10'03 @DramaFollower Oh, doll. You made my night.
10'04 @cosmopinciotti If people run their businesses on the insubstantial platform of social media, well... no sense in insulting bad choices. When "businesses" promote themselves towards me on this very personal account, I take great affront. It is like Best Buy and Barnes and Noble agents running through my living room screaming "notice me, please"! It is too intrusive.
10'01 Obedience to Authority? Why do Good People Become Silent Faced with Facts Disproving 9/11 Story? ARTICLE
08'22 Why Intelligent People Fear the Truth ARTICLE by WakingTimes #911news
10'04 -pic* two half-naked readheads doing pushups
06'25 -pic* Hand signals for the compliant male.
10'03 -pic* Princess Riley using men as her play-toys.
10'03 -pic* Like my dress?
09'09 -pic* So wrong
09'07'13 -pic* @msservalan I know you have a fetish for these just like me
09'24 -pic* OMG these are so delicious, I could eat them for dessert!
Brussel sprouts roasted in #coconut oil with… PHOTO
10'01 -pic* German universities #scrap all #tuition #fees ARTICLE
10'01 The eyes tell the story that the smile can't hide.
09'09 These moments of clarity are golden.
09'27 -pic* The human sexuality professor gifted me a plant for speaking to her class.
She said the flowers look like labia.
10'04 -pic* Renaissance steps in Perugia
10'04 My mind doesn't wander, it gallivants.
07'04 @AbbyMartin Our oligarchs still bow to the queen and kiss ring of the Pope, regardless of religion. Independence is a myth.
07'21 "The human desire for positive self-regard is one of the most fundamental addictions of a broken species." Stefan Molyneux
10'01 Women: majority of PhDs in 2013 and outnumber men in grad school 137.5 to 100. ARTICLE #SocialWork #HeForShe
09'22 @AVoiceForMen @SeanPennDaily Real men aren't manipulated by propaganda.
08'11 -pic* Liberté, Égalité, Beyoncé
10'06 If #Jesus could heal a blind person he happened to meet, then why not heal blindness? -Christopher Hitchens
10'06 @logicalbeing That's disgusting. How can people be so frustratingly ignorant?!
I'm not sure where atheists rank here in Australia...
10'06 When I got untethered from the comfort of religion, it wasn't a loss of faith for me, it was a discovery of self. -Brad Pitt
10'06 Pope Francis to the Synod: "Speak clearly, do not think there are issues that cannot be discussed." VIDEO
09'29 -pic* Come celebrate #BannedBooksWeek with me and the other @nakedgirlsSF! FREADOM
10'04 My favorite language is eyes.
10'05 If it were up to me I would make talking against the flow of the universe. Make it illegal.
10'06 I was born to be your death
10'05 You vampire slut
10'07 -pic* I used to be a Werewolf but I'm alright noooooooooow!! Seriously, these are such beautiful creatures.
06'30 -pic* That's not a lake. That's a puddle of my tears after the Greece loss.
06'18 Don't want to brag, but I look good. RT @SahilBloom from Nashville "Parthenon" to the Athens Parthenon in one week
09'22 -pic* @AnnieCatten I love this pic
08'11 Follow @TheLoneGladio for the coming news, updates, promos, interviews and much more!
07'27'13 Obama Promise to 'Protect Whistleblowers' Just Disappeared from CHANGE.gov ARTICLE #WikiLeaks #Assange
07'23'13 Sibel Edmonds: "A Very Important Lesson For To-Be Whistleblowers: DO NOT Trust Official Channels." ARTICLE
10'08 Twitter Sues the Government for Violating Its First Amendment Rights ARTICLE
09'15 @LaLaRueFrench75 @TheLoneGladio You know, also so refreshing to have female support on this.
For some reason it's been 99+% men so far!!!
09'15 @LaLaRueFrench75 @TheLoneGladio This means so much to me.
I've been anxiously waiting for feedbacks. So I treasure each one.
10'05 "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Benito Mussolini
10'06 MT @cynthiamckinney "John F. Kennedy:
'I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.'" VIDEO
10'05 September 24th, 2014 Cameron Says Non-Violent Conspiracy Theorists Are Just As Dangerous As ISIS VIDEO
10'04 Reminder: Noam Chomsky and the Willful Ignorance of 9/11 ARTICLE by Kevin Ryan
07'22 -pic* As the New Yorker archives are free for the summer, this great piece on Julian Robertson avoiding NYC City tax ARTICLE
07'07'13 @sibeledmonds thinks carefully about truth and illusion, heroes and villians and trust in media ARTICLE
05'24 Chomsky on the American idea their country plays a noble role in the world:
"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
10'06 Candidate Smokes Weed In Her Campaign Ad ARTICLE
10'05 Snoop Dogg and Sir Richard Branson are teaming up to fight for your right to get high ARTICLE
09'07 SUPPORT JEREMY HAMMOND Person of The Year WEBSITE #Anonymous #FreeAnons #FreeHammond #FreeJeremy
10'08 Cryptography is a key weapon in the fight against mass surveillance #NSA ARTICLE #Ecuador #Venezeula
10'07 @MoppyOpps that's the glow of our growing, rotting conscience
10'07 I gave blood today because I didn't need it and someone sick desperately might. #DoGood and talk PHOTO
10'08 Proof you never want to get in a street fight with a kangaroo: VIDEO
10'07 WikiLeaks and the 'Google-military-surveillance complex' #WGMW ARTICLE
07'18 @Daniel_Lerch Are you hiding anything in your tweet stream right now?
07'15 Linguistic Steganography on Twitter: Hierarchical Language Modelling with Manual Interaction STEGO TWEETS #steganography
10'06 -pic* RT @PitbuIIs "Pit bulls are vicious killers." Pit bulls are some of the sweetest dogs. <3
It's how you raise them.
10'07 @LoveAnINFJ definitely needs to be part of the equation
10'08 Thought I could do it. Nope can't do that shit.
I need you to challenge me intellectually, personally, emotionally.
10'08 I know, tell me I ask for too much.
10'08 Fuuuuck it.
10'07 "A woman is unabashedly expressive with a man who creates a safe space to explore the private recesses of her soul." Graham R. White
10'08 Okay. Gonna stop wasting life on Twitter. #ProudOfYou
10'07 How can we create a world where everything is right.
10'08 That blood moon ravaged me delicately
10'08 Captured and mangled
10'08 -pic* Learning to fly. #EVA27 #selfie
01'24 -pic* "Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace." Dalai Lama WEBSITE
10'01 -pic* When life gets blurry, just make sure to adjust your focus!
10'07 -pic* MANDELA "The greatest story in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
08'16 "The tragedy of life is not death but what dies inside us while we live." PHOTO Robin Williams
03'16 Anxiety Breakthrough on Ayahuaska. This is my latest post in the ASN BLOG. great result for my #anxiety
09'15 New Study Uses #MDMA to Treat Social Anxiety in #Autistic People
Can #Psychedelics Find a Place in Modern Medicine? ARTICLE
09'25 psychiatry is all about treating symptoms. humans are not a soup of chemicals
brain chemistry only reflects what is wrong in the spirit
09'25 @AnxietySocial mainstream psychology too often ignores spirituality
10'03 Steven Pinker: The Source Of Bad Writing ARTICLE via @WSJ
09'11 #NeverForget The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Or you will remember things that did not happen the way you think. DOCUMENT
09'11 #NeverForget that sticking to the official story despite the facts guarantees that you will proudly send your sons to die for the banks
10'05 Shame is being used to corral people into very unnatural ways of living. @ChrisRyanPhD #rewildyourself PODCAST
10'08 Wow @ChrisRyanPhD rocking my world on my love @DVitalis #ReWildYourself PODCAST So good, listen in y'all
10'05 for all my fellow mushroom hunters out there... PHOTOS
09'25 -pic* John Malkovich painstakingly recreates famous portraits through history PHOTOS
08'25 Robin Williams was once asked how his mind is able to improvise so quickly... his response was hilarious. VIDEO
08'18 -pic* This Yelp reviewer can't help putting his wife's cleavage in every food shot he posts ARTICLE
10'04 RT @SurThrival Mythical Mushrooms and Dark Magic Reishi Truffles ARTICLE
01'02 -pic* @thehermitage Yes indeed! Nestled on my studio-loft wall...
Have always tended to turn work-walls into quilts!
10'09 "I'm a night owl by nature. I thrive like a moonflower in rich evening hues..."
Summer Cocktails (syrups and bitters) ARTICLE
10'06 @cnstantstranger The second rule of relationship is you don't talk about relationship.
09'25 @cnstantstranger Also, I'm a fan of obsessive behavior. Even if it's slightly obsessive.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Redeleted Retweets 1 – 3 October 2014
09'20 #jesuit Tom Finlay (1848-1940) congratulated by James Connolly on his understanding of Marx
09'20 #jesuit Tom Finlay 'probably the most universally respected man in Ireland'
09'20 #jesuit Tom Finlay produced publications like #studies to 'change the system from within'
09'29 -pic* determination in light blue
09'26 MT @Crux #Jesuit @JamesMartinSJ on the attraction of Jesus and Francis ARTICLE
09'22 RT @KenHomanSJ Some of the Jesuits at the #PeopleClimateMarch. People of faith for #ClimateJustice!
09'29 -pic* naked behind thin veil
09'29 -pic* flexible blonde in black latex
10'01 Inventor of the World Wide Web Pushes for Internet Bill of Rights ARTICLE
11'20 -pic* I Love His Confident Demeanour
01'24 -pic* laughing girl with jizz on her face
07'06 -pic* I am the luckiest Mum in the world to have such sassy brats.
