Sunday, 5 October 2014

Redeleted Retweets 13 – 15 September 2014

09'06 -pic* three beautiful squirrels

09'12 Truth is in the eye of the beholder.

09'12 @cosmopinciotti Hunker down, I know a LOT of things about 9/11. The information we both know won't be seeked out by the majority.

09'12 -pic* Hello!! "and still Catholics claim Hitler was an atheist..."

09'06 -pic* @WorldAndScience Why is the photographer Dani Caxete's name cropped out of the photo?

09'12 @The_YoureFatGuy You're getting soft, dude. Step up the fat shaming. We're facing an obesity epidemic. #fattyissues

09'12 @lifessubatomic Put those tykes to bed!!

09'12 Hyperventilating some. Are you waiting to make sure I'm dead before you leave the scene?

09'12 Gets all sentimental and hopes some of you never disappear.

09'12 @lifessubatomic Very nice sense of awareness you have going on there. :)

09'12 Don't fuck with me.
I'm not above seducing your mother and becoming your step daddy just for spite.
I'll make you mow the fucking lawn.

09'13 @cosmopinciotti I adore that concept.. Sounds silky and nubile...

09'11 -pic* We never forget.

09'12 "The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." #SteveBiko

06'18 -pic* " is You who belong to this land"

04'14 "Laughter is the pizza of the soul."

05'25 Take time to give from your heart today... it's time to inspire.

09'05 -pic* villages in the UK have turned red telephone boxes into mini libraries, just take a book and leave one behind :)

08'07 -pic* Creativity is intelligence having fun. RT @niume_official Awesome! recycled parts, J. Perkins #art

08'24 @75RRegiment The ultimate Wack A Mole game.

08'24 @75RRegiment Boom. Headshot. #gameover

08'14 @75RRegiment the American flag can cover it

09'12 @cosmologicka @BhaINFJaan Because our culture is sick with greed.

09'13 perfect night for a bike ride

09'12 *buries entire head in some soft mossy ground to attend a cool worm party and relax*

09'08 Before you make enemies with a woman, remember... she can bleed for days without dying.

09'13 Thank you but I know how to live my life. I don't need you to tell me how to do it.

09'13 -pic* Two wrongs don't make a right, @WhoopsOhMy but three cats do.

09'12 If someone has an anchor tattoo you are legally allowed to throw them off a boat.

02'17 -pic* Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world. #federalreserve #blindslavery

09'13 Leading anti-marijuana academics are getting paid by painkiller drug companies which kill 16k ppl a year compared to 0.

09'13 -pic* Attraction.

02'12'11 "God damn you, Walter! You fuckin' asshole! Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man! And what was all that shit about Vietnam? WTF!"

09'12 FBI Whistleblower: Pentagon, CIA, NATO and MI6 Were Masterminds Behind 9/11 ARTICLE

09'14 -pic* We don't knock. 

09'13 @vinshel69 @Ohgoddessitsme I don't completely disagree. 

09'13 -pic* Sirmione, Italy 

09'13 -pic* Elogio dell'autunno. 

09'14 Nobody gives a fuck about you not giving a fuck. 

09'11 He knows exactly what I need, and that is sexy as fuck.

09'08 Girls want princes. Women want VIKINGS. 

09'02 -pic* Dresden, Germany, 1945 

08'30 -pic* world class selfie 

08'30 -pic* Cancer Cells 

09'22'13 #PeaceRevolution 055: Only Wisdom is Freedom. Why #Tyranny Needs Your Ignorance To Exist PLAYLIST

08'21 @tragedyandhope Donated $50. Keep creating the best content on YouTube, my friend!

08'04 -pic* Wisdom from a wise man (Einstein on the actual terrorists and true murderers...)

06'19 # 298 Home Education For History's Sake with #BillBuppert PODCAST  @SchoolSucksShow #LysanderSpooner #ZeroGov

07'04 It's nice to celebrate America's independence from monarchs while forgetting how its populous remains subservient to oligarchs. #July4th 

07'07 many thanks to @cynthiamckinney for sharing our film State of Mind: Psychology of Control @FreeMindFilms 

07'08 The BBC paid £28 million to buy the silence of 500+ staff with payouts of up to £500,000 each. 

05'19 Everyone Should Know Just How Much the Government Lied to Defend the NSA #TragedyandHope ARTICLE

05'19 The ultra-lethal #drones of the future #AttackOfTheDrones #ScientificDictatorship #Technocracy ARTICLE 

04'24 Hands down, these are the two most important websites I have ever visited.

09'12 Born today in 1492: Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Urbino

08'06 -pic* And today's perfection is #Alberobello! Just a tiny bus ride from Bari, Italy. *tears of joy*

09'10 Mitch Schultz, documentarian of "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" talks consciousness with @ChrisRyanPhD PODCAST 

09'13 Only 5 reviews short of 500 on Amazon. So grateful.

09'12 @salylongbottom Listen to Tangentially Speaking w/ @ChrisRyanPhD and Mike Schultz from @dmttsm Great Convo. PODCAST 

09'12 -pic* #FastFacts: Psilocybin has been shown to induce neurogenesis, or the regrowth of brain cells.

09'13 @HeroineScribe @ChrisRyanPhD I'm just riding the good doctor's jizz-stained coattails. ;-)

12'07'12 -pic* DMT Is Everywhere: A Conversation With 'Spirit Molecule' Director Mitch Schultz ARTICLE 

11'27'12 The finished product and statement from Mitch Schultz. MUST SEE!
"If you have any interest in psychedelics..." VIDEO

08'12 @TheTweetOfGod Fucking asshole. 

09'12 stuck between "fuck it" and "what if" 

08'16 -pic* My pal, Robert Clarke (world-famous cannabis expert) likes to fish. Borneo. BOOK 

09'07 -pic* I love looking down on @LiorLoser and taking his money. So easy. Send another $100.

08'11 -pic* Check out my conversation with @ChrisRyanPhD on his PODCAST Tangentially Speaking   

09'02 @FetishArabesque I like your style

09'05 @CearaJunky I'm gonna use my new vitamix on your dumb dick.

05'24 Since Buddha was originally from the warrior cast, can we see his move to divest the Brahmins of their authority as a form of class warfare? 

05'19 Many who shill for the biological roots of monogamy are unknowingly reinforcing the codes of male hegemony. #darwinwasachristian

05'07 Ever notice how religious people become moral relativists suddenly when one of their own is caught with a hand in the cookie jar? #hypocrite

09'02 -pic* It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses 

08'26 -pic* Some greenrooms are nicer than others. #MI5 

03'06'13 Cowards. I loathe how monotheists only pick on those they perceive as weaker than them. As soon as someone shows... 

03'06'13 But thanks for adding absolutely no substance to the discussion and instead trying to make it about me. I am... 

03'03'13 My recent article on the Pope's resignation: When Benedict Became Joseph

02'17'13 interesting conversation... 

09'11 Where all work is play. ARTICLE

09'11 Apparently sexual abuse of minors not just a Catholic and Muslim thing. The Jews do it too! Desert religions, man. 

09'10 Polyamory is just normal reality for some folks. ARTICLE

08'26 Graham Hancock and Joe Rogan discuss the future of humanity VIDEO

08'13 Psychedelics and the ancient Near East ARTICLE 

07'25'13 Magic Mushrooms: How They Played a Crucial Role in the Evolution of Human Consciousness (Terence McKenna)

07'18'13 Mystical experiences by the hallucinogen psilocybin lead to increases in the personality domain of openness ARTICLE  

09'12 If you missed my TED Talk, it is here. Please share it and thank you to all of you who left encouraging words...

09'25 We have reached 10,000 followers on Twitter! Thank you for supporting our #psychedelic and #marijuana research. #LSD #MDMA #psilocybin

08'20 Excellent... Terence McKenna: "Our Involvement With Matter" from The Psychedelic Salon @psychedeliclozo PODCAST 

09'09 A coalition of political leaders is urging nations to decriminalize illegal drugs and drug use. ARTICLE

09'01 "The United States not a democracy, but it most resembles an oligarchy." -Princeton University ARTICLE

08'23 "It's not hard to sweep up around the ashram, but it's hard to take psychedelics." Terence McKenna PODCAST 

08'10 HOW and WHY does Cannabis Cure Cancer – Scientific Explanation VIDEO

07'17 Cannabis Shrinks Tumors. Government Knew in '74 ARTICLE 

05'27 @PsychedelicLozo check out @dominatorcultur Somewhere an #amazing soul is transcribing #McKenna lectures! So cool.

06'22 21 Total Terence McKenna transcriptions done. Please spread the love and share.
Click link to see LIST OF TALKS 

05'05 -pic* from This Psychedelic Thing TRANSCRIPT

04'26 "Communicating with the Mushroom" Terence McKenna 1988 (The Light in Nature)
*Source – The Psychedelic Salon TRANSKRIPT 

02'09 Philip Hoffman and a Simple Solution for America's Heroin Addiction
Pacific Standard: The Science of Society ARTICLE 

09'12 @KylePrindiville Corporations are people. Who agreed to that? I didn't. 

09'12 Whoever invented marriage was creepy as hell. Like, hey you, I love you so much, I'm gonna get the government involved so you can't leave. 

09'10 Been at work for 2.5 hours, it feels like it's been 16. Perception is a bitch sometimes. 

09'15 Pics or it didn't happen. 

09'15 Boobs are proof that men can focus on two things at once. 

08'30 Interesting VIDEO #Mushrooms and #Mankind #JamesArthur 

08'28 Absolutely breathtaking #BurningMan photography by @TreyRatcliff WEBSITE 

07'01 "@awakening_the Former laser physicist Tom Beddard has created incredible pieces of art, intricacy of fractals." 

07'01 Amazing video: These 'Fabergé Fractals' will blow your mind 

06'23 -pic* Our culture is the real "hallucinogen". #McKennaMonday

06'16 -pic* Time for #change (build a new model) 

08'31 -pic* The latest from @AmberLyon moved me to tears. Beautiful, touching anecdotes PLAYLIST 

08'15 Psilocybin has shown to help the brain regrow brain cells. ARTICLE

08'18 -pic* Good Morning America! #Salute 

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