Friday, 19 December 2014

Outpourings of a Mushroom November 2014 pt 11

11'24 pietology: what is it "the heart"?

what process? a personal one as a social being or a social one by a number of persons?
"more than something you can own and hold" smells personally but doesn't really clarify the point. it too doesn't make it quite clear whether it's meant idealistically or just plain factually, or maybe even both.

"How you look for it is what matters most."
"truth", according to this definition, would be how I think about it, or, let's say, how a society seeks or handles "truth". a modus operandi, in other words, through which "truth" becomes whatever is being called "truthful". 
that's tautological: "truth" as just a token...
although this is right for its common usage, you can't solve a tricky subject with a tricky terminology

the fact that it's mostly loaded with moral pathos is, in my eyes, the worst aspect of this token, which makes it the uncoolest and most humorless word of all time.
all media are filled with "truth" and nonetheless, "9/11" shows the whole fucking system is a lie. even the fucking "9/11 truth movement" is a fucking lie!
everything and everybody is so FUCKED UP because of this fucking rhetorical joke called "truth".
as if we were condemned to act like preachers all the time...
it's the key element of this power play between smart and stupid.

@sibeledmonds simple story: if you face someone who isn't just let's say ten times more intelligent than yourself but really really really smart, what chance would you have in a power play? nearly none. 
a phenomenon no party wants to talk about... not a conspiracy. TWEET | TWEET 

and don't get me wrong, that's privately the same game as publicly.  
it's just too normal to have the faintest notion of the political nature of romantic thinking. this is a huge, complex and complicated issue. embodied by words like "truth", "heart", "god", "love" and others.

"truth isn't a matter of opinion or 'world view'. a belief that contradicts facts is false. period." TWEET

this is John Winsor's answer to everything.
not that helpful. it covers only a segment of a much larger terrain.
because of his inability to use another language he's nailed on the "truth" like Jesus on the cross.
he represents kind of the scientific level...
"I mean, science is really the plumbing level of reality." Terence McKenna TWEET | TRANSCRIPT

@WinsorJohn and what is with business truths? are they more reasonable or more wishful?
beliefs are also defined by hope and power relations... TWEET

the probably most accurate periphrasis or interpretation of your idea of "truth", I think, is "way of enlightenment".
whenever I come across the vocable truth, it always sounds to me as if they who use it would be positive that they've learned enough already TWEET

and that should be the only right to exist for this foolish term with its antiquated implications
"Truth was the last thing on my mind, and even if there was such a thing, I didn't want it in my house." Bob Dylan
"Veritas odium parit... Truth brings hatred." TWEET

does "truth" come in types, in your opinion?

because assuming someone's individual "truth" described the personal "way of enlightenment", "truth" was a synonym for personality. deducting the idealistic component, all you're saying is that "truth" is just life and what matters is how to live it.

well, I believe that this world could be far less hypocritical without its priestly attitude of constantly preaching "the truth".

"Woah. That's weird. Someone actually told the truth for once. How do I deal with this!?" TWEET

"I don't want a truth, I want to be void of questions.
I don't want to be inspired to question or think about stuff that doesn't concern me" TWEET
"this is not a truth I want, it's an absence I want. a great life/death would be a destruction of conscious, a void. that's a lullaby for me" TWEET 
"what one 'should do' is irrelevant, I suppose, likely. we only can ruminate until we don't." TWEET 

"Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover. Yet hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth." TWEET

Twitter is a good place for dirt diggers to study this absurdity of fractal absoluteness called "truth".
are you familiar with the MBTI grid? WIKIPEDIA 

you say, "truth" stands for the personal way of life, psychology says, personality changes from type to type, ergo "truth" must be typical. but what kind of "truth" is this?
because this kind of understanding of "truth" would be identical with the common notion of someone's "heart"...
and I don't know if it's attracted your attention already but the more somebody needs and preaches "the truth", the less they're interested to open this black box called "heart". a very peculiar but helpful contradiction once you've understood the social function or traditional significance of "truth".

the list of types of personality mirrors/parallels the spectrum of intuition: every type must have its own specific range/field/composition TWEET

now, INFJ is considered the rarest characteristic with probably the largest and most pronounced comfort zone.

part 1
"I wish I had x-ray vision, but for hearts."
@cnstantstranger not so difficult any longer once you really know what it is exactly TWEET
@cnstantstranger I'm thinking you may already have some ability to sense or feel what's in the hearts of others.
@AstroPistachio perhaps I do, in my own heart, but I'm still learning to silence the doubting voice in my head
"Maybe this is a case of 'be careful what you wish for'."
@cnstantstranger I don't think so. clarity can never be a handicap.
@cnstantstranger it would only be uncomfortable for those in my opinion who don't want to know what they're actually believing in precisely TWEET
@cnstantstranger you can lend my goggles for awhile, but careful, the power can be overwhelming.
@cnstantstranger I'm learning that not every heart is as gentle as an INFJ.
@findyourownroad True. It would hurt to learn that some people do not love us like we thought they did.
But we learn that anyway in time.
@findyourownroad Also, we might find that some people love us more than we suspected. That would be nice.
It's possible, right?

part 2
"My ability to coherently describe or discuss a subject is proportional to its distance from my heart."
@cnstantstranger you sound like someone with kind of an orbit and sort of an atmosphere... TWEET
@cosmopinciotti Perhaps? Can't get far enough away from myself to know for sure.
@cnstantstranger this isn't just a fascinating picture, it seems to be a good start to think about the heart in new, not too romantic ways.
@cnstantstranger let's consider romantic truths as being factual TWEET 
how could this fit in with the notion of intuition?

It's your intuition, it's your logic that you create with your life – rationally as much as romantically. TWEET
one's personal truth is the window to her or his intuition TWEET

there's one rule in the universe of intuition:
"the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding" TWEET

"We need to develop a new sense of the wonderful complexity of the self." TWEET


"the complex wave of...mystery is collapsed – into the word" TWEET

one's beliefs define one's intuition, and vice versa.
this feedback mechanism is the main part of what's called the heart TWEET

"They think they know the truth." Why Bad Science Is Like Bad Religion TWEET

no one believes what they don't think was true TWEET
and this type of civilization is characterized by the sad fact that the worst criminals can sell themselves as the biggest philanthropists TWEET

this very circumstance manifests itself in everyone's heart just by force of cultural habit.
if you need a conspiracy, this is the only one that's real, but the "patriot" who just watches and likes to believe the "9/11" mass murder is not less criminal than the "Jesuit" who planned and executed it for this very reason.@sibeledmonds WE ARE the conspiracy, NOT "9/11" TWEET
the notion of truth as such has in fact a conspiratorial nature...

"Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away from me." TWEET
@ImThatGentleman this is it in a nutshell: the heart, piety theory, the whole thing...
Loyola – loyalty – turns truths into knight's castles.

shout out to all contributors, these are remarkable days for the "9/11" Mushroom Foundation. TWEET
"That's deep. My life versus the truth." TWEET
"Life was so much more pleasant before I took the blinders off." TWEET

"truth" as such seems to be incomprehensible, because the smart ones don't want to give away its magical power, and the stupid ones don't want to look in their abyss of ignorance.
the "9/11" power play is symptomatic for everyday life situations... as extraterrestrial as it may appear, it's in reality not exotic at all. we play this game even with ourselves which makes the western mind this house of cards.

there's a schizophrenia here that is not academic. I mean, are we trying to get the patient well or are we pulling the plugs one by one? we seem to be acting in both dimensions simultaneously. and I think it's because we have not in this culture awakened to the depth of the crisis that surrounds us…the collapse of Marxism is only the collapse of the outer edge of the societal and civilizing assumptions that we have made. after all Marxism is nothing more that the millenarian retread of Christian millenarianism and so is modern science another secular retread of Christian millenarianism. so our culture is in trouble – not trouble, we are at a terminal crisis. a bifurcation that can only go one of two ways: horror beyond your wildest imagination or breakthrough to dignity, decency, community, and caring beyond your wildest imagination." Terence McKenna VIDEO | TRANSCRIPT

"comedians are one of the few people around who really have licence to tell the truth, you know. TV personalities don't really have it. comedians do. because ultimately, they are only responsible for themselves" TWEET | VIDEO "Totally Bill Hicks – It's Just A Ride" 1994

I think we need a completely and fundamentally new approach on this well-worn and ugly phenomenon of priestly poison.
"truth" is really nothing but a joke if you don't realize its dialectic history and practice.
I'm so sick of this word I can't hear it anymore. all noble motives in its name can go fuck themselves from now on. who says he knows "the truth" only says he knows it better, period. I'm done with it.
no, I will attack the fucker: I will show that "truth" means lying and that the lies are "true". good luck, Jesuitical Argument, against a theory of the blinders...

@OutreDragon precisely. and what's needed is some sort of "blindspotology" or "piety science"...
which doesn't exist. not even rudimentarily TWEET

I think, truth could be handled much better, if we consider it a basis of negotiation rather than being some sort of a firm and fixed price. TWEET

@Thunderflask she said her cognitive clitoris is excited and I shouted GROSS TWEET

the Trivium deals with the power play, that's right, unfortunately, it's blind for the romantic nature of the human soul TWEET

there are also some other new developments that seem very promising... like
The World Café BLOG POST
The Flow of Meaning TWEET 
Open Space Technology TWEET 

"truth" amplifies one-sidedness and arrogance much more than it helps to solve problems and clarify things.
"truth", hope, and "god" are the most devastating political instruments, mainly responsible for all the warfare that's going on. "truth" needs abolished, seriously. 
the only ones who really do need "truth" – like a drug – are those who actually intend to lie – to others as well as to themselves. you can get by without it if you're honest and creative enough.

in the end it's a question of consequence

put all these different types and instances of being inconsequentially together and you'll get a picture of what secret political power is made of TWEET

it was in the 16th century when one man went to Asia to conquer China for his organization... WIKIPEDIA 
the Jesuit spirituality doesn't know any scruples to achieve their goals. if it's necessary to murder millions of Jews to justify a Zionist state in the Middle East, no problem. TWEET 
Hiroshima/Nagasaki? TWEET 
this culture is thoroughly driven by a mafia mentality under the occult reign of the Black Pope

without a profound counter project to all varieties of Loyola's loyalty this will happen:
After 800 years, "9/11" has pulverized "habeas corpus" for a global audience...
consider this in relation to the rise of the World Wide Web. TWEET

"truth" is so disastrous because messianism is deeply ingrained psychologically.
rational and romantic notions merge into one another without being noticed. TWEET

"So much of it is about how we feel, rather than what we think."
@MsMielAbeille it's an illusion to believe these were different things. we feel-think or think-feel.
like body and soul form a unified whole. it's the reason why we don't differentiate rational from romantic notions. we always mix them together. TWEET | TWEET

"truth" creates and requires mindcuffs, and they are the disease

@lifessubatomic I don't believe that.
but I do believe "9/11" can't be understood as a conspiracy if it is in fact a disease of civilization TWEET

"he was making a statement about the human condition. he was saying 'it's hard for us to do this, just the way it's hard for you to do this.' I've discussed this with mushroom shamans in Mexico and Ayahuasqueros in South America. they say 'it is not easy to do this, it is not easy to plunge into this hallucinogenic maelstrom.  
no culture prepares you for the modalities of the psychedelic experience. a culture can give you personal authenticity, self-control and courage. these things will serve you well, but in terms of preparing you for what you will experience it's virtually inconceivable.'

I think that the great gift that is going to come out of ayahuasca is the ability to open our heads to each other, to truly deindividuate. to truly create for ourselves a group mind and now on a global scale.

you see, the masculine engineering mentality is just running along behind the feminist-shamanist parade, hard-wiring all the changes into technology. the engineering mentality doesn't believe it unless it turns on with the red light when you hit the button. but all that the engineering mentality can dream of or ever accomplish – it's in place in this vegetable matrix, this other way of doing it that doesn't give you much to show.  
no Amazonian shaman can point to an edifice like the World Trade Center, or an atom-smasher, or a moon probe, and say, the genius of my worldview allowed me to create these things. but the genius of their worldview allows them to create authentic caring, a reasonable transmission of gnosis from one generation to another, an ability to walk lightly on the earth, an ability to intuit the needs and feelings of other people. and this is what we lack is any sort of emotional sensitivity, any sort of ability to call on the rational mind at its roots to authenticate us personally in moments of stress and crisis.

the ego really is a poor substitute for authentic being.
and it's the poor substitute for authentic being that we have each and every one of us opted for: man, woman, oldster, child. the neurotic programing is so deep that it is very difficult to transcend it...the archaic consciousness lives! this is why we're so strongly drawn to involve ourselves with these archaic people. 
because we recognize that they have answers to questions that we couldn't even ask until the 1960s."

Terence McKenna and Nicole Maxwell – Amazonian Shamanism VIDEO 

"they tell me that they are doing this work to heal the world for everyone...that's exactly the point though.
the lack of novelty goes mostly unnoticed." BLOG POST

"as a result of the genocide which took place in the Americas in the guise of the conquest and inquisition, it is not surprising that traditional mushroom use went underground.  
ironically, in order to survive, the old religion was forced to blend its gods with the Catholic pantheon, and the outer trappings of conversion shielded the decidedly indigenous truth. the elder gods survived in various Christian guises while the population continued to practice divination, healing and age old shamanic ceremonies in the remoteness of the mountains. to this day the mushrooms are referred to as 'the little saints' and even the local priest in Huatla de Jimenez is said to ingest them so that he could talk directly with God." Kevin Furnas ARTICLE 

"If you can't explain it simply, then you don't know it well enough." #Einstein TWEET
Shut up, I know.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Outpourings of a Mushroom November 2014 pt 10

11'20 @DrugsPsych @whatwakeup loyalty/corporatism plays in another league than conspiracy/corruption.
it's like breaking someone's heart and thinking in terms of affairs of the heart without even wanting to know what it means precisely. two completely different worlds
11'20 @DrugsPsych @whatwakeup I mean, why can't psychologists define the heart?
because they know their science wouldn't work if you didn't believe in it.
11'20 @DrugsPsych @whatwakeup in other words, being corrupt is the most important basic requirement for a successful career in a loyal environment
11'23 "The deep corruption of government is putting the health of the American people at serious risk."
no corruption. corporate world government
11'20 @DrugsPsych @whatwakeup It's the difference between believing to know what's going on and denying to realize what you exactly do believe in.
@cosmopinciotti damn... thanks for the knowledge, man!
and yeah, I have no idea what's going on, and I don't believe in anything, so I don't know where I am.
@cosmopinciotti @DrugsPsych @whatwakeup It's a frenzy.
11'20 @lifessubatomic @DrugsPsych right. or  
a house of cards (McKenna) TUNNEL in a syndicate (Richardson) TWEET

10'14 -pic* You have to fight media lies, because if you believe absurdities you can commit atrocities, like the Holocaust of World War II.
@Partisangirl I agree! we all need to support the alternative media. they are the truth diggers.
  11'20 @sigtruth @Partisangirl let's talk about the idea of truth! TWEET cause that's a very tricky thing TWEET
@cosmopinciotti @Partisangirl Truth is a process more than something you can own and hold. 
How you look for it is what matters most.
  11'20 @Partisangirl @sigtruth America is being used today to unite the world like France (Napoleon) and Germany (Hitler) were used to unite Europe.
11'20 @Partisangirl @sigtruth
"The very concept of 'national sovereignty' is regarded by many countries as something relative." ARTICLE

"The stuff some people will laugh at. *some people being me"
11'21 @lifessubatomic how many are they? I mean... you
@cosmopinciotti more than you might recognize

"note to self: life's subatomic"
11'21 @RomeoDeVoid with the right stuff TWEET and the right attitude... TWEET 
@cosmopinciotti that would be heaven @RomeoDeVoid

"what weapons do you carry to protect that heart?"
11'21 @thedecadent_ why does the heart need protection? 
because it is responsible for you expectations – HOPE – and therefore open for sanctions?
Didn't you quote something recently about giving a person the smallest hope, they'll do almost anything?
11'21 @lifessubatomic it wasn't a quote TWEET no romantic beliefs without hope, you know TWEET 
@cosmopinciotti well then, no quote. A level headed conclusion extraordinaire.
11'21 @lifessubatomic Hitler couldn't have become the devil/mass murderer if he wasn't been regarded as an angel/wonder worker before his crusades.

"hope is the biggest mind fuck"
11'21 @knottedwings the size of the mind fuck called hope depends on its romantic proportions
@lifessubatomic I'm about to arrange, summarize, and further my thoughts about the best way how to deal with the concept of truth at the moment

11'21 @lifessubatomic Our civilization is characterized by the sad fact that the worst criminals can sell themselves as the biggest philanthropes.
@cosmopinciotti genius tends to have an element of sadness
11'21 @lifessubatomic contrary to common belief, I don't think it's a healthy condition...
which does govern everyday life TWEET
@cosmopinciotti you've got something, once you get it linear it'll be more readily appreciated by the masses.
I'd not be a good apologist for your cult, being that I'm only sucking the gist. However, the feel does seem authentic. It's possible they too might have the key to breaking me. If so, perhaps you can look for piety after.
or not, it's probably no longer interesting.
11'21 @lifessubatomic you really don't get it. LOL I'm EXCLUSIVELY in the understanding/clarification business, nothing else. which you DGAF about
  @cosmopinciotti I don't. You declare. You know what you're talking about. I'm ok with this, even if you aren't.
is it really my job to clarify the inner workings of man as a single entity? I don't have a reason to.
11'21 @lifessubatomic no, you have no reason to clarify anything in your subatomic and ectoplasmic existence TWEET that's for sure
@cosmopinciotti I am open, and waiting for a reason, I'm just not hunting.
I'm the herbivore of hunters of spiritual sustenance.
11'21 @lifessubatomic open as a sieve! I know how it feels to live among citizens of the GDR, I don't want to live in a world full of "potential Litvinenkos"

@cosmopinciotti so you are really invested in this Counter American Fall thing? not just some Looney with too much time on your hands? I can't actively help you, for the same reason you won't have children.
I'm just some stupid girl, no nothing worth it. Don't fool yourself, I do enough of that.
11'21 @lifessubatomic you can't be a help cause you're like the cognitive antipole.
to be understood seems the greatest nightmare scenario for you
@cosmopinciotti yeah. can you do me a favor and shoot me down all day? I kinda need it right now. it shouldn't matter if I care to be understood, not to the diligent observer. get back to kicking me please, Mr Distraction.
I want to lose hope again, because it's becoming too overwhelming.
@cosmopinciotti I accept that I'm a little well you dip into on your way to a blood bath. 
Olympians as yourself are the same in these ways.
  11'21 @lifessubatomic how can I be underway to a blood bath if the only thing I'm doing is trying to understand? another very peculiar example...
@cosmopinciotti shut up. thanks for not ever failing to let me know that I'm a total waste of life every time I'm looking for a reminder. you know very well the people and things you are 'trying to understand' don't want understanding.
  11'21 @lifessubatomic therefore my piety-theoretical approach: I want to figure out why is it that most people love to fool themselves day by day.
@cosmopinciotti like people who fool themselves so well into believing they have power that such power is manifested? "bypassing the dope"
  11'21 @lifessubatomic the Jesuits "only" inspire, quicken, and direct that. they cannot make you believe things which you would refuse point-blank
11'21 @lifessubatomic fooling themselves or fooling others goes hand in hand of course. 
it's like employers and employees on the level of the soul
11'21 @lifessubatomic that's precisely my point why corporatocracies are so monolithic, so Kafkaesque TWEET | TWEET

@cosmopinciotti but this is also, at the core, why all beliefs have grounding, with belief comes movement.
11'21 @lifessubatomic right. but if this whole topic remains a taboo there will be no democratic movement ever, just the usual psycho-military one
11'21 @cosmopinciotti Or you can just let the world dance as it will, and ignore pleas from those who want you to lead them, like I do.
11'21 @lifessubatomic how often have I to repeat this?
I don't intent to do anything else than to just understand. there's not one bit hope involved
@cosmopinciotti you have other readers, Cosmo Pinciotti... an audience.
what will you do, if you ever fall in love with hope?
11'21 @lifessubatomic consider for just a minute the immensity of this subject and for another minute why no-one has seriously thought about it so far
11'21 @lifessubatomic "a five-year mission in outer space to explore new boldly go where no man has gone before" something like that
  11'21 @lifessubatomic "9/11" builds upon that...
but "Patriot Microchip Implants" will change the whole game TWEET Pope Almighty
@cosmopinciotti it's been the plan they are taught to recognize as prophecy.
11'21 @lifessubatomic sure. theology is all about the most appropriate piety instruments for the sheep and the shepherd, adjusted to the zeitgeist
  11'22 @lifessubatomic with respect to Olympus WIKIMEDIA "you can only see as far as.." TWEET
it's as simple as that

