our story needs us

02'20 Your elusive smile exploded like fireworks in my heart

02'24 I am the air longing to be consumed by your flames

"FUCK YOU TWITTER! you burnt another pizza..."
07'27 @brianburchett24 Yes, but you're still going to eat it. #YoureFat and that's ok. #FatAcceptance

"I saw you... I wanted you... I got you... I liked you... I loved you... now I ain't losing you..."
07'27 @mylie_jn26 @_YTD_ Aw, I wish I could love anything as much as you love food. :-) #FatAcceptance <3

"Happy couples... I want that."
07'27 @77StephanieG77 @lllvvvzzz Technically, you're a happy couple all by yourself.
#BigIsBeautiful #FatAcceptance #BodyPositive #PersonOfSize

@ClayMillican good luck
@tinastullracing @ClayMillican Good luck, and I accept you the way you are. #FatAcceptance
@The_YoureFatGuy @ClayMillican wait, are you calling me fat? cause I know you're not talking about Clay! LOL
07'27 @tinastullracing @ClayMillican My dear, I'm not necessarily calling anyone anything, you see?
#BigIsBeautiful #FatAcceptance #SelfLove

07'17 -pic* Grape workers in action. #wine

07'15 -pic* Picture of Adrenaline under a microscope.

07'27 Twitter should rename the block button to the 'I'm really sensitive and insecure' option.

11'08 Give me a taste of magic so I can believe it really exists.

07'20 -pic* Skepticism and doubt are like trusty dog companions.
But of course, radical skepticism means you live in a clay pot.

10'01 Why does the darkness feel like light?

07'27 -pic* @ProTender I forgot my shirt

07'21 -pic* I don't know I got bored

07'11 -pic* @Elverojaguar Me

06'28 -pic* Catlike all day long

07'27 I like the movie Oblivion for one reason: Tom Cruse beats the shit out of himself. Well done man.

07'27 The sounds I make when I finally take my bra off: pornographic.

07'27 Dear birthday spanking, Where are you? Much love, Chaill's arse

07'27 Every time I get naked I get horny.
@Madddicakes That's funny. When you get naked I get horny too.

07'23 I'm too pretty for my own good, honestly #RealTalkTuesday


07'12 Cool I can't sleep. Fuckin awesome.

07'18 Fucking bitch cunt fugly piece of dogshit

07'22 It's ridiculous how many followers I have. What the fuck is wrong with you fucks. Fuck. Get lost. Scram.

07'27 -pic* Pleasure.

07'22 -pic* Taste.

07'24 -pic* pretty girl blackness

07'21 -pic* body art

07'19 -pic* blood kitty

07'17 Wait a minute... there really is a Lady Gaga? I thought that was just a Madonna tribute band.

07'20 I'm sorry I starred your tweet... I was trying to delete it.

07'23 Complete assholes with amazing dicks are my kryptonite.

07'29 -pic* cat murders dog

07'28 -pic* Jump little kitten

07'28 -pic* Dreamy Kitten

07'28 -pic* hunting fever

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