11'28 @CatagnusCc "Gary Webb...was the target of one of the most ferocious media attacks on any reporter in recent history." COMMENT
11'28 @CatagnusCc "the case goes to the central question of whether the...people are getting information...or propaganda" ARTICLE
11'28 @CatagnusCc he is the benchmark for real journalism contrary to fake corporate state propaganda including so-called truth movements, NGOs...
11'28 @lifessubatomic "Truth" is like porn, you know, it's masturbation. On both sides!
The deeper you go, the more intense and sexier it becomes.
@cosmopinciotti are you brilliant, mad, or both?
11'28 @lifessubatomic I'm just a little anomaly in the cognitive continuum... luckily equipped with remarkable balls
@cosmopinciotti so you say. most boys turn out to be pansies. who are you in love with this week?
@lifessubatomic right now I'm in love with the idea to smack your pale ass...
@cosmopinciotti when a woman won't talk the talk, do you shut her up with some fuck?
11'28 @lifessubatomic "there's no real difference between talk and action" BLOG POST
my cock's talking the same way as my mouth does
@cosmopinciotti maybe the point comes across more clearly that way...
11'28 @lifessubatomic now I suddenly don't know what to say anymore after you have taken possession of the C-Word... VIDEO
@cosmopinciotti thank you for that, mister. looks like 'I' win. also, I didn't say clarity, I said clearly.
@lifessubatomic In no uncertain manner.
11'28 @cosmopinciotti in my certain manner...
clarity is in the understanding once received, clearly is the effectiveness in its transportation.
@cosmopinciotti or shorter: clarity is what's seen, clearly is what's shown.
@cosmopinciotti how do you strip a people of its language, it's way of producing, overcoming and experiencing human stuffs?
11'28 @lifessubatomic no other can heal you up than yourself.
"we are indeed legal patients" ARTICLE what I am doing, I do it for me
11'28 @cosmopinciotti you would not do it for humanity? I think what you've said hit one of my soft spots.
@lifessubatomic definitely not. I do it in order to be able to live among humans
11'28 "The divorce of truth from discourse and action – the instrumentalization of communication – has not merely increased the incidence of propaganda, it has disrupted the very notion of truth, and therefore the sense by which we take our bearings in the world is destroyed," James W. Carey wrote in "Communication as Culture". BLOG POST
@cosmopinciotti and you yourself came unto this ideology how?
you know, I'm far more interested in how you did it than how they did it... unless they speak for you?
@lifessubatomic You mean, what's the difference between a corporate asshole like Goethe and a free spirit like Kafka? Beats the hell out of me.
@cosmopinciotti you don't follow your own thinking?
@lifessubatomic I guess thinking is the answer to your question
@cosmopinciotti classic, this is you.
@lifessubatomic now, what do you think how an investigative journalist like Gary Webb or a CEO of a drug cartel come into their ideologies?
@cosmopinciotti some people feel most empowered seeking out their weaknesses and living them, others by removing them. Either power the same
11'29 @lifessubatomic I couldn't believe it, now I do.
and it's worse than thought: your heart is indeed thoroughly atomic... inherently apathetic
11'29 @lifessubatomic the freedom which you feel in your thoughts seems to turn out as complete unimportant passion like a video game or something
11'29 @lifessubatomic today I have found some soul. it was the most terrifying nightmare ever.
could you be more dead as you already are? over and out
@cosmopinciotti not. I care about stuff. what? I've done nothing to you, right? please don't ever contact me again.
12'07 She could be married to a mafia boss or a bemused songwriter, it would make no fucking difference at all.
Not one bit.
Robert Parry reports on NYC police arresting Ray McGovern to spare Gen. Petraeus from a question ARTICLE
11'28 @Consortiumnews They're both Jesuit-trained, highly experienced masters of their professions.
Why do you believe Ray's little truth theater?
11'28 @Consortiumnews McGovern is not ex-CIA, he is CIA.
he's a perfect example of the Jesuit nature of all "secret services". just ask him about it
11'28 @Consortiumnews why do you think there's no truth possible about "9/11"? TWEET
the infowar is part of its dialectic design
11'28 "once again, the CIA lied to the American public and was assisted in this effort by our national news media, which denigrated anyone who..."
11'28 "I am a patriot who accepts that the USA is inherently flawed like any country but that we are the best...ever..." TWEET
11'28 "Simon added, 'The alternative media, to its credit, honored Gary. But the community of his peers in corporate journalism never again embraced him. He could never quite get over their betrayal. When you are an investigative reporter armed with the truth, the gun often fires backwards.' America is not what we think it is."