"collective individualism: the essential ingredient to a vibrant, creative and coherent corporate culture"
11'21 @StevenP23 that's right TWEET "9/11" – just business as usual TWEET  
truth as another word for believing.
@cosmopinciotti BTW... Thanks for commenting.
I've been waiting a long time to find an opinion of any persuasion rather than mere 'noise'.
@StevenP23 Twitter seems to be a strange place to ponder about things like that, I guess... but I like it.
and for me it's really important.
@cosmopinciotti collectivism = not community, lets get that clear.
a collective has less compassion and more 'thought control' than a community.
11'21 @StevenP23 no doubt about that. but how collectivist is corporatism?
could you, for instance, answer this question? TWEET
@cosmopinciotti how collectivist is corporatism? How about, deliver value and you'll get paid. That's not community. Community = BE of value
11'22 @StevenP23 "a military hierarchy would be an example of vertical collectivism"
if you go to the roots of the system TWEET it will quickly become clear, you ARE of value VIDEO 
"Birth Certificate worth billions and Secure Creditor Q and A" government squats in the hearts... TWEET 
11'22 @StevenP23 we have internalized its mental essence TWEET
to be of value otherwise we really must understand what is going on

@cosmopinciotti @truthandshadows for sure I can't answer it. What I do know is we need a paradigm shift. 
Keep your values, loose your roots.
11'21 @StevenP23 how about a truth theory to get rid off this whole paradigm business? TWEET  I'll answer later. don't hold back!
@cosmopinciotti 'business' is omnipresent. love or hate it, it's another word for 'exchange'.
biz is agnostic. we make it better or worse
11'22 @StevenP23 right. we do business together, the same way we talk to each other, in my opinion. 
the market mentality is pretty much identical.
  @cosmopinciotti agree Twitter is limiting. but it creates a discipline to get to the point.
old 20th century corporate model fails community.
@StevenP23 I also use Tweet Tunnel or TwitLonger...
and Twitter has an unique feature, with a little bit discipline: TWEET
  @cosmopinciotti new structures needed for rapidly changing world – not sure what they are yet, but there's no escape... leadership required!
11'21 @StevenP23 have you heard of the World Café yet? TWEET
I'm thinking more about the basics as a first step, not that practically.
@cosmopinciotti uphhh!! It's good – self hatred and self self love are equally self centred! Decent thinking.
Hope self reflection is ok.
11'22 @StevenP23 "we live in conversation" – I thought of the energy when I cited Cooley, because the bigger the egos, the less effective the talk

Debunking Education: Exposing The Syndicate BLOG POST 

11'23 @sigtruth to what extent are scientists just fucking political agents or members of corporate Columbian government? TWEET 
11'23 @sigtruth like psychology without psychedelia is just another fucking religious, corporate, second-rate piety theater! TWEET
11'23 @sigtruth the most mendacious shit is being sold as fucking holy truth everyday!
@drsanjaygupta CNN Clown Sanjey... TWEET
11'23 @sigtruth I'm sick of truth, "sigtruth"! @drsanjaygupta
and I'll tell you why TWEET and also my alternative TWEET

11'23 @W911 @sibeledmonds "these laws remain a potential source of virtually unlimited power for a President should he choose to activate them"...
11'23 @sibeledmonds @W911 @truthandshadows conspiracy theorists cannot talk to me – I like that shit.
thanks for undeniably showing off your mindcuffs
11'23 @sibeledmonds if you can't handle really tough questions your hero matrix TWEET gets obsolete and changes to the contrary

11'23 How CNN Clown Sanjay Gupta Trims His Sails to the Wind

"over the last year, I have been working on a new documentary called 'Weed'.
The title 'Weed' may sound cavalier, but the content is not. I travelled around the world to interview medical leaders, experts, growers and patients...what I found was stunning.

long before I began this project, I had steadily reviewed the scientific literature on medical marijuana from the U.S. and thought it was fairly unimpressive. reading these papers five years ago, it was hard to make a case for medicinal marijuana.
I even wrote about this in a TIME magazine article, back in 2009, titled 'Why I would Vote No on Pot.'

well, I am here to apologize.

I apologize because I didn't look hard enough, until now. I didn't look far enough. I didn't review papers from smaller labs in other countries doing some remarkable research, and I was too dismissive of the loud chorus of legitimate patients whose symptoms improved on cannabis.

instead, I lumped them with the high-visibility malingerers, just looking to get high. I mistakenly believed the Drug Enforcement Agency listed marijuana as a 'Schedule One' substance because of sound scientific proof. surely, they must have quality reasoning as to why marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have 'no accepted medicinal use and a high potential for abuse.'

they didn't have the science to support that claim, and I now know that when it comes to marijuana neither of those things are true. it doesn't have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. in fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works. take the case of Charlotte Figi, who I met in Colorado. she started having seizures soon after birth. by age 3, she was having 300 a week, despite being on seven different medications. medical marijuana has calmed her brain, limiting her seizures to 2 or 3 per month.

I have seen more patients like Charlotte first hand, spent time with them and come to the realization that it is irresponsible not to provide the best care we can as a medical community, care that could involve marijuana.
we have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that.
I hope this article and upcoming documentary will help set the record straight.

on August 14, 1970, the Assistant Secretary of Health, Dr. Roger O. Egeberg wrote a letter recommending the plant, marijuana, be classified as a 'Schedule One' substance, and it has remained that way for nearly 45 years. my research started with a careful reading of that decades old letter. what I found was unsettling. Egeberg had carefully chosen his words:

'since there is still a considerable void in our knowledge of the plant and effects of the active drug contained in it, our recommendation is that marijuana be retained within Schedule One at least until the completion of certain studies now underway to resolve the issue.'

not because of sound science, but because of its absence, marijuana was classified as a 'Schedule One' substance. again, the year was 1970. Egeberg mentions studies that are underway, but many were never completed. as my investigation continued, however, I realized Egeberg did in fact have important research already available to him, some of it from more than 25 years earlier.

-high risk of abuse-

in 1944, New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia commissioned research to be performed by the New York Academy of Science. among their conclusions: they found marijuana did not lead to significant addiction in the medical sense of the word. they also did not find any evidence marijuana led to morphine, heroin or cocaine addiction.

we now know that while estimates vary, marijuana leads to dependence in around 9 to 10% of its adult users. by comparison, cocaine, a 'Schedule Two' substance 'with less abuse potential than Schedule One drugs' hooks 20% of those who use it. around 25% of heroin users become addicted. the worst is tobacco, where the number is closer to 30% of smokers, many of whom go on to die because of their addiction.

there is clear evidence that in some people marijuana use can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including insomnia, anxiety and nausea. even considering this, it is hard to make a case that it has a high potential for abuse. the physical symptoms of marijuana addiction are nothing like those of the other drugs I've mentioned. I have seen the withdrawal from alcohol, and it can be life threatening.

I do want to mention a concern that I think about as a father. young, developing brains are likely more susceptible to harm from marijuana than adult brains. some recent studies suggest that regular use in teenage years leads to a permanent decrease in IQ. other research hints at a possible heightened risk of developing psychosis.

much in the same way I wouldn't let my own children drink alcohol, I wouldn't permit marijuana until they are adults. if they are adamant about trying marijuana, I will urge them to wait until they're in their mid-20s when their brains are fully developed..." ARTICLE

11'23 Senate Report 93-549, 1973: "since March the 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency...a majority of the people of the United States have lived all their lives under emergency rule...for 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency...and, in the United States, actions taken by the government in times of great crisis have – from, at least, the Civil War – in important ways shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency." BLOG POST

11'23 "this is the very soul of Homeland Security, the Patriot Acts, and all other emergency acts, declarations, and Executive Orders that violate every possible right imaginable"

Outpourings of a Mushroom November 2014 pt 9

@ProjPM @AnonQC @JamesRisen @truthout DHS, bring it on...
We are citizens and will fight back. We are NOT SHEEP!!! We have awaken!!!
11'18 @jeffhagedorn08 @ProjPM @AnonQC @JamesRisen @truthout
awakened? I doubt that. TWEET step by step: TWEET

11'18 @PsychedelicLozo he couldn't handle the mushroom's criticism BLOG POST
he surely wouldn't have wanted to understand "9/11" really
11'18 @PsychedelicLozo he did the best he could do, I believe.
I'm extremely grateful for his outstanding bravery and enormous impact. I really am

11'18 "The Homeland Security Industrial Complex operates differently than the traditional Military Industrial Complex." TWEET 
11'18 the overwhelming structural success of the National Security Act (MICC) could be seen as another reason for the Patriot Act strategy ("9/11")
11'18 "Internally, they represent, as Michal Kalecki was the first to suggest, an imperial triangle of state-financed military production, media propaganda, and real/imagined economic-employment effects that has become a deeply entrenched and self-perpetuating feature of the U.S. social order." ARTICLE

@cosmopinciotti @twitter is changing the world. thanks Twitter
11'18 @HempmeHempyou Twitter is a link machine.
used as a motor you can drive with it whatever you want... TWEET thanks @twitter

11'18 legal crime TWEET
"It is one of the largest transfers of wealth in American history, and yet it has gone largely unnoticed."

"where does inside end and outside begin? does not anybody who just want to intuitively believe their version get their '9/11' job done also?"
11'18 "There is now an entire mercenary class in the United States that has been created in the post-9/11 era, both inside the government and outside, that has an incentive to keep the war going. They wouldn't have jobs without endless war. At the same time, politicians know that if they raise too many questions about the war on terror and the massive funding levels, they will be labeled soft on terror. So they all go along with it."
11'18 like anyone who doesn't dare to think beyond the terror, the sacrifice, or the conspiracy paradigm.
they all do their "9-11 job"

11'18 The Roman Blueprint

comments to
"James Risen: The Post-9/11 Homeland Security Industrial Complex Profiteers and Endless War" ARTICLE

"Eisenhower warned us against the military-industrial complex."

"He created it before he warned us about it. Read this ARTICLE.
Americas Dark Imperial Legacy – It Goes Much Deeper Than George W. Bush 

It tells how the heads of corporations were the ones that started the MICC.
Congress's only job is to vote to provide funds. And admits that the presidents are only puppets."

"Thanks for the link. I can't say that I agree with everything in the article. I do agree that United States corporations have made slaves and serfs out of countries and their citizens, while at the same time busting unions. They do rebel from time to time as in Vietnam. The U.S. government is based on the Roman blueprint and we know how that turned out. An economy based on research and development instead of brute force is more likely to endure."

"The U.S. government is based on the Roman blueprint and we know how that turned out."
indeed. except that this is not 400 AD. elites now have mass surveillance, ultimate military power/nuclear weapons, and the ability to further corrupt policies with irreversible impact on the planet's health. are we going to wait and see or are we going to be homo sapiens?"

"The journey of a malignancy (cancer) always ends, if its path cannot be changed, in murder of the host followed by unwitting suicide of itself! However, we could change the path. And better yet, the oligarchs could make this change more easily. But sadly, they won't: for why change when they can feed themselves an infinite amount of delusion?"

"Such corruption – absolute, massive, hypocritical – in high places. The merchants of death must be, again, rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of yet another 10 year war in Iraq and Syria that will bring untold suffering and death to tens of thousands of children, women, and normal folk. Corporate criminals eager to make some big bucks!!! At the same time they pretend to be fiscally responsible in screaming for deep cuts to the EPA and other 'get off my back' institutions... Is the USA a countryside that has gone completely bonkers? I wonder..."

"Bonkers? Perhaps. It is corrupt from inside and out, top to the state level. We have a corporate-state, a corrupt, corporate-state."

"Bonkers, completely senselessly crazy. In the sense that such absolute corruption of the decision-making processes represents an existential threat to the continued existence of life!"

"Fascism via example..."

"The Patriot Act is the most unpatriotic idea ever to soil America."

"The sad thing is, so much of this is out in the open and yet is ignored by a population that still sings about being 'brave' and 'free' while largely being neither. To take just one horrible example out of many, the president of the US subsidiary of the Indian company that makes body scanners (they were actually manufactured in Malaysia with US stimulus money) went to Delhi with Obama. Anyone want to bet that he didn't discuss an – ahem, campaign contribution – along the way? The fact that they are utterly against everything Americans say they are for, and don't work anyway, is irrelevant. Profits based on fear trump all and the fix is always in.
Bin Laden was right in his strategy when he said his aim was to make America spend a million dollars for every dollar he used. Hitler and Stalin never had such returns, nor did they ever dream of what Americans would do to themselves."

"9/11 was a fascist coup. Obviously."

not a coup, "9/11" is completely normal: "9/11" is the norm
except of its psychological and strategic monstrosity, of course.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power."
Clint Richardson has the answer. he calls it The Corporation Nation...

11'18 I mean, why should one talk to ectoplasm BLOG POST
but I can intuit now where your almighty comes from TWEET

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression and that's why many of you have multiple accounts."
11'18 @theballedtruth no, that's why the creme soup

Thanks #TopCommunityMembers @darkreliquum @cosmopinciotti @DevinaCox happy to engage :-)
@TheMistressVee @cosmopinciotti @DevinaCox We coil to her whispers like flowers in winter
11'18 @darkreliquum @TheMistressVee @DevinaCox
fantasies about the touch of her lips are electrifying. they're lurking everywhere

@complexsubm "A rare combination of cruelty in a well adjusted person." Lovely compliment for a Domme.
11'18 @TheMistressVee You're bursting with sensuousness, Mistress, it is fantastic!
As if you'd kiss words, not just write them down. @complexsubm

11'19 @MjmMel McKenna on the fundamental importance of poetry, I guess, or even a new approach to language.
more raw maybe TWEET

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller.
11'19 @BookQuotesHere what is it, the heart? does really no-one have the balls to define it?
that would be my suggestion: TWEET

"my heart flew away"
11'19 @sweethellsbells so you think it'd be able to fly. okay, what else is it besides airworthy?
let's define that thing! TWEET
11'19 has it to be half this, half that like Schrödinger's kitten for the simple reason that the feedback works bidirectionally at the same time?

11'19 "it just isn't fair. sometimes, I just wish I were a dude. I love my boobs though...
this whole sociological conundrum" BLOG POST

11'19 -pic* @AnnieCatten are you a flame or something? this looks like fire!

11'19 @OutreDragon to be quite clear about it, this is the bottom line after studying "9/11" with increasing intensity about ten years long, okay?
@cosmopinciotti okay...
11'19 you've heard it here first!
I can only be consistent with my statements because I've broken a cultural sonic barrier TUNNEL

"I fear the heaviness I feel."
11'17 @pace_et_mente I know exactly why it's there. That's why I'm afraid.

"Trying not to hope too hard for what I want. Trying not to go too far with all the dreaming"
11'17 @OutreDragon It doesn't work very well, all that trying.

04'30 -pic* beautiful abandoned places PHOTOS

11'19 -pic* good morning my sexy friends. rise and shine

11'18 -pic* Grins.

11'15 -pic* exposed position

11'14 -pic* Viagra may be linked to an increase in skin cancer. Sales in Viagra haven't dropped at all.
My unsurprised face.

11'08 -pic* The Grimerica Show: Grimerica talks to Rick Strassman PODCAST
DMT and the Soul of Prophecy BOOK

11'20 DMT and the Soul of Prophecy by Rick J. Strassmann
A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible BOOK

"At long last, I'm delighted to announce the publication of my latest book: DMT and The Soul of Prophecy.

In this book, I tackle the major unresolved issues with which I was left after finishing my DMT project nearly 20 years ago. This was to find a model that fit the data from our volunteers' reports of the drug state. 
This ultimately led me to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) where the notion of a 'prophetic state of consciousness' began taking shape. At the same time, in order to make sense of the Hebrew Bible, I turned to the classic medieval Jewish philosophers like Maimonides, who proposed rather sophisticated metaphysical/spiritual mechanisms for the prophetic experience.

Thus, to the extent that the prophetic and DMT states resembled each other, I could propose metaphysical and spiritual mechanisms in common in addition to shared biological mechanisms. 
While the phenomenological properties of the two states overlap convincingly, the information content of the prophetic state appears to be much more highly articulated, enduring, and pervasive as evidenced by the Hebrew Bible's influence throughout the world over the last 2500 years.

The striking differences in the prophetic message versus the DMT one then led me to propose fundamental differences in how the two states come about. This finally led to a novel model of spiritual experience – either prophetic or psychedelic – that works from a top-down rather than bottom-up perspective. The bottom-up perspective is represented by neurotheology wherein changes in brain chemistry give the impression of communicating with the divine, whereas my new model, theoneurology, posits that God communicates with us via the agency of the brain.

The first part of the book reviews my DMT research and subsequently launches onto my search for a new, more salient, model. I take the reader by the hand and walk them carefully and patiently through the minefield that the Hebrew Bible and its various notions, especially that of God, is for many educated secular Westerners. I then carefully compare the DMT and prophetic states using excerpts from my clinical notes as well as from the Hebrew Bible.

This comparison is of both the phenomenological content as well as the information each state seems to contain.
I use the similarities and differences to posit similar and different mechanisms both biologically and metaphysically/spiritually. Finally I suggest practical implications both in the field and in the research laboratory that follow from these theories.

The practical implications of my theory suggesting that Hebrew Bible prophetic experience partakes of the same psychedelic-like features of the DMT state are twofold.

One is that those who revere the text but lack experiential confirmation of its truth may consider the prudent application of the psychedelic state in such situations.
The other is that one might use the Hebrew Bible as a means for deciphering and extracting much more information from the contemporary Western psychedelic drug experience than has hitherto been possible."

11'20 @LoveAnINFJ here we go... TWEET 
DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: "A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible"
11'20 @LoveAnINFJ
could it be, the so-called war on drugs is in actual fact our present-day, primary battlefield for Jesus? WEBSITE

"I knew #Syria #Heroboy was fake. How?
Because my initial assumption is that ALL NEWS IS FAKE until I can confirm it somehow."
11'20 @Gitmoyoho "Even before I asked myself the question, I knew to my bones the answer. 
I didn't just know it, I felt it." BLOG POST

"Vast majority of Americans are concerned about government surveillance of the internet...
but government control = internet freedom! #netneutrality"
11'20 @Jentastic23 the potential for surveillance actually depends on the World Wide Web's potential for democratization. it's a double-edged sword
@cosmopinciotti Good point, a certain amount of internet freedom is necessary if there is to be meaningful data to exploit...
11'25 @Jentastic23 It really is a race...
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." BLOG POST 
11'25 @Jentastic23
The World Wide Web has made the "9/11" terror not only inevitably but also possibly in the first place. TWEET 

11'20 Aaron McGruder

He attended a Jesuit school from grades seven to nine...
He visited Fidel Castro in Cuba..." WIKIPEDIA

He further explained his views regarding the 9/11 attacks in a 2002 keynote address at the July 12–14, 2002 H2K2 conference: 'Outside of the world of whackos and conspiracy theorists and all of that, very few people in the mainstream have been willing to say what I'm about to say, which is, I really and truthfully believe that George W. Bush is somehow involved, either directly or indirectly, in the attacks on New York City on September 11.'

"For a long time now, I have tried to keep my opinions on the election and Barack Obama to myself. I occasionally do speaking engagements, which are not open to the press, and unfortunately some of my comments have been twisted around in a silly manner. The claim that I asserted our new President was not Black is categorically false.

I have seen an endless stream of Black pundits on TV pontificating about the significance of President Obama's election – many of them making reference to the 3/5th's clause in the constitution regarding slaves. The point I was making is that this is not an accurate comparison.

Barack is the son of an immigrant, not the descendant of slaves. It's like comparing a half-Japanese man to the oppressed Chinese who built the American railroads. Yes, they are both Asian, but it is not an honest or accurate comparison. We all share the common experiences of being Black in America today – we do not all share a common history. A history that in part makes us who we are – and in some cases (as with the psychological damage that still lingers from slavery) holds us back. These are not, I believe, insignificant distinctions.

I did say I was cautiously pessimistic about Obama's Presidency – but this is simply acknowledging the reality of an American Empire that is out of control and on the verge of collapse. Let us not forget that on the eve of the election, we witnessed a near-trillion dollar robbery of the US treasury. That robbery is still taking place. I do not blame President Obama, but I do not believe the financial and corporate interests that own and control this country will fold so easily. I do not question the integrity of the man as much as the power of his office – which I believe has greatly diminished over the years. I believe the Federal Reserve Bank, the Military Industrial Complex, and the massive corporate interests that run this country have more power than our new President. I hope I am wrong.

After 9/11, I witnessed most of this country become obsessed with squashing dissent and silencing critics. I hope this election does not turn Black America towards this same, fascist mind state, but already I am starting to see it, and it saddens me greatly. I absolutely wish our new President and his family success and safety. But after all I have witnessed in my lifetime, and especially in the last eight years, I am not ready to lay down my scepticism or my outrage for this government. To do so would be unwise and, ironically enough, anti-American." BLOG POST 

@Public_Enemy_2 @Mrstarz180 @trutherbot I think Aaron McGruder said it best...
11'20 @Gitmoyoho I wonder what conception of history he might have concerning the Company of Jesus... TWEET

"Obama promises GMO labeling in 2007 speech and signs Monsanto Protection Act"
@whatwakeup corruption at it's finest
11'20 -pic* @DrugsPsych @whatwakeup no, it is not. it's neither corruption nor conspiracy...
it is loyalty: A Corporation Nation TWEET A Corporate Collective Under Roman Law

Outpourings of a Mushroom November 2014 pt 8

"Short story."
11'16 -pic* @MikeSwansson sometimes there's so much lust in the world I feel like I can't take it...

"everything is poetry. it just needs someone to write it"
11'16 @OceanOfSong do you believe it's beneficial to have such a strong romantic vein?

"the trees always know when to be silent"
11'16 @OceanOfSong corporate mainstream media? "9/11" and stuff?
I don't want to got to be another person in public than I am privately.

"there's a forest in my soul where I sometimes hide from myself"
11'16 @OceanOfSong everybody does TWEET and especially notorious romantics... 
mystery or clarity – what's more important to you?

"because you peeled away the layers of silence and now my soul can sing"
11'16 @OceanOfSong was it a painful or a playful release, a pleasure?

"so much strength lies in your vulnerability"
11'16 @OceanOfSong so go for it! use it! feel the power!
does the ego always have to consume most of the energy? face your occult non-breakability

"writing until my soul is naked and I stand before you unshackled, uninhibited – free"
11'16 @OceanOfSong do you really believe that? because the purpose of feel-good poetry is always to just stay away from true bareness. for me, talking to one another emulates the sex act.

11'16 Internalized Jesus – the Jesus Piety Code inside your heart.
a.k.a. the Jesus Magic... hero worship, cult of celebrity, role model mentality.

"America's not a country, it's just a business, now fucking pay me."
11'16 @insuperlative well, it is a country but with a society constituted as one monolithic corporation...
you're totally right: business prevails

11'14 "existence: the cruel beauty of mystery" @GnosisNeurosis

11'16 re- @Edie_Is_Dead I am either an eclipse or an apocalypse

"Marveling at an abundance of gigantic-breasted, scantily clad poetesses – Harlequinesque up in the TwitterVerse, yo." 11'16 -pic* @Feenohmenal WOW, I love it! very distinctive. truly phenomenal

"When will the shift occur and take the shit out of my soul?"
11'17 @anaturaldreamer only then TWEET because like the heart is a feedback mechanism TWEET the soul is too.

"So much of it is about how we feel, rather than what we think."
11'17 @MsMielAbeille it's an illusion to believe these were different things. 
we feel-think or think-feel. like body and soul form a unified whole.
11'17 it's the reason why we don't differentiate rational from romantic notions. we always mix them together TWEET 

"Zionism is not a religion, its a political movement that's based on racism, supremacy, ethnic cleansing and exploiting poor people."
11'17 @lex_looper Zionism is a Jesuit long-term strategy like Illuminism, Communism or "9/11"...
Catholicism is piety science.

@TerenceMcKenna_ @cosmopinciotti "Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around." Terence McKenna
11'17 @EtherealExpo @TerenceMcKenna_ when I believe something I do it anti-apologetically.
Lundborg: "McKenna reconsidered" BLOG POST

"The UK gives six billion pounds to Israel and a similar amount in arms.
1/4 of the UK population need to claim benefits while working."
11'17 @lex_looper of course TWEET Israel is like a bridge head comparable with the former West Berlin... TWEET 

@NicholaSzeto @cosmopinciotti @ripster31 "Culture is a mass hallucination." Terence Mckenna VIDEO 
11'17 @EtherealExpo but a mass hallucination based on the Roman calender and on Roman Civil and Roman Corporate Maritime Law @NicholaSzeto @ripster31

11'17 I'll go with Terror Sacrifice, because the never-ending, global "War on Terror" was born on that day and depends on it. WIKIPEDIA 

11'17 Mr. Intensity TWEET as the best example of how easily predictable the so-called common sense is... TWEET

11'17 @EtherealExpo Terence speculated in vacuo TWEET 
like conspiracy theorists TWEET @NicholaSzeto @ripster31
11'17 @EtherealExpo corporatism is quite monolithic TWEET 
and as to complexity... TWEET @NicholaSzeto @ripster31

"Irony: the men that claim to be the nicest, always turn out to be the bigger assholes."
11'17 @InnocentMarina6 everyone preaches more or less – it's cultural tradition.
we use language to conquer far more often than to listen and to understand

"Consciousness and the psychedelic experience seem to be a kind of angelic decent into the domain of matter."
11'17 @TerenceMcKenna_ "this double book-keeping went on for 10 years" TWEET
on the dynamic of the heart TWEET

11'17 "My online moniker for years was 'Mushroom'... hence Shroomantics." WEBSITE Rahima Begum @RestlessRahima

11'01 "Psychedelics call into question the identity of the scientist doing the observation.
The object of study becomes observer and observed".
@psychonaut_org says who?
11'17 @cosmopinciotti Sorry, it's a bittersweet feature of Twitter that we're limited to 140 characters. ESSAY 
11'18 @psychonaut_org that's fine.
for me, Twitter is a link machine: kind of an engine which enables you to protocol brainstorming. thanks a lot!
11'18 @psychonaut_org Twitter provides a brainstorm memory function for free TWEET if you save your tweets and RTs as text files
@cosmopinciotti @psychonaut_org I'm still learning Twitter!
11'22 @StevenP23 @psychonaut_org maybe there is already a software that does what I do tweet by tweet automatically: a live-archiving application.
11'18 "Bellah does not believe it is necessary to choose one approach over the other, but suggests that both the experiential-expressivist theory and cultural-linguistic theory can be utilized as 'coordinate approaches' (2011, p. 12)." interesting stuff!
11'18 "The principal aim of this essay is to explore the influence of chemically-altered, or alchemical consciousness, not only on the founding and ongoing articulation of transpersonal theory, but on the origins of spirituality in general."
11'20 @psychonaut_org "I then carefully compare the DMT and prophetic states using excerpts from my clinical notes as well as from the Hebrew Bible."
11'20 @psychonaut_org "the practical implications of my theory...are twofold"
at least!! TWEET that's the breakthrough TWEET

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. 
We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ
11'17 @psychonaut_org @5thdimdreamz  
I recommend a lecture by his fellow traveler Avery Dulles SJ for a more balanced picture: WEBSITE

10'02 Known as "God's Flesh" amongst Aztec tribes the #psilocybin mushroom held great religious significance.
More info at WEBSITE 
@psychonaut_org nonetheless, the high priests of the Aztecs seemed to have been rather militant and bloodthirsty than distinctly psychedelic
@cosmopinciotti Agreed. On the other hand, why think part of being a 'psychedelic' community necessarily involves peace and demilitarization?
11'18 @psychonaut_org how familiar are you with Bill Hicks?
and 2nd "what we're about to discover is that death has no sting" BLOG POST
@cosmopinciotti Yeah, we love Bill and Terence! Without them we wouldn't be here.
Recently saw American: The Bill Hicks Story, which was profound.
11'18 @psychonaut_org same with me, same with me, they were GIANTS!
I have found them through "9/11" and the incredible Mr. Grove. @tragedyandhope
@cosmopinciotti Awesome. Never heard of Richard Grove, I'll check him out.
Always good to know there are like-minded people out there!
11'18 @psychonaut_org his bosses tried to kill him, the young millionaire, in the towers that day.
for me, he's the crown of the "truth movement".

11'17 "At this point I started freaking out. Everything felt wrong. I was stuck in a parallel world."
My first salvia trip REPORT 

11'17 "In conclusion, if you decide to do something similar to me, don't say nobody ever warned you not to."
LSD, five tabs REPORT 

11'17 the particles that make up those particles

"I had a vision of everything being broken down into atoms and then the particles that make up atoms and then the particles that make up those was something so spectacular that I started to cry just thinking about it...I came to this sense that when we die nothing is lost. these bodies are nothing more than molecules and atoms and other smaller things. when we die our body just continues to be all of that. I don't know that I could ever explain the sensation I had, but it is at that moment that I saw the universe in its entirety...I lost my ego. this is another aspect of tripping I would have never understood without experiencing consciousness was simply floating in free space and I had nothing to attach it to."

"About 8 weeks ago I started a batch because I finally decided that I wanted to experience what everyone has been describing for so long.

...I was pretty confident that I would not have a bad trip and that was mostly because I knew what to expect and I had no troubling issues in my life that I had not been dealing with.

...I took 3 at first and because I had no scale to weigh anything out I planned on just waiting it out for a while to see what effect that much would have.

...We sat and talked for almost an hour and I could not help but just soak in all the beauty of the river. I could feel the sensation getting slightly stronger but not overwhelming. I saw the ripples in the water moving in what seemed to be an orchestrated symphony and everything seemed to be chiming with harmony. It was one of the coolest feelings that I have ever felt.

...When I would see an image that I thought was strange it would almost echo through my mind and with each echo become something slightly more distorted than the last.

I was really enjoying this feeling and I wanted to experience more so I decided to try a few more shrooms. I do not remember how many more I ate I think something like 4 which maybe was not smart of me but the mushrooms actually started to taste delicious and I almost could not stop.

...I just recall at some point noticing myself talking and realizing I have been saying stuff for a few minutes and not even realizing it. What an odd feeling to catch yourself talking and realize you were not aware of it. I don't remember what I was saying to myself but it seemed to make perfect sense to me even though it was probably complete non-sense. As I spoke my voice became deeper and slower like when you slow a tape down although I don't think it was actually my voice doing the slowing but instead my perception of my voice.

...I closed my eyes and saw a kaleidoscope full of blue and grey and red and in the midst of the image was an eye lid opening and it was so vivid it actually surprised me. The eye seemed so real and meaningful as it opened as if it was a signal that my mind was about to be opened to a whole new world.

I saw many things while laying there and felt myself letting go and surrendering to the trip. One of the most amazing things I experienced was what I can only describe as 'seeing the whole universe'. I have heard that when you are under the influence you have the feeling of becoming one with everything or nature but found it hard to imagine what that was like. I understood completely when at this moment I had no fear of death no sense of loss or sadness. I saw everything at its basic form. We are all a collection of the same things. I had a vision of everything being broken down into atoms and then the particles that make up atoms and then the particles that make up those particles, not that anyone knows whether or not those truly exists. Either way it was something so spectacular that I started to cry just thinking about it. When we break it all down we are the same... everything is the same. I came to this sense that when we die nothing is lost. These bodies are nothing more than molecules and atoms and other smaller things. When we die our body just continues to be all of that. I don't know that I could ever explain the sensation I had, but it is at that moment that I saw the universe in its entirety. I saw it all spread out around me in a flat plain and I could see for endless miles but no part was too distant for me to not see it. I was able to see every part in its detail but at the same time see the whole thing in one whole part. It is said that humans can not understand the concept of eternity but I feel that at that moment I did.

After this great moment I realized that I did not know who I was. As they say, I lost my ego. This is another aspect of tripping I would have never understood without experiencing it. It was not that I forgot completely about my life or my past experiences but it felt as if me was not me anymore and that I was experiencing what I was experiencing not from someone else's point of view but from the point of view of no one. My consciousness was simply floating in free space and I had nothing to attach it to. It was scary to think about and the thought crossed my mind that I may never come back to reality but I had to just let go and tell myself I will soon be back.

If I am being honest I think the ego loss started when I caught myself talking and didn't realize it because at that moment my 'self' was continuing to operate in reality while my mind was drifting away and perceiving it from a far off view point. A very, very strange phenomenon that, I imagine, can be horrible but extremely eye opening if experienced correctly.

...I felt so good and so alive and I grabbed one of my drums and began to play and dance around my room and I was amazed at how awesome this felt. I sat for a while after and just played the drum on my bed. Every time I beat the drum the room would shake and vibrate with the vibration of the music. I knew that I had experienced something amazing and I almost could not wait to come back to reality to reflect on my journey with a clear mind.

...I can truly say that what happened that night was amazingly unique and that I will never forget it. WEBSITE

@BostonCollege Professors Use Twitter As Classroom Tool ARTICLE 
11'17 @ColinCrowell by giving every single thought its own address, you could use Twitter as a memory...
publicly or not @BostonCollege

11'17 "Twitter is way better than Facebook just because of the access" BLOG POST
"The openness of Twitter is unbelievable."

11'12 These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ARTICLE 
11'18 @AlSweigart corporatism makes capitalism as monolithic as communism... TWEET 
"The Corporation Nation" by Clint Richardson