09'29 I relived my first week of college to see if students have changed
09'03 *photoshops my face on nudes of Jennifer Lawrence*
09'25 -pic* anyone can have the body, it's the mental connection
09'24 -pic* @LapsedSaint you have a way with words
09'21 -pic* bound in #leather
09'21 -pic* my balance is off along with my mood
09'21 -pic* there's that skinny girl again sitting the other way round
09'30 -pic* the next fire nymph
07'02'13 I don't know, you guys. Clusterfuck sounds pretty hot to me.
10'01 -pic* yellow mushroom
@lifessubatomic did he follow you, this little, yellow fucker? (yes, all funghi are masculine, for your information)
10'02 @lifessubatomic I actually thought of you when I was adding them.
10'02 -pic* nice men tattoo
10'02 I'm tongue fucking warm chocolate chip cookies right now... just saying.
11'23'13 my meal earlier today. fit for a #goddess
10'02 -pic* @redzillart I'm 3
10'02 Reading about logical fallacies. I have so much to learn...
10'01 Existential meltdown time.
09'30 I'm just here to fuck with your thought bubble
10'01 I'll be impressed when your dick can write in cursive.
09'28 It's the strangest thing, to feel the weight of this sadness and not know why, or where it's coming from.
I was just happy a second ago...
09'26 -pic* Give me your PIN number little piggies!
09'28 -pic* Don't fucking tweet me unless you have sent tribute! Idiots!
07'29 -pic* Contrails my ass. #contrails #contrailsmyass #chemtrails
08'31 -pic* #contrailsmyass #chemtrails
09'09 -pic* #obviousasfuck #chemtrails
09'15 -pic* Virginia #chemtrails. #fakeclouds #sprayedonweather
09'30 -pic* @Tayoneo1234 Hahahaha, no. Not at all.
10'01 -pic* WUT
09'29 -pic* Giraffes are beautiful
09'27 -pic* Need I say more?
08'26 -pic* RT if you know you're in trouble #assworship #heelfetish #FemDom
09'11 We cannot trust in our own strength, but only in Jesus and in his mercy.
09'06 Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
He seeks us out and he stays near us even though we are sinners, indeed because we are sinners.
09'02 The Christian who does not feel that the Virgin Mary is his or her mother is an orphan.
09'28 Reminder for those losing at winning my attention: I am attracted to shiny objects. #findom
09'14 @jennywantsugar may I pay
06'25 @GiovanniMiche16 Because I've fucked with your brain so much your somatosensory cortex is bewildered. #psychological #underfoot
06'25 @slavetofeet2 My feet are independent necromancers.
10'02 Stupid little losers ALWAYS come crawling back with their tail between their legs! #iamthebest #comebackformore
06'08 The Mistress withdraws, yet the ticking of your atomic clock still resonates.
Distance does not negate #underfoot.
06'16 -pic* It's called "Financial Domination". Want to play?
06'19 @SirLukeWagstaff Scars are merely evidence of a good time.
06'19 @SirLukeWagstaff Only a more permanent memento.
05'18 -pic* time for Sunday brunch #mistress #findom
@TheMistressVee sheer perfection. the lithe and svelte frame, impeccably dressed, that contains a Tigress
@Cuck4Snowbunny Indeed.
@TheMistressVee thanks for showing us a little of the bottoms of Your shoes, Ma'am
@Jpfootslave You know what you would be doing...
@TheMistressVee my mind wanders so many possibilities, Ma'am...
@Jpfootslave Well, walking all over you would be the first order of business, leaving a trail of heel prints... PHOTO
05'11 -pic* Oh, the flattery. Let's replace the words with something tangible, i.e. cash.
10'01 I am your unrequited love. #mistress
09'27 @SugarKovalczyk I agree. Qualities often associated with patriarchy are not all negative.
09'27 @BCbob11 "In appreciation of your treatise on the governance and subjugation of the submissive male."
You're welcome. #domina
08'01'14 -pic* @vic_toria813 you know me so well!!
10'03 Never run away from your problems, unless your problems are overweight security guards who just caught you shoplifting.
10'03 If you don't stop giving me ultimatums, we're finished.
10'03 If I could choose, being eaten by lions while David Attenborough narrates would be my ideal way to go.
10'03 "Life is a flower of which love is the honey." Victor Hugo
10'03 I love people. I think that's hateful enough.
09'12 "9/11" was terrible, but I think the truth about it is even worse.
10'02 -pic* me n u
10'03 -pic* @qixdoxobxip coffee cat
10'03 @lifessubatomic You have no idea what this does to the muscle fibers of my heart.
10'03 -pic* An albino lion enjoying a smooch.
10'03 @adamrensch Thom Yorke?
10'02 I don't like being so busy. Too broke for that shit.
09'12 When I hear people say they still think 9/11 was done by a foreign enemy, I shake my head.
The truth is so clear and so easily obtainable.
@LOLMaddy yeah, criminal cases are legend. Sherlock etc. the TV's full of it, day in, day out.
but "9/11" isn't a conspiracy @heatherjayy23
10'03 @cosmopinciotti @heatherjayy23 lol cause I care to listen to someone who's picture is a mushroom
09'07 -pic* the sun with sun glasses
10'01 -pic* Raw Cucumber Avocado Sushi
09'29 -pic* Broccoli-Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms
09'29 -pic* Sushi
10'03 You can't just add "but for your penis" to a word and call it a fucking joke.
01'26 -pic* angles
01'25 I don't like being told what to do, unless I'm naked.
10'01 -pic* random pic... to make you feel all slavey and stuff #FemDom #Stockings #Legs #Boobs #FemaleDomination
09'26 -pic* Lovely weather today in England... got to sun my bum a bit again... between doing naughty things
09'30 Can't help but admire the creative kinky mind of @MistressTdotnet. She is absolutely brilliant!!!
11'14'12 Woah. That's weird. Someone actually told the truth for once. How do I deal with this!?
09'11 If I was a victim of 9/11, would I find it more disrespectful to my memory, that people seek the truth, or that people buy the lies?
10'03 @Stanky_Pickles LMFAO! Paxton made him a card when he was 5 that said "happy birthday Clit!"
09'07 @hackneywick1 basically right but people love to believe in many fundamental things that are just cultural phantasms really... @Consensus911
08'31 @natalietran give me five hours
10'03 Peter Russell on Consciousness: The Global Brain (1983) VIDEO
09'27 -pic* the sweet diaphanous Dani at sixteen
08'16 -pic* My Swiss colleague and I drive off into the sunset in search of urolagnic, mycopedophiliological truth. BOOK Mushrooms and Mankind. The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion
09'30 Lizard tongues everywhere
09'30 Skeleton angel on a blood planet Skeleton angel on a blood planet
09'30 One of these days and it won't be long, you'll look for me, but baby I'll be gone...
09'29 @nyctogenesis the only eternal thing are words
10'03 @carli_pi @DanielleJanof tenderest Fupasmooch on the subject 'How would you describe a cocknitive connection?'
10'03 @cosmopinciotti @carli_pi You are my favorites. It is as if a sex hex. Venereal from comely men, though. Electric mystery and we are magic.
@DanielleJanof you're half my age but at least 3 times more magical than me in terms of poetic talent, Gaara girl. what a pleasure @carli_pi
09'28 A compass for my feelings.
09'28 I love the night air
09'28 Will thou excuse me? I'm merely going to rip my heart out, throw it into the stars, and catch it on a spear.
09'27 I want to work out in the sky.
09'02 I love my wife 100%, but if she ever laughs at the Southwest flight attendant's pre-flight safety announcement jokes, this thing is over.
08'08 There are people out there attracted to women who eat peanut butter out of the jar while editing youtube videos, right? RIGHT?
09'30 I'm so happy for George Clooney. I thought he'd never recover from our breakup.
08'23 You don't choose who you fall in love with...but I usually fall in love with rich people. #love
09'20 #jesuit Tom Finlay 'probably the most universally respected man in Ireland'
09'20 #jesuit Tom Finlay produced publications like #studies to 'change the system from within'
09'29 -pic* determination in light blue
09'26 MT @Crux #Jesuit @JamesMartinSJ on the attraction of Jesus and Francis ARTICLE
09'22 RT @KenHomanSJ Some of the Jesuits at the #PeopleClimateMarch. People of faith for #ClimateJustice!
09'29 -pic* naked behind thin veil
09'29 -pic* flexible blonde in black latex
10'01 Inventor of the World Wide Web Pushes for Internet Bill of Rights ARTICLE
11'20 -pic* I Love His Confident Demeanour
01'24 -pic* laughing girl with jizz on her face
07'06 -pic* I am the luckiest Mum in the world to have such sassy brats.
09'29 I relived my first week of college to see if students have changed
09'03 *photoshops my face on nudes of Jennifer Lawrence*
09'25 -pic* anyone can have the body, it's the mental connection
09'24 -pic* @LapsedSaint you have a way with words
09'21 -pic* bound in #leather
09'21 -pic* my balance is off along with my mood
09'21 -pic* there's that skinny girl again sitting the other way round
09'30 -pic* the next fire nymph
07'02'13 I don't know, you guys. Clusterfuck sounds pretty hot to me.
10'01 -pic* yellow mushroom
@lifessubatomic did he follow you, this little, yellow fucker? (yes, all funghi are masculine, for your information)
10'02 @lifessubatomic I actually thought of you when I was adding them.
10'02 -pic* nice men tattoo
10'02 I'm tongue fucking warm chocolate chip cookies right now... just saying.
11'23'13 my meal earlier today. fit for a #goddess
10'02 -pic* @redzillart I'm 3
10'02 Reading about logical fallacies. I have so much to learn...
10'01 Existential meltdown time.
09'30 I'm just here to fuck with your thought bubble
10'01 I'll be impressed when your dick can write in cursive.
09'28 It's the strangest thing, to feel the weight of this sadness and not know why, or where it's coming from.
I was just happy a second ago...
09'26 -pic* Give me your PIN number little piggies!
09'28 -pic* Don't fucking tweet me unless you have sent tribute! Idiots!
07'29 -pic* Contrails my ass. #contrails #contrailsmyass #chemtrails
08'31 -pic* #contrailsmyass #chemtrails
09'09 -pic* #obviousasfuck #chemtrails
09'15 -pic* Virginia #chemtrails. #fakeclouds #sprayedonweather
09'30 -pic* @Tayoneo1234 Hahahaha, no. Not at all.
10'01 -pic* WUT
09'29 -pic* Giraffes are beautiful
09'27 -pic* Need I say more?
08'26 -pic* RT if you know you're in trouble #assworship #heelfetish #FemDom
09'11 We cannot trust in our own strength, but only in Jesus and in his mercy.
09'06 Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
He seeks us out and he stays near us even though we are sinners, indeed because we are sinners.
09'02 The Christian who does not feel that the Virgin Mary is his or her mother is an orphan.
09'28 Reminder for those losing at winning my attention: I am attracted to shiny objects. #findom
09'14 @jennywantsugar may I pay
06'25 @GiovanniMiche16 Because I've fucked with your brain so much your somatosensory cortex is bewildered. #psychological #underfoot
06'25 @slavetofeet2 My feet are independent necromancers.
10'02 Stupid little losers ALWAYS come crawling back with their tail between their legs! #iamthebest #comebackformore
06'08 The Mistress withdraws, yet the ticking of your atomic clock still resonates.
Distance does not negate #underfoot.
06'16 -pic* It's called "Financial Domination". Want to play?
06'19 @SirLukeWagstaff Scars are merely evidence of a good time.
06'19 @SirLukeWagstaff Only a more permanent memento.
05'18 -pic* time for Sunday brunch #mistress #findom
@TheMistressVee sheer perfection. the lithe and svelte frame, impeccably dressed, that contains a Tigress
@Cuck4Snowbunny Indeed.
@TheMistressVee thanks for showing us a little of the bottoms of Your shoes, Ma'am
@Jpfootslave You know what you would be doing...
@TheMistressVee my mind wanders so many possibilities, Ma'am...
@Jpfootslave Well, walking all over you would be the first order of business, leaving a trail of heel prints... PHOTO
05'11 -pic* Oh, the flattery. Let's replace the words with something tangible, i.e. cash.
10'01 I am your unrequited love. #mistress
09'27 @SugarKovalczyk I agree. Qualities often associated with patriarchy are not all negative.
09'27 @BCbob11 "In appreciation of your treatise on the governance and subjugation of the submissive male."
You're welcome. #domina
08'01'14 -pic* @vic_toria813 you know me so well!!
10'03 Never run away from your problems, unless your problems are overweight security guards who just caught you shoplifting.
10'03 If you don't stop giving me ultimatums, we're finished.
10'03 If I could choose, being eaten by lions while David Attenborough narrates would be my ideal way to go.
10'03 "Life is a flower of which love is the honey." Victor Hugo
10'03 I love people. I think that's hateful enough.
09'12 "9/11" was terrible, but I think the truth about it is even worse.
10'02 -pic* me n u
10'03 -pic* @qixdoxobxip coffee cat
10'03 @lifessubatomic You have no idea what this does to the muscle fibers of my heart.
10'03 -pic* An albino lion enjoying a smooch.
10'03 @adamrensch Thom Yorke?
10'02 I don't like being so busy. Too broke for that shit.
09'12 When I hear people say they still think 9/11 was done by a foreign enemy, I shake my head.
The truth is so clear and so easily obtainable.
@LOLMaddy yeah, criminal cases are legend. Sherlock etc. the TV's full of it, day in, day out.
but "9/11" isn't a conspiracy @heatherjayy23
10'03 @cosmopinciotti @heatherjayy23 lol cause I care to listen to someone who's picture is a mushroom
09'07 -pic* the sun with sun glasses
10'01 -pic* Raw Cucumber Avocado Sushi
09'29 -pic* Broccoli-Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms
09'29 -pic* Sushi
10'03 You can't just add "but for your penis" to a word and call it a fucking joke.
01'26 -pic* angles
01'25 I don't like being told what to do, unless I'm naked.
10'01 -pic* random pic... to make you feel all slavey and stuff #FemDom #Stockings #Legs #Boobs #FemaleDomination
09'26 -pic* Lovely weather today in England... got to sun my bum a bit again... between doing naughty things
09'30 Can't help but admire the creative kinky mind of @MistressTdotnet. She is absolutely brilliant!!!
11'14'12 Woah. That's weird. Someone actually told the truth for once. How do I deal with this!?
09'11 If I was a victim of 9/11, would I find it more disrespectful to my memory, that people seek the truth, or that people buy the lies?
10'03 @Stanky_Pickles LMFAO! Paxton made him a card when he was 5 that said "happy birthday Clit!"
09'07 @hackneywick1 basically right but people love to believe in many fundamental things that are just cultural phantasms really... @Consensus911
08'31 @natalietran give me five hours
10'03 Peter Russell on Consciousness: The Global Brain (1983) VIDEO
09'27 -pic* the sweet diaphanous Dani at sixteen
08'16 -pic* My Swiss colleague and I drive off into the sunset in search of urolagnic, mycopedophiliological truth. BOOK Mushrooms and Mankind. The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion
09'30 Lizard tongues everywhere
09'30 Skeleton angel on a blood planet Skeleton angel on a blood planet
09'30 One of these days and it won't be long, you'll look for me, but baby I'll be gone...
09'29 @nyctogenesis the only eternal thing are words
10'03 @carli_pi @DanielleJanof tenderest Fupasmooch on the subject 'How would you describe a cocknitive connection?'
10'03 @cosmopinciotti @carli_pi You are my favorites. It is as if a sex hex. Venereal from comely men, though. Electric mystery and we are magic.
@DanielleJanof you're half my age but at least 3 times more magical than me in terms of poetic talent, Gaara girl. what a pleasure @carli_pi
09'28 A compass for my feelings.
09'28 I love the night air
09'28 Will thou excuse me? I'm merely going to rip my heart out, throw it into the stars, and catch it on a spear.
09'27 I want to work out in the sky.
09'02 I love my wife 100%, but if she ever laughs at the Southwest flight attendant's pre-flight safety announcement jokes, this thing is over.
08'08 There are people out there attracted to women who eat peanut butter out of the jar while editing youtube videos, right? RIGHT?
09'30 I'm so happy for George Clooney. I thought he'd never recover from our breakup.
08'23 You don't choose who you fall in love with...but I usually fall in love with rich people. #love
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Redeleted Retweets 29 August – 7 September 2014
08'29 lost in connotation
11'15'13 -pic* you misspelled 'useless' #INTJ
07'03 -pic* The social media prenup is for real ARTICLE WEBSITE
08'24 -pic* Information alone is meaningless.
Need to create the connections for knowledge, and focus on key areas for wisdom.
08'25 I just need him to fall in love with me so I can decide if I like him or not.
08'26 The problem is that my soulmate would be smart enough to stay away from me.
08'07 @trutherbot I didn't find it that shocking only because Buddha said the same shit 2600 years ago.
Then Zeno said it better 2400 years ago
08'28 "Voting" within this fraudulent system empowers this fraudulent system...
The UNITED STATES is a corporation not a Constitutional Republic
04'22 Do you think our kids refer to us as numbers like we do? For example: 43 is in the bathroom crying again.
08'29 Do other types really not experience these intense, all-consuming, paradigm-shifting emotions? #mbti #infj
08'30 @LisaEinSeattle It's crazy, and uncontrollable, and frustrating...
06'14 Ahhhh my mom just breathlessly talked at me for 3 hours straight! #drained
@AmandaRLeonard it took about a half hour to extricate myself. Now hiding in my bedroom.
@cnstantstranger my bathroom is my sanctuary.
@AmandaRLeonard I can only take so much before I just glaze over.
08'30 Cats are just really good ninja disguises. Pardon? Dogs? Dogs are dogs, don't be fucking stupid.
08'29 What say you #INFJ list? RT @davidrock101 "Why the Myers Briggs is totally meaningless" ARTICLE
@jfoster58 I've seen this before and it greatly annoys me. For starters, it's just a summary that relies heavily on @AdamMGrant's article.
@cnstantstranger I haven't done enough research to make a good judgment.
Just know Myers-Briggs was life-changing/affirming for me.
@jfoster58 I thought this was a good rebuttal to Grant's ARTICLE
@cnstantstranger I was thinking along those lines. Important to separate self-awareness value and predictive value.
@cnstantstranger Had I relied on predictive power of MBTI I would not be happily partnered with an ISTP!
@inhumanbeings @cnstantstranger I think ability to appreciate difference is as important as compatibility by type.
@inhumanbeings Yes, I'm really skeptical of using MBTI to make hiring decisions, for example.
Terrible misuse based on narrow understanding.
08'30 Trying to convince myself that what makes me happy isn't necessarily right
08'31 Don't get me wrong, I have feelings, I just don't want to talk about them.
And they have to throttle me into admitting they're there.
08'31 The last time someone wanted to talk about feelings I shouted "look over there!"
And then hid behind my couch.
08'28 -pic* "The Best Way Out Is Always Through." Robert Frost #Quote #RoadLessTravelled
08'31 When I first came to Twitter I thought this is where they wrote the sayings for fortune cookies.
08'30 -pic* 3 of The Most Dangerous Half Truths in #Entrepreneurship ARTICLE via @smallbiztrends by @TimBerry
08'03 I dream about people I've never met. They seem to know me pretty well.
08'15 -pic* Sea otter/walrus snout derp.
06'04 @stuffshethought I do love to stomp faces... with a smile on mah face.
05'29 -pic* @77StephanieG77 ditto
08'20 I'm the manager of all things apparently.
02'12 Sorry I tried to breastfeed your husband.
11'04'13 It's like you aren't supposed to yell BORING when your kid is telling you about their day.
08'30 It puts my avi on it's TL or it gets the hose again.
06'15 Not sure who's the moth and who's the flame here.
05'30 It's not what you said, it's the way you said it...
07'28 -pic* "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled." #MarkTwain #quote
08'17 Plot twist: we start appreciating all the little shit we take for granted every day instead of being bitches about it.
08'31 I hear what you're saying. I just wish that I could feel it.
09'02 @lifessubatomic I think they need to be flogged first.
05'07 -pic* become one with nature
08'15 Has anyone ever asked a clam just how fucking happy it is?
09'02 I have realized over the last few months that I am more of an introvert than I thought.
I have strong hermit tendencies.
09'01 Person on stilts trips and falls into a fountain. Everyone rushes to help.
Me? I laughed until I cried. *going to hell*
09'01 In ancient Egypt exploration of the mysteries was no mere theoretical pursuit.
The story of the BLUE LOTUS
09'02 @Graham__Hancock part of the problem is that alternative sites like these have kooky designs.
mainstream design will lend credibility
05'13'13 It's always a special moment when you see someone online insult someone by calling them a "looser".
09'02 feel your way home
08'29 -pic* my sweet baby angel pie
08'30 -pic* me at dawn and me at dusk
01'04 -pic* Cassie says "Leave me alone, I'm snacking..."
08'22 -pic* pumpkin seeds are always good to nibble
09'02 -pic* Relaxing with the boy.
06'06 -pic* #worldrecord #slackline walk by #Austria's Michael Kemeter
10'08'12 Austrian daredevil walks across French canyon with no safety rope #wtf ARTICLE
08'31 @lifessubatomic someone should kick Greg in the vagina
09'01 Brain, why must you always imagine the extremes? #relax
09'01 @OutreDragon @lifessubatomic welcome to the EnneaType 6, where worst case scenarios are a normal daily component of the thought processes.
09'01 @lifessubatomic that's a good perspective. How we label something can really affect our perception of it.
08'31 -pic* 28 Amazing PHOTOS of Lighthouses via @brasonja @chinneolhungdim
07'12 -pic* mushroom variety at @markthalle9 #foodporn @and2611
09'03 The psychedelic experiments of the McKenna brothers ARTICLE
08'18 -pic* plenty of people supporting Baphomet statue as $28,000 was raised, surpassing goal by $8,000 ARTICLE
08'30 -pic* Visit our online shop LATEX KLEDING and have fun
09'04 @lifessubatomic I miss the way I used to feel about love, but I think I'm more realistic now.
07'21 -pic* @hotlatexbabe Gorgeous grey. Amazing
09'02 @shadow_abyss @BhaINFJaan it seems like with astrology people tend to pick out the parts that apply to them and ignore the rest, no?
08'23 -pic* Stunning: 28 Magical Paths Begging to be Walked PHOTOS #travel #wanderlust
09'03 People who say they don't need anyone's approval are usually the ones that need it the most.
08'26 -pic* Meanwhile in Japan RT @nippon_en: Spotted on a Chiba Prefecture expressway
08'29 -pic* Incredible photo of Mount Tavurvur erupting in Papua New Guinea today (Oliver Bluett/AFP)
09'05 @cosmopinciotti that was quite an intriguing read. In my youth I had extensive experience with psychedelics. They changed me for the better.
09'05 You are disgorging intertwining leitmotifs throughout my dreams... how can I possibly find it stimulating to awaken from my mystical realm.
09'06 -pic* @MeetAnimals @kimwilliamz Do they all have the same in mind?
08'31 People who don't believe in Purgatory have never been on a church committee.
07'16 -pic* Nailed it.
07'05 -pic* Nailed it.
04'01 -pic* Nailed it.
02'26 -pic* Nailed it
08'27 It's not true at all, but it's satisfying
02'20 -pic* best tips to get JACKED
07'29 I love getting used for my vagina
08'30 -pic* As It Is In Heaven (2004)
08'29 -pic* This is the Most Dangerous Trail on Earth. Where Does It Lead WEBSITE
09'04 -pic* It's all a matter of perspective
04'22 -pic* "@crooked_jess: @EllenPage feel free to rename my dog!" Curtis!
04'22 I love renaming my friends dogs like a total jerk.
08'31 "This is one of the most important books I have ever had in my possession." Jordan Maxwell BOOK
08'29 You know how I know I'm watching a good show? They introduce a sexy priest.
04'13'13 I'm at my parenting best when I randomly yell out "be careful!" every few minutes without looking up from my phone.
08'27 The best part of being passive aggressive is well, you're smart, I'm sure you'll figure it out.
02'26 Julian Wash: Architects of Society and the Power of Division BLOG POST
08'05 Jordan Maxwell VIDEO "Important Mushrooms"
08'31 Jordan Maxwell – Books The Church DOES NOT Want You To Read VIDEO
11'15'13 -pic* you misspelled 'useless' #INTJ
07'03 -pic* The social media prenup is for real ARTICLE WEBSITE
08'24 -pic* Information alone is meaningless.
Need to create the connections for knowledge, and focus on key areas for wisdom.
08'25 I just need him to fall in love with me so I can decide if I like him or not.
08'26 The problem is that my soulmate would be smart enough to stay away from me.
08'07 @trutherbot I didn't find it that shocking only because Buddha said the same shit 2600 years ago.
Then Zeno said it better 2400 years ago
08'28 "Voting" within this fraudulent system empowers this fraudulent system...
The UNITED STATES is a corporation not a Constitutional Republic
04'22 Do you think our kids refer to us as numbers like we do? For example: 43 is in the bathroom crying again.
08'29 Do other types really not experience these intense, all-consuming, paradigm-shifting emotions? #mbti #infj
08'30 @LisaEinSeattle It's crazy, and uncontrollable, and frustrating...
06'14 Ahhhh my mom just breathlessly talked at me for 3 hours straight! #drained
@AmandaRLeonard it took about a half hour to extricate myself. Now hiding in my bedroom.
@cnstantstranger my bathroom is my sanctuary.
@AmandaRLeonard I can only take so much before I just glaze over.
08'30 Cats are just really good ninja disguises. Pardon? Dogs? Dogs are dogs, don't be fucking stupid.
08'29 What say you #INFJ list? RT @davidrock101 "Why the Myers Briggs is totally meaningless" ARTICLE
@jfoster58 I've seen this before and it greatly annoys me. For starters, it's just a summary that relies heavily on @AdamMGrant's article.
@cnstantstranger I haven't done enough research to make a good judgment.
Just know Myers-Briggs was life-changing/affirming for me.
@jfoster58 I thought this was a good rebuttal to Grant's ARTICLE
@cnstantstranger I was thinking along those lines. Important to separate self-awareness value and predictive value.
@cnstantstranger Had I relied on predictive power of MBTI I would not be happily partnered with an ISTP!
@inhumanbeings @cnstantstranger I think ability to appreciate difference is as important as compatibility by type.
@inhumanbeings Yes, I'm really skeptical of using MBTI to make hiring decisions, for example.
Terrible misuse based on narrow understanding.
08'30 Trying to convince myself that what makes me happy isn't necessarily right
08'31 Don't get me wrong, I have feelings, I just don't want to talk about them.
And they have to throttle me into admitting they're there.
08'31 The last time someone wanted to talk about feelings I shouted "look over there!"
And then hid behind my couch.
08'28 -pic* "The Best Way Out Is Always Through." Robert Frost #Quote #RoadLessTravelled
08'31 When I first came to Twitter I thought this is where they wrote the sayings for fortune cookies.
08'30 -pic* 3 of The Most Dangerous Half Truths in #Entrepreneurship ARTICLE via @smallbiztrends by @TimBerry
08'03 I dream about people I've never met. They seem to know me pretty well.
08'15 -pic* Sea otter/walrus snout derp.
06'04 @stuffshethought I do love to stomp faces... with a smile on mah face.
05'29 -pic* @77StephanieG77 ditto
08'20 I'm the manager of all things apparently.
02'12 Sorry I tried to breastfeed your husband.
11'04'13 It's like you aren't supposed to yell BORING when your kid is telling you about their day.
08'30 It puts my avi on it's TL or it gets the hose again.
06'15 Not sure who's the moth and who's the flame here.
05'30 It's not what you said, it's the way you said it...
07'28 -pic* "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled." #MarkTwain #quote
08'17 Plot twist: we start appreciating all the little shit we take for granted every day instead of being bitches about it.
08'31 I hear what you're saying. I just wish that I could feel it.
09'02 @lifessubatomic I think they need to be flogged first.
05'07 -pic* become one with nature
08'15 Has anyone ever asked a clam just how fucking happy it is?
09'02 I have realized over the last few months that I am more of an introvert than I thought.
I have strong hermit tendencies.
09'01 Person on stilts trips and falls into a fountain. Everyone rushes to help.
Me? I laughed until I cried. *going to hell*
09'01 In ancient Egypt exploration of the mysteries was no mere theoretical pursuit.
The story of the BLUE LOTUS
09'02 @Graham__Hancock part of the problem is that alternative sites like these have kooky designs.
mainstream design will lend credibility
05'13'13 It's always a special moment when you see someone online insult someone by calling them a "looser".
09'02 feel your way home
08'29 -pic* my sweet baby angel pie
08'30 -pic* me at dawn and me at dusk
01'04 -pic* Cassie says "Leave me alone, I'm snacking..."
08'22 -pic* pumpkin seeds are always good to nibble
09'02 -pic* Relaxing with the boy.
06'06 -pic* #worldrecord #slackline walk by #Austria's Michael Kemeter
10'08'12 Austrian daredevil walks across French canyon with no safety rope #wtf ARTICLE
08'31 @lifessubatomic someone should kick Greg in the vagina
09'01 Brain, why must you always imagine the extremes? #relax
09'01 @OutreDragon @lifessubatomic welcome to the EnneaType 6, where worst case scenarios are a normal daily component of the thought processes.
09'01 @lifessubatomic that's a good perspective. How we label something can really affect our perception of it.
08'31 -pic* 28 Amazing PHOTOS of Lighthouses via @brasonja @chinneolhungdim
07'12 -pic* mushroom variety at @markthalle9 #foodporn @and2611
09'03 The psychedelic experiments of the McKenna brothers ARTICLE
08'18 -pic* plenty of people supporting Baphomet statue as $28,000 was raised, surpassing goal by $8,000 ARTICLE
08'30 -pic* Visit our online shop LATEX KLEDING and have fun
09'04 @lifessubatomic I miss the way I used to feel about love, but I think I'm more realistic now.
07'21 -pic* @hotlatexbabe Gorgeous grey. Amazing
09'02 @shadow_abyss @BhaINFJaan it seems like with astrology people tend to pick out the parts that apply to them and ignore the rest, no?
08'23 -pic* Stunning: 28 Magical Paths Begging to be Walked PHOTOS #travel #wanderlust
09'03 People who say they don't need anyone's approval are usually the ones that need it the most.
08'26 -pic* Meanwhile in Japan RT @nippon_en: Spotted on a Chiba Prefecture expressway
08'29 -pic* Incredible photo of Mount Tavurvur erupting in Papua New Guinea today (Oliver Bluett/AFP)
09'05 @cosmopinciotti that was quite an intriguing read. In my youth I had extensive experience with psychedelics. They changed me for the better.
09'05 You are disgorging intertwining leitmotifs throughout my dreams... how can I possibly find it stimulating to awaken from my mystical realm.
09'06 -pic* @MeetAnimals @kimwilliamz Do they all have the same in mind?
08'31 People who don't believe in Purgatory have never been on a church committee.
07'16 -pic* Nailed it.
07'05 -pic* Nailed it.
04'01 -pic* Nailed it.
02'26 -pic* Nailed it
08'27 It's not true at all, but it's satisfying
02'20 -pic* best tips to get JACKED
07'29 I love getting used for my vagina
08'30 -pic* As It Is In Heaven (2004)
08'29 -pic* This is the Most Dangerous Trail on Earth. Where Does It Lead WEBSITE
09'04 -pic* It's all a matter of perspective
04'22 -pic* "@crooked_jess: @EllenPage feel free to rename my dog!" Curtis!
04'22 I love renaming my friends dogs like a total jerk.
08'31 "This is one of the most important books I have ever had in my possession." Jordan Maxwell BOOK
08'29 You know how I know I'm watching a good show? They introduce a sexy priest.
04'13'13 I'm at my parenting best when I randomly yell out "be careful!" every few minutes without looking up from my phone.
08'27 The best part of being passive aggressive is well, you're smart, I'm sure you'll figure it out.
02'26 Julian Wash: Architects of Society and the Power of Division BLOG POST
08'05 Jordan Maxwell VIDEO "Important Mushrooms"
08'31 Jordan Maxwell – Books The Church DOES NOT Want You To Read VIDEO
Redeleted Retweets 28 – 30 September 2014
04'18'13 -pic* preview #Cooked: some stinky cheese...
04'17'13 -pic* quote from #Cooked: "The microwave oven is as antisocial as the cook fire is communal."
09'10 They never put the amount of regret on the nutrition label.
10'04'12 @jacqui @ejacqui I'm still waiting for life to STOP feeling like an episode of Twin Peaks.
09'11 Fuck. PHOTO -CHECK-
09'19 Watch Twin Peaks with me and touch my butt so I know it's real.
09'28 Sometimes I wanna create brilliant works of art, and other times I just wanna draw dicks on things.
07'31 -pic* Boise's Twin Peaks newest Hostess, yours truly.
09'17 -pic* Cooper and Diane
08'03 -pic* Join us as we examine the mammoth Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery Blu-ray Collection
09'26 Spanish Fashion Label Designs Twin Peaks Clothing for the Audrey Hornes and Laura Palmers of Today
09'28 A damn fine interview with Sherily Fenn, and damn fine comments from the appreciative crowd. INTERVIEW
08'02 -pic* Miss Chriss
08'29 -pic* Miss Chriss
09'28 -pic* #OccupyCentral begins in Hong Kong ARTICLE
06'02'12 Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio talks to Neil Kramer about his new book The Unfoldment
07'02'12 Ted Torbich talks to Neil Kramer on The Stench of Truth radio show, part of the Inception Radio Network
09'29'12 Neil Kramer talks to Greg Moffitt, independent journalist and host of Legalise Freedom Radio
11'20'12 Henry James Borys talks to Neil Kramer on Mind Matters Radio
04'17'13 Thatcher – Agent of the Unreal: When a prominent public figure bites the bullet, the corporate media is not in the business of providing truthful reflections of their life... WEBSITE
09'27'13 The Journey of Divine Will: Neil Kramer talks to Henrik Palmgren, host of Red Ice Radio.
11'19'13 Cult Of The God-Men: "For 237 years, there has been a determined campaign to reign in the unruly experimental republic of the USA. The second term of President Obama is 100% about implementing an extraordinary new phase of this grand maneuver." ARTICLE
09'23 -pic* fear---ignorance---hate
08'12 Quantum Mechanics Reveals How We Are All Truly Connected
08'18 "The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish." Terence McKenna PHOTO
02'17'13 "Unexamined cultural values and limitations of language have made us unwitting prisoners of our own assumptions." Terence McKenna
02'21'13 "We have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the love and the community to produce a kind of human paradise. But we are led by the least among us. The least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary. We are led by the least among us, and we do not fight back against the dehumanizing values that are handed down as control icons." Terence McKenna
11'30 "Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable." Terence McKenna
05'01'13 "Personal Empowerment means deconditioning yourself from the values and the programs of the society and putting your own values and programs in place." Terence McKenna
06'14'13 "Culture is a perversion. It fetishizes objects, creates consumer mania, it preaches endless forms of false happiness, endless forms of false understanding in the form of squirrelly religions and silly cults. It invites people to diminish themselves and dehumanize themselves by behaving like machines." Terence McKenna
09'17 "We tend to disempower ourselves. We tend to believe that we don't matter. And in the act of taking that idea to ourselves we give everything away to somebody else, to something else." Terence McKenna PHOTO
02'06 Opaque Lens talks to Neil Kramer on Shamanic Freedom Radio
07'18 Roots of Hidden Reality. Neil Kramer talks to Mel Fabregas, host of Veritas Radio.
09'08 Neil Kramer – Guerrilla Psychonautics. Full Presentation VIDEO
09'27 -pic* girl bites lion
09'27 Shout out to people who quietly enjoy my web presence.
09'27 Any moment I don't have a notification on Twitter or Facebook is a failure.
09'27 I'm not sure if I've lost weight or gained weight but I look GREAT.
09'24 @HEELZiggler @RealTenaciousD You are the greatest person ever and I will write you an anthem anytime you want.
09'14 Why put anything in your body you're not totally crazy about?
08'03 I just left a party because I missed my phone.
09'14 -pic* This Halloween, I promise I will be a little more creative with my pumpkin designs!
08'04 -pic* Gusting solar winds and blasts of charged particles from the sun give us this amazing spectacle of lights.
08'02 -pic* The constellation Sagittarius glows at the left, with Scorpios on the right. Stunning!
12'24 If Michael Cera doesn't start a t-shirt company just so he could have the slogan "Try Cera Tops" well, then he's an asshole.
09'29 @AnnieCatten I was called a Cracker by a Twinkie tonight.
I don't care about football. 09'30 @Maineshvlbum and it can suck my dick.
09'29 Them: I don't understand how your mind works.
Me: don't try too hard. You'll just hurt yourself.
09'28 If you feel a strange tingle that's me thinking about biting you.
09'30 People who think they're important and therefore deserve my attention usually end up very disappointed.
07'26'13 Ken Robinson: How To Change Education – From The Ground Up VIDEO
03'25 -pic* RT @jabucky92: "Best book I ever read. This has been the adventure I needed."
thank you. delighted to know that. Ken Robinson: The Element – How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything
06'18 -pic* RT @andyvanweele: "What an amazing read!" #edchat #creativity
thank you. delighted you think so. Ken Robinson: Out Of Our Minds – Learning To Be Creative
04'10 -pic* "You cannot improve education by alienating the profession that carries it out."
@SirKenRobinson @CurtisCFEE @joe_bower So so true. So what next?
06'13 -pic* RT @AbundantLion: "Finding Your Element trade paperback is hitting national bestsellers lists" Thanks for news. Ken Robinson: Finding Your Element – How To Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life
12'07 Check out my Size Matters Twisted Triplets Nipple and Clit Suckers Review
09'25 -pic* a total must for next cling wrap scene
08'30 -pic* my first cozy experience in the #VacBed
09'30 I'm not trying to undress the innuendos.
09'30 Jesuits' history shows trust in God amid trials, Pope Francis says
09'30 First woman appointed to a Vatican congregation joyful
08'17 -pic* Chaplin with Einstein
09'28 Think I'll totally disengage from Western "news" cycle. Layers upon layers of propaganda has become too absurd.
12'08 @BridgetPhetasy the trouble with meditation is that it's too much like sitting around doing nothing
09'28 -pic* fire nymph
09'23 -pic* miss you babes so much
09'20 Dirty talk is important. LEARN IT!!!
09'20 @Lypiphera_ Or a big hard cock. I mean, whatever, I'm not fussy.
09'20 It won't be the first or last time I humiliate my mother!
09'27 Your standards for strangers on the internet are too high.
09'25 Some of you take everything *way* to seriously.
09'26 I dreamed that @WryGuy77 seductively stripped me in front of everyone at the party.
09'23 you might be his reality, but I'm his fantasy
03'01'13 This is a fun game of let's get to know each other but not enough to be vulnerable.
09'27 I'm a debater. Forming an argument, backing it up with proof and facts and presenting it is fun.
09'27 @nymphspoly I appreciate you standing up for all of us poly people.
I don’t have the stomach to argue with bigots on Twitter.
09'27 I'm in a feisty mood tonight. You better watch out trolls, I'm coming for you.
09'27 @RyanMGasaway It isn't promiscuous sex. You are wrong again. I don't sleep with just anyone. I have sex with people I have a deep connection with and am typically in a relationship with. So again, you are wrong.
09'27 @kulturkampf33 Hardly. My husband is a introvert. My boyfriend is a middle ground type. And my lover is a severe quiet introvert. different personalities, different people help to contribute to my growth and me to theirs.
09'27 @kulturkampf33 If someone is that important to you, you find time. I am a college student full-time, work part time, have a husband, a BF, a lover, friends and family. And still time time for myself. You figure out what is important in your life. And not everybody wants or needs 100% attention all of the time.
09'23 "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Weak desire brings weak results." -Napoleon Hill
09'26 Kafka: Follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.
07'14'13 I swear, I just died #dead #funny #text #iphone #vagina #cult #sad PHOTO
07'21 -pic* Monday (coffee beans)
07'27 -pic* do work (bee)
08'01 -pic* blackberrying
08'03 -pic* made from scratch
08'08 -pic* I love agave
09'11 -pic* One bite, and all your dreams will come true.
09'01 -pic* Today's our 6th wedding anniversary!
07'11 -pic* Sunflowers are starting to bloom!
09'17 -pic* Time machine tune, earth angel.
09'07 Nola woke my mom up hysterically crying "They're all burning, the plane!"
The next day Chicago Flight 191 burst into flames, worst US crash.
09'30 The propaganda I'm seeing from the powers that be is mind boggling. They need new scripts.
09'06 I would have been burned at the stake.
09'10 Petrichor – the scent of rain on dry soil, it's all very scientific.
09'29 cosmic cellular connection
09'27 -pic* fawn and cat smooching
06'14 -pic* The Rain Falling Reminds Me Of You Because It's falling Hard And I'm Too
09'26 @cnstantstranger You're good at it, too. I've only caught you once.
09'12 Finally getting to read Quigley's Tragedy And Hope! WEBSITE
09'24 There is a kind of security in mediocrity.
04'17'13 -pic* quote from #Cooked: "The microwave oven is as antisocial as the cook fire is communal."
09'10 They never put the amount of regret on the nutrition label.
10'04'12 @jacqui @ejacqui I'm still waiting for life to STOP feeling like an episode of Twin Peaks.
09'11 Fuck. PHOTO -CHECK-
09'19 Watch Twin Peaks with me and touch my butt so I know it's real.
09'28 Sometimes I wanna create brilliant works of art, and other times I just wanna draw dicks on things.
07'31 -pic* Boise's Twin Peaks newest Hostess, yours truly.
09'17 -pic* Cooper and Diane
08'03 -pic* Join us as we examine the mammoth Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery Blu-ray Collection
09'26 Spanish Fashion Label Designs Twin Peaks Clothing for the Audrey Hornes and Laura Palmers of Today
09'28 A damn fine interview with Sherily Fenn, and damn fine comments from the appreciative crowd. INTERVIEW
08'02 -pic* Miss Chriss
08'29 -pic* Miss Chriss
09'28 -pic* #OccupyCentral begins in Hong Kong ARTICLE
06'02'12 Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio talks to Neil Kramer about his new book The Unfoldment
07'02'12 Ted Torbich talks to Neil Kramer on The Stench of Truth radio show, part of the Inception Radio Network
09'29'12 Neil Kramer talks to Greg Moffitt, independent journalist and host of Legalise Freedom Radio
11'20'12 Henry James Borys talks to Neil Kramer on Mind Matters Radio
04'17'13 Thatcher – Agent of the Unreal: When a prominent public figure bites the bullet, the corporate media is not in the business of providing truthful reflections of their life... WEBSITE
09'27'13 The Journey of Divine Will: Neil Kramer talks to Henrik Palmgren, host of Red Ice Radio.
11'19'13 Cult Of The God-Men: "For 237 years, there has been a determined campaign to reign in the unruly experimental republic of the USA. The second term of President Obama is 100% about implementing an extraordinary new phase of this grand maneuver." ARTICLE
09'23 -pic* fear---ignorance---hate
08'12 Quantum Mechanics Reveals How We Are All Truly Connected
08'18 "The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish." Terence McKenna PHOTO
02'17'13 "Unexamined cultural values and limitations of language have made us unwitting prisoners of our own assumptions." Terence McKenna
02'21'13 "We have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the love and the community to produce a kind of human paradise. But we are led by the least among us. The least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary. We are led by the least among us, and we do not fight back against the dehumanizing values that are handed down as control icons." Terence McKenna
11'30 "Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable." Terence McKenna
05'01'13 "Personal Empowerment means deconditioning yourself from the values and the programs of the society and putting your own values and programs in place." Terence McKenna
06'14'13 "Culture is a perversion. It fetishizes objects, creates consumer mania, it preaches endless forms of false happiness, endless forms of false understanding in the form of squirrelly religions and silly cults. It invites people to diminish themselves and dehumanize themselves by behaving like machines." Terence McKenna
09'17 "We tend to disempower ourselves. We tend to believe that we don't matter. And in the act of taking that idea to ourselves we give everything away to somebody else, to something else." Terence McKenna PHOTO
02'06 Opaque Lens talks to Neil Kramer on Shamanic Freedom Radio
07'18 Roots of Hidden Reality. Neil Kramer talks to Mel Fabregas, host of Veritas Radio.
09'08 Neil Kramer – Guerrilla Psychonautics. Full Presentation VIDEO
09'27 -pic* girl bites lion
09'27 Shout out to people who quietly enjoy my web presence.
09'27 Any moment I don't have a notification on Twitter or Facebook is a failure.
09'27 I'm not sure if I've lost weight or gained weight but I look GREAT.
09'24 @HEELZiggler @RealTenaciousD You are the greatest person ever and I will write you an anthem anytime you want.
09'14 Why put anything in your body you're not totally crazy about?
08'03 I just left a party because I missed my phone.
09'14 -pic* This Halloween, I promise I will be a little more creative with my pumpkin designs!
08'04 -pic* Gusting solar winds and blasts of charged particles from the sun give us this amazing spectacle of lights.
08'02 -pic* The constellation Sagittarius glows at the left, with Scorpios on the right. Stunning!
12'24 If Michael Cera doesn't start a t-shirt company just so he could have the slogan "Try Cera Tops" well, then he's an asshole.
09'29 @AnnieCatten I was called a Cracker by a Twinkie tonight.
I don't care about football. 09'30 @Maineshvlbum and it can suck my dick.
09'29 Them: I don't understand how your mind works.
Me: don't try too hard. You'll just hurt yourself.
09'28 If you feel a strange tingle that's me thinking about biting you.
09'30 People who think they're important and therefore deserve my attention usually end up very disappointed.
07'26'13 Ken Robinson: How To Change Education – From The Ground Up VIDEO
03'25 -pic* RT @jabucky92: "Best book I ever read. This has been the adventure I needed."
thank you. delighted to know that. Ken Robinson: The Element – How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything
06'18 -pic* RT @andyvanweele: "What an amazing read!" #edchat #creativity
thank you. delighted you think so. Ken Robinson: Out Of Our Minds – Learning To Be Creative
04'10 -pic* "You cannot improve education by alienating the profession that carries it out."
@SirKenRobinson @CurtisCFEE @joe_bower So so true. So what next?
06'13 -pic* RT @AbundantLion: "Finding Your Element trade paperback is hitting national bestsellers lists" Thanks for news. Ken Robinson: Finding Your Element – How To Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life
12'07 Check out my Size Matters Twisted Triplets Nipple and Clit Suckers Review
09'25 -pic* a total must for next cling wrap scene
08'30 -pic* my first cozy experience in the #VacBed
09'30 I'm not trying to undress the innuendos.
09'30 Jesuits' history shows trust in God amid trials, Pope Francis says
09'30 First woman appointed to a Vatican congregation joyful
08'17 -pic* Chaplin with Einstein
09'28 Think I'll totally disengage from Western "news" cycle. Layers upon layers of propaganda has become too absurd.
12'08 @BridgetPhetasy the trouble with meditation is that it's too much like sitting around doing nothing
09'28 -pic* fire nymph
09'23 -pic* miss you babes so much
09'20 Dirty talk is important. LEARN IT!!!
09'20 @Lypiphera_ Or a big hard cock. I mean, whatever, I'm not fussy.
09'20 It won't be the first or last time I humiliate my mother!
09'27 Your standards for strangers on the internet are too high.
09'25 Some of you take everything *way* to seriously.
09'26 I dreamed that @WryGuy77 seductively stripped me in front of everyone at the party.
09'23 you might be his reality, but I'm his fantasy
03'01'13 This is a fun game of let's get to know each other but not enough to be vulnerable.
09'27 I'm a debater. Forming an argument, backing it up with proof and facts and presenting it is fun.
09'27 @nymphspoly I appreciate you standing up for all of us poly people.
I don’t have the stomach to argue with bigots on Twitter.
09'27 I'm in a feisty mood tonight. You better watch out trolls, I'm coming for you.
09'27 @RyanMGasaway It isn't promiscuous sex. You are wrong again. I don't sleep with just anyone. I have sex with people I have a deep connection with and am typically in a relationship with. So again, you are wrong.
09'27 @kulturkampf33 Hardly. My husband is a introvert. My boyfriend is a middle ground type. And my lover is a severe quiet introvert. different personalities, different people help to contribute to my growth and me to theirs.
09'27 @kulturkampf33 If someone is that important to you, you find time. I am a college student full-time, work part time, have a husband, a BF, a lover, friends and family. And still time time for myself. You figure out what is important in your life. And not everybody wants or needs 100% attention all of the time.
09'23 "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Weak desire brings weak results." -Napoleon Hill
09'26 Kafka: Follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.
07'14'13 I swear, I just died #dead #funny #text #iphone #vagina #cult #sad PHOTO
07'21 -pic* Monday (coffee beans)
07'27 -pic* do work (bee)
08'01 -pic* blackberrying
08'03 -pic* made from scratch
08'08 -pic* I love agave
09'11 -pic* One bite, and all your dreams will come true.
09'01 -pic* Today's our 6th wedding anniversary!
07'11 -pic* Sunflowers are starting to bloom!
09'17 -pic* Time machine tune, earth angel.
09'07 Nola woke my mom up hysterically crying "They're all burning, the plane!"
The next day Chicago Flight 191 burst into flames, worst US crash.
09'30 The propaganda I'm seeing from the powers that be is mind boggling. They need new scripts.
09'06 I would have been burned at the stake.
09'10 Petrichor – the scent of rain on dry soil, it's all very scientific.
09'29 cosmic cellular connection
09'27 -pic* fawn and cat smooching
06'14 -pic* The Rain Falling Reminds Me Of You Because It's falling Hard And I'm Too
09'26 @cnstantstranger You're good at it, too. I've only caught you once.
09'12 Finally getting to read Quigley's Tragedy And Hope! WEBSITE
09'24 There is a kind of security in mediocrity.
Redeleted Retweets 24 – 27 September 2014
04'04 Now it is time to sing. It's all I know to do when I feel like a fool and a crazy person.
04'04 I'm so easily seduced by words, candy coated words, that I barely notice their hollow insides.
04'09 All my failed relationships have taught me what I'm looking for and what to avoid.
Then I fall in love and it all flies out the window...
04'09 I believe we are here on Earth to learn and the only way to really do that is the hard way: firsthand experience.
04'10 The more time goes by, the more I just want to found an INFJ colony somewhere and live amongst my people.
04'10 I'll be so grateful to see my shrink tonight.
She's not gonna know what hit her when I unleash this torrent of emotions, though.
04'17 Whatever they have to say about idle hands applies tenfold to my idle brain, which never misses a chance to lead me down a dark path.
04'17 I have to put mental blinders on so I can only look ahead towards the light at the end of the tunnel.
04'21 Part of me is attracted to darkness and melancholy. I find painful yearning romantic and familiar.
Makes it tough to move forward.
04'21 The longing is a stray cat that I keep feeding and then I wonder why it hangs around the door.
04'23 @Crunadh I understand that too.
Always subordinating my needs/feelings to keep others from discomfort. It's crazy-making behavior.
04'26 -pic* These poor keys are taking the brunt of my frustrations this morning.
04'26 Feelings of emptiness + isolating myself from others = I am broken.
04'27 I know I need to find fulfillment within but I've never once done this. How?
05'11 Are INFJs more likely than other types to develop Twitter crushes? #innocentquestion
05'12 @lifessubatomic It's scary to see a pattern in your own behavior that you never noticed before.
05'21 When you tell a sensitive person "Don't be SO sensitive" you could just as easily tell her not to be who she is. #hsp
04'27 @cnstantstranger So stressful. It's like living as an edited version of ourselves our whole lives!
It's very difficult to change this.
04'16 If you stop creating, your soul withers away.
Humans are impelled to make something new: to stop creating is to be a static robot.
08'21 Please retweet this, because it's perfect. It's exactly how human beings should live their lives.
08'01 #PeaceRevolution 084: Builders of Empire. How Fraternal Orders Create World Order PODCAST
08'01 @tragedyandhope Fantastic work.
Every time you release a new podcast I think to myself I can't believe he did it again! Unparalleled quality.
09'22 #thosethreewords freedom from religion
09'06 "Religious mysticism is intellectual garbage. It's a vestige of the old superstitious Dark Ages when nobody knew anything and the whole world was sinking deeper and deeper into filth and disease and poverty and ignorance.
It is one of those delusions that isn't called insane only because there are so many people involved."
09'17 Please sign and share this PETITION to ensure freedom FROM religion and barbaric blasphemy laws! #blasphemy
09'18 -pic* Fascinating: living in the most complex machine that mankind has built – ever. #ISS
09'13 I'm restoring the world to factory settings.
08'28 I apologize to some of you for the rest of you.
08'18 Next time I'm making everybody purple.
08'18 When a sentence begins "The unarmed black man was" and ends with "at least six times", the verb in the middle is usually not "hugged".
09'24 -pic* today's #Page3GirlOfTheDay is the steamy @Lucy__Vixen
09'17 Him: Can we stop talking about your charity and start talking about how you fill out that dress?
Me: No, we can not.
09'25 @INFJThinking @lifessubatomic I do these exercises to counteract the anxiety that makes me freeze.
Only one way for me: full immersion.
09'25 @INFJThinking @lifessubatomic However, I also have shared more than expected to, due to amazing advice and knowledge I've gained from here.
09'25 @lifessubatomic @INFJThinking This is the importance of things like journaling, and different arts. Self-expression.
09'25 It's interesting to watch people change based upon the people they're with and the situation they're in.
09'21 I love being who I am.
09'20 Sometimes when I'm in the midst of something, I am able to look at it and see how I'll remember/look back on it.
09'15 I worry and panic about small things, but when it comes to more important emergencies I am calm and focused.
09'08 I can't stand negativity. Maybe it's because I create enough of it for myself I can't hear it from others.
07'14 My new VIDEO! Jesus Christ, Sun of Righteousness. Please like, share and comment. #christianity #astrotheology
09'25 Christianity is another form of witchcraft.
A Mom is Rewriting "Harry Potter" to Replace Witchcraft With Christianity ARTICLE
09'25 This radio program mentions me/my work!
The Mythicist Perspective: Mythology as the Bedrock of Modern Religions VIDEO
09'23 What is Buddhism's relationship to Christianity? Did Christianity draw from Buddhism? BOOK #buddhism
09'25 When I lay on the ground and watch the clouds my head spins and I feel like I'm going to fall off the earth, the heaviest sort of lightness.
06'26 -pic* Sorry guys, I'm really bad at flirting.
07'18 -pic* Tea Leoni at the 'Madam Secretary' panel TCA Summer Press 2014 BLOG POST
09'25 QUOTE of the Day "If you ask an introvert a question, wait until she thinks about it. Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking. If you want to get to the good stuff, you need to slow down." @lauriehelgoe
09'21 QUOTE of the Day "Yes, introverts like and need quiet and solitude, but that's not the whole story. Introverts are people, and people need people. That's human nature. That's mental health. That's being part of the world. A lot of public discussion of introversion is about how WE WANT TO BE ALONE. But by emphasizing that, we might be doing ourselves a grave disservice, running the risk that people will take us at our word." @SophiaDembling
09'25 @RaidersJH12 my favorite wide spread your legs panic
09'26 I require a lot in a relationship, and I can recognize that, but it is not something I am willing to or can change.
09'25 People have been telling me I need to see a therapist since I've been 6. #INFJ
09'25 My feelings are valid and I'm not going to let people tell me otherwise.
09'26 @AmuseChimp INFJ, baby. #Terminatorvoice
09'25 @AmuseChimp @BhaINFJaan Monsieur Chimp, if you knew where I spent the first 27 years of my life, you'd run for the hills.
07'29 If it's OK to sky dive, bungee jump, drive fast cars and drink booze, why is it not OK to explore our own consciousness with psychedelics?
08'31 @rowwoo @PrisonPlanet Huxley was a key guy behind MKULTRA – Wasson was behind Subproject 58.
Huxley is the worst psychopath I've studied.
09'11 Lenon Honor interview – "9/11" and Cyclical, Fear-Based Mind Control in the Media #212 VIDEO
08'31 @Shadyy3z @GrandSnarkitech @joerogan Joe Rogan has certainly gone out slandering me and lying about my work. Ask why.
09'10 Clint Richardson: Putting the NSA and other intel spies on legal notice VIDEO
03'21'13 Last night Rupert Sheldrake challenged Chris Anderson, the head of TED, to ask... WEBSITE
12'03'12 Good science, like good religion, is a journey of discovery, a quest. Read more in this ARTICLE
01'2'11 "Culture is the effort to hold back the mystery, and replace it with a mythology." Terence McKenna
02'1'11 "Ideology always paves the way toward atrocity." Terence McKenna
06'17'11 "The real tension is not between matter and spirit, or time and space, the real tension is between information and nonsense." Terence McKenna
01'24 "People are so alienated from their own soul that when they meet their soul they think it comes from another star system."
09'13 "We are caged by our cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination." ARTICLE
04'04 @AbbyMartin His words are timeless!!
"The future of communication is the future of the evolution of the human soul." Terence McKenna
09'27 Navajo Nation to Receive $554 Million from US Government in Record Settlement | The Mind Unleashed WEBSITE
09'25 10 Toxic Relationships Mentally Strong People Avoid | The Mind Unleashed WEBSITE
12'11'11 "The internet is light at the end of the tunnel...it is creating a global society." TUMBLR
07'16 The cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation – best Terence McKenna memes ARTICLE
04'04 I'm so easily seduced by words, candy coated words, that I barely notice their hollow insides.
04'09 All my failed relationships have taught me what I'm looking for and what to avoid.
Then I fall in love and it all flies out the window...
04'09 I believe we are here on Earth to learn and the only way to really do that is the hard way: firsthand experience.
04'10 The more time goes by, the more I just want to found an INFJ colony somewhere and live amongst my people.
04'10 I'll be so grateful to see my shrink tonight.
She's not gonna know what hit her when I unleash this torrent of emotions, though.
04'17 Whatever they have to say about idle hands applies tenfold to my idle brain, which never misses a chance to lead me down a dark path.
04'17 I have to put mental blinders on so I can only look ahead towards the light at the end of the tunnel.
04'21 Part of me is attracted to darkness and melancholy. I find painful yearning romantic and familiar.
Makes it tough to move forward.
04'21 The longing is a stray cat that I keep feeding and then I wonder why it hangs around the door.
04'23 @Crunadh I understand that too.
Always subordinating my needs/feelings to keep others from discomfort. It's crazy-making behavior.
04'26 -pic* These poor keys are taking the brunt of my frustrations this morning.
04'26 Feelings of emptiness + isolating myself from others = I am broken.
04'27 I know I need to find fulfillment within but I've never once done this. How?
05'11 Are INFJs more likely than other types to develop Twitter crushes? #innocentquestion
05'12 @lifessubatomic It's scary to see a pattern in your own behavior that you never noticed before.
05'21 When you tell a sensitive person "Don't be SO sensitive" you could just as easily tell her not to be who she is. #hsp
04'27 @cnstantstranger So stressful. It's like living as an edited version of ourselves our whole lives!
It's very difficult to change this.
04'16 If you stop creating, your soul withers away.
Humans are impelled to make something new: to stop creating is to be a static robot.
08'21 Please retweet this, because it's perfect. It's exactly how human beings should live their lives.
08'01 #PeaceRevolution 084: Builders of Empire. How Fraternal Orders Create World Order PODCAST
08'01 @tragedyandhope Fantastic work.
Every time you release a new podcast I think to myself I can't believe he did it again! Unparalleled quality.
09'22 #thosethreewords freedom from religion
09'06 "Religious mysticism is intellectual garbage. It's a vestige of the old superstitious Dark Ages when nobody knew anything and the whole world was sinking deeper and deeper into filth and disease and poverty and ignorance.
It is one of those delusions that isn't called insane only because there are so many people involved."
09'17 Please sign and share this PETITION to ensure freedom FROM religion and barbaric blasphemy laws! #blasphemy
09'18 -pic* Fascinating: living in the most complex machine that mankind has built – ever. #ISS
09'13 I'm restoring the world to factory settings.
08'28 I apologize to some of you for the rest of you.
08'18 Next time I'm making everybody purple.
08'18 When a sentence begins "The unarmed black man was" and ends with "at least six times", the verb in the middle is usually not "hugged".
09'24 -pic* today's #Page3GirlOfTheDay is the steamy @Lucy__Vixen
09'17 Him: Can we stop talking about your charity and start talking about how you fill out that dress?
Me: No, we can not.
09'25 @INFJThinking @lifessubatomic I do these exercises to counteract the anxiety that makes me freeze.
Only one way for me: full immersion.
09'25 @INFJThinking @lifessubatomic However, I also have shared more than expected to, due to amazing advice and knowledge I've gained from here.
09'25 @lifessubatomic @INFJThinking This is the importance of things like journaling, and different arts. Self-expression.
09'25 It's interesting to watch people change based upon the people they're with and the situation they're in.
09'21 I love being who I am.
09'20 Sometimes when I'm in the midst of something, I am able to look at it and see how I'll remember/look back on it.
09'15 I worry and panic about small things, but when it comes to more important emergencies I am calm and focused.
09'08 I can't stand negativity. Maybe it's because I create enough of it for myself I can't hear it from others.
07'14 My new VIDEO! Jesus Christ, Sun of Righteousness. Please like, share and comment. #christianity #astrotheology
09'25 Christianity is another form of witchcraft.
A Mom is Rewriting "Harry Potter" to Replace Witchcraft With Christianity ARTICLE
09'25 This radio program mentions me/my work!
The Mythicist Perspective: Mythology as the Bedrock of Modern Religions VIDEO
09'23 What is Buddhism's relationship to Christianity? Did Christianity draw from Buddhism? BOOK #buddhism
09'25 When I lay on the ground and watch the clouds my head spins and I feel like I'm going to fall off the earth, the heaviest sort of lightness.
06'26 -pic* Sorry guys, I'm really bad at flirting.
07'18 -pic* Tea Leoni at the 'Madam Secretary' panel TCA Summer Press 2014 BLOG POST
09'25 QUOTE of the Day "If you ask an introvert a question, wait until she thinks about it. Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking. If you want to get to the good stuff, you need to slow down." @lauriehelgoe
09'21 QUOTE of the Day "Yes, introverts like and need quiet and solitude, but that's not the whole story. Introverts are people, and people need people. That's human nature. That's mental health. That's being part of the world. A lot of public discussion of introversion is about how WE WANT TO BE ALONE. But by emphasizing that, we might be doing ourselves a grave disservice, running the risk that people will take us at our word." @SophiaDembling
09'25 @RaidersJH12 my favorite wide spread your legs panic
09'26 I require a lot in a relationship, and I can recognize that, but it is not something I am willing to or can change.
09'25 People have been telling me I need to see a therapist since I've been 6. #INFJ
09'25 My feelings are valid and I'm not going to let people tell me otherwise.
09'26 @AmuseChimp INFJ, baby. #Terminatorvoice
09'25 @AmuseChimp @BhaINFJaan Monsieur Chimp, if you knew where I spent the first 27 years of my life, you'd run for the hills.
07'29 If it's OK to sky dive, bungee jump, drive fast cars and drink booze, why is it not OK to explore our own consciousness with psychedelics?
08'31 @rowwoo @PrisonPlanet Huxley was a key guy behind MKULTRA – Wasson was behind Subproject 58.
Huxley is the worst psychopath I've studied.
09'11 Lenon Honor interview – "9/11" and Cyclical, Fear-Based Mind Control in the Media #212 VIDEO
08'31 @Shadyy3z @GrandSnarkitech @joerogan Joe Rogan has certainly gone out slandering me and lying about my work. Ask why.
09'10 Clint Richardson: Putting the NSA and other intel spies on legal notice VIDEO
03'21'13 Last night Rupert Sheldrake challenged Chris Anderson, the head of TED, to ask... WEBSITE
12'03'12 Good science, like good religion, is a journey of discovery, a quest. Read more in this ARTICLE
01'2'11 "Culture is the effort to hold back the mystery, and replace it with a mythology." Terence McKenna
02'1'11 "Ideology always paves the way toward atrocity." Terence McKenna
06'17'11 "The real tension is not between matter and spirit, or time and space, the real tension is between information and nonsense." Terence McKenna
01'24 "People are so alienated from their own soul that when they meet their soul they think it comes from another star system."
09'13 "We are caged by our cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination." ARTICLE
04'04 @AbbyMartin His words are timeless!!
"The future of communication is the future of the evolution of the human soul." Terence McKenna
09'27 Navajo Nation to Receive $554 Million from US Government in Record Settlement | The Mind Unleashed WEBSITE
09'25 10 Toxic Relationships Mentally Strong People Avoid | The Mind Unleashed WEBSITE
12'11'11 "The internet is light at the end of the tunnel...it is creating a global society." TUMBLR
07'16 The cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation – best Terence McKenna memes ARTICLE
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