11'28 @Consortiumnews the media Are the power structure.
together with schools and universities, banks and barracks, churches and courts... in short, Loyola's loyalty
11'28 @Consortiumnews The Company has created a framework which allows corporate gangsters to join their game without being seriously threatened.
11'28 @Consortiumnews "The corporations, which own the press, hire journalists willing to be courtiers to the elites." BLOG POST
11'28 "The mass media, as C. Wright Mills pointed out, are essential tools for conformity. They impart to readers and viewers their sense of themselves."
"the mass media are plagued by the same mediocrity, corporatism and careerism as the academy, labor unions, the arts, the Democratic Party and religious institutions. they cling to the self-serving mantra of impartiality and objectivity to justify their subservience to power. the press writes and speaks – unlike academics that chatter among themselves in arcane jargon like medieval theologians – to be heard and understood by the public. And for this reason the press is more powerful and more closely controlled by the state."
11'28 "to effectively disseminate state propaganda the press must maintain the fiction of independence and integrity. it must hide its true intentions"
11'28 "they use language and images to manipulate and form opinions, not to foster genuine democratic debate and conversation"
11'28 "we are transformed into passive spectators of power by the mass media, which decide for us what is true and what is untrue, what is legitimate and what is not.
truth is not something we discover. it is decreed by the organs of mass communication."
11'29 "bridging the vast gap between the idealized identities – ones that in a commodity culture revolve around the acquisition of status, money, fame and power, or at least the illusion of it – and actual identities is the primary function of the mass media. and catering to these idealized identities, largely implanted by advertisers and the corporate culture, can be very profitable. we are given not what we need but what we want. the mass media allow us to escape into the enticing world of entertainment and spectacle. news is filtered into the mix, but it is not the primary concern of the mass media." BLOG POST
11'29 "as a formula, it is not attuned to the development of the human being.
it is a formula of a pseudo-world which the media invent and sustain"
"at the core of this pseudo-world is the myth that our national institutions, including those of government, the military and finance, are efficient and virtuous, that we can trust them and that their intentions are good. these institutions can be criticized for excesses and abuses, but they cannot be assailed as being hostile to democracy and the common good. they cannot be exposed as criminal enterprises, at least if one hopes to retain a voice in the mass media."
11'29 "scholars…journalists…who step outside the acceptable parameters of debate and challenge the mythic narrative of power…are always cast out"
"those who work in the mass media, as I did for two decades, are acutely aware of the collaboration with power and the cynical manipulation of the public by the power elites. it does not mean there is never good journalism and that the subservience to corporate power within the academy always precludes good scholarship, but the internal pressures, hidden from public view, make great journalism and great scholarship very, very difficult. such work, especially if it is sustained, is usually a career killer. scholars like Norman Finkelstein and journalists like Webb and Assange who step outside the acceptable parameters of debate and challenge the mythic narrative of power, who question the motives and virtues of established institutions and who name the crimes of empire are always cast out."
11'29 "The press will attack groups within the power elite only when one faction within the circle of power goes to war with another."
"when Richard Nixon, who had used illegal and clandestine methods to harass and shut down the underground press as well as persecute anti-war activists and radical black dissidents, went after the Democratic Party he became fair game for the press. his sin was not the abuse of power. he had abused power for a long time against people and groups that did not matter in the eyes of the Establishment. Nixon's sin was to abuse power against a faction within the power elite itself.
the Watergate scandal, mythologized as evidence of a fearless and independent press, is illustrative of how circumscribed the mass media is when it comes to investigating centers of power."
"This is why Nixon could go so far, lulled into a false sense of security precisely because the watchdog only barked when he began to threaten the privileged."
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media"
"It was Webb's misfortune to work in an era when the freedom of the press was as empty a cliché as democracy itself."
ALVIN Miller: "is there anyone reading truthdig, that believes in anything anymore? seriously you people are nothing but a bunch of pessimistic cynics, no wonder you love Chris Hedges. I like his writing, but if you read it all the time you would become suicidal. so according to Chris everything has failed in society. the media, universities, the churches, private enterprise, government, just one big failed society. so we all should go blow our heads off. well if society has failed, then aren't all really to blame? after all, there is no society without the people. oh but then you might have to get involved and do something. that's something truthdiggers don't do. it's so much easier to bitch and complain on a keyboard, then to actually make an effort to improve our country."
bilejones: "'actually make an effort to improve our country.'
here's the bad news, kid: you don't have a country, the state has you.
it might benefit you to learn the difference between the two."
Alvin Miller: "I'm sure you'll change the country with that attitude. you truth diggers are nothing but losers."
Gustave Courbet: "'that's something truthdiggers don't do.' How do you know they don't?"
Alvin Miller: "I know you people don't vote. because both parties are exactly the same, just two sides of the same corporate coin. countless truth diggers have told me that."
"great article and so true.
I was too young to understand the Watergate Scandal, but after reading about that period it is simply amazing that Nixon and Kissinger did not go to prison for secretly bombing Cambodia. Watergate was nothing compared to their war crimes but Hedges is right, Nixon went too far by attacking the Democratic machine so the mythical free press taking down Nixon for abuse of power was born. this is why Bush and Cheney can illegally invade a country based upon lies and not be brought to trial. the administration gave the corporate media great ratings with stories of shock and awe, mission accomplished and stories of soldiers running races on prosthetic legs. Obama is more of the same, no debate about the illegality of droning and bombing countries you are not with war with but lots of airtime about increasing the minimum wage."
11'29 "If my husband turns on a Sunday morning talking head show I must leave the room, usually the house.
It makes me physically ill."
11'29 "Did you know it is illegal to accuse somebody of being in the CIA and if you do so the police will arrest you for it?" COMMENT
RICK D: "during the seventies a Southern Air Transport craft would land at Oakland Airport on Tuesdays.
by Thursday the area was flooded with high quality heroin, and several overdose deaths would always occur due to that quality of product. Southern Air Transport was a CIA owned airline. WIKIPEDIA
while the article is up to Mr. Hedges high standards and should be quite shocking to all what is missing is any suggestion of how to confront and alter this problem."
11'29 Michael Levine joins Montel Williams with Gary Webb to discuss the CIA's active sabotage against the American people, and their unwillingness to cooperate with open investigations. VIDEO
11'29 "A theology mediates between a cultural matrix and the significance and role of a religion in that matrix." Bernard Lonergan SJ ARTICLE
11'29 "As a virtual matrix is of artificiality is being built up around us, and as we unwittingly accept and wallow in this destructive social media, THIS BLOG is all I can do to cry out in the digital wilderness before we all fall in too deep."
12'02 @cosmopinciotti "Reality is a very thinly spun cultural fiction." #TerenceMcKenna TWEET
11'29 "Charles Wright Mills (1916-1962) – probably the most influential American radical social theorist after Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929)."
"this is a theme that appears time and again in Mills's work. it involves him in constantly looking to the relationship between the whole and the parts. by looking to the whole – and seeing the parts as elements of the whole – we are able to see the connections between things. to see how one element cannot exist in this way or that – without the presence of another."
11'29 "Whether he knows it or not, the intellectual workman forms his own self as he works toward the perfection of his craft." ARTICLE
11'29 "know that many personal troubles cannot be solved merely as troubles, but must be understood in terms of public issues – and in terms of the problems of history making. know that the human meaning of public issues must be revealed by relating them to personal troubles – and to the problems of the individual life."
11'29 "This generality does not consider the notion that many of those stupid people have never heard the religion of truth." BLOG POST
"What is the Matrix?"
11'29 @dear_winsome "truthiness" (superficiality – as tendency)
the old art of war to let you in the dark about the actual nature of "the heart".
11'29 @dear_winsome
"double standards, something that a careerist like Leen knows in his gut but doesn't want you to know" ARTICLE
11'30 @dear_winsome "there is no truth"... BLOG POST
(well, there is, of course, but it's really very tricky) TWEET
"American money is nearly as worthless as modern romance. Let's keep going!"
11'29 @Feenohmenal Why are you believing that the dollar was worthless? BLOG POST
"In fact, it is one of the biggest fallacies ever."
11'29 U.S. Government In Debt To Itself ARTICLE
11'29 "the agency's relationship with the Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. [it was] general Times policy…to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible."
The CIA and the Media by Carl Bernstein COMMENT
11'29 "Clearly Mr. Leen hasn't read the recently declassified document brought to our attention by the folks over at the Intercept, about how the CIA 'handled' the Webb stories through their contacts with journalists across the nation." COMMENT
11'29 "Jeff Bezos' company Amazon has a $600 million contract with the CIA." COMMENT | ARTICLE
11'30 "It sits there like an ugly growth beneath articles, bloated and throbbing with vitriol."
Comment Sections Are Poison ARTICLE
11'24 So viel Nazi steckt im Islam. ARTICLE
Vor 10 Jahren haben mich Journalisten wegen solcher Aussagen noch für verrückt erklärt...
11'30 @UdoUlfkotte in other words, Nazism is part of the ideological spectrum of both, Islamism and Catholicism TWEET
11'30 @UdoUlfkotte "Wutbürgerliche Panikmacher"
von Katholik und "Ritterianer" Patrick Bahners... WEBSITE | WIKIPEDIA
11'30 @UdoUlfkotte und Vorsicht: ich kann jeden, der "die Wahrheit" predigt, nur noch bedingt ernst nehmen. TWEET
11'30 @UdoUlfkotte Barry Zwicker for instance is up in arms about "The New Pearl Harbor" "9/11" but advocates the false flag attack back then 1941
11'30 "The bearer of bad news was to be publicly executed." @UdoUlfkotte ARTICLE
11'30 @UdoUlfkotte "Man sollte sich von der kakofonischen Wucht, die entsteht, weil via Internet jeder mitpublizieren kann, nicht blenden lassen."
11'18 German Politicians Are U.S. Puppets And So Are German Journalists – Udo Ulfkotte INTERVIEW
11'30 "one wrong sentence and your career as a celebrity journalist is over.
everyone knows it. and everyone's in on it." INTERVIEW
11'30 "the judges decided that a person cannot refuse to work with the BND, and it's not a problem that one might lose one's job for resisting"
11'30 "the FAZ will file court charges against me for violating criminal, civil and labor legislation, as well as corporate standards in journalism"
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Outpourings of a Mushroom November 2014 pt 12
11'16 What if Snowden isn't who he says he is? BLOG POST
11'25 @amtvmedia Stone's involvement speaks volumes.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill COMMENT
@amtvmedia That's the beauty of conspiracy theories: you never know what or who to believe.
11'25 @ZabucaRodrigo it's important to feed the conspiracy myth @amtvmedia TWEET
this infowar must go on TWEET
12'21 If "trusted media" are among the powerful conspiring against the powerless, they cannot and will not present an accurate portrayal of reality.
11'25 @Jentastic23 there's no bigger business than making others believe TWEET
This subject is taboo for scientific exploration.
11'25 @Jentastic23 why? nobody wants that TWEET why? hmm, most people are mostly terrified by themselves TWEET
11'25 "If...the...TTIP treaty becomes law...corporations will have completely taken financial control from elected governments." ARTICLE
11'25 Snowden's "9/11" Panopticon Prison 11'16 ARTICLE by Christopher Green
"what if Edward Snowden isn't who he says he is? what if Snowden is still working for the U.S. government?
what if the leak was an elaborate smokescreen, what some call a 'LIMITED HANGOUT' or PSYOP?
is the Snowden leak a part of a U.S. intelligence 'PR' operation to disseminate some truthful information while at the same time protecting what really might be compromised? you know, give the American people something to chew on while at the same time covering up and protecting the real damning information.
...a limited hangout, or partial hangout is defined as a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details.
it takes the form of deception, misdirection, or coverup often associated with intelligence agencies involving a release or 'mea culpa' type of confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information, that establishes credibility for the one releasing the information who by the very act of confession appears to be 'coming clean' and acting with integrity – but in actuality, by withholding key facts, is protecting a deeper operation and those who could be exposed if the whole truth came out. in effect, if an array of offenses or misdeeds is suspected, this confession admits to a lesser offense while covering up the greater ones.
a limited hangout typically is a response to lower the pressure felt from inquisitive investigators pursuing clues that threaten to expose everything, and the disclosure is often combined with red herrings or propaganda elements that lead to false trails, distractions, or ideological disinformation; thus allowing covert or criminal elements to continue in their improper activities.
is it possible that what we're seeing today with the Snowden leak meets this definition? is Snowden a front man still working for the same government he says he exposed? again, a lot about Snowden doesn't make sense.
he supposedly left a six-figure paying job in Hawaii, a beautiful girlfriend behind and jeopardized his entire career, life and future so that he could expose a traitorous U.S. government and its criminal spy operations.
again, I want to believe this too but my bullshit detector is on high alert. let's not forget that Snowden actually worked for the U.S. government, NSA and CIA (he was one of them). he was a high-tech spy (according to him) and if he is telling the truth, he flipped. that in and of itself should be questioned. now it's not to say this doesn't happen from time to time and there are legitimate whistleblowers, truth-tellers and good people out there. there are. but the question is, is Snowden?
one of the key things about Snowden that doesn't smell right is how put together and polished he is. it's as if he is working from a well prepared script. leakers like Chelsea Manning for example are discombobulated, strange, not well prepared and disorganized. not Snowden, he's prepared beautiful PowerPoint presentations, speaks simply and fluidly, looks the part and seems to have thought out every response and answer to the questions posed to him before they are given. he really is a PR genius. but I thought he was a tech nerd?
also questionable is the quality of the leak, subsequent leaks and the information it exposed. Greenwald for example keeps promising more damaging information to be released with the next Snowden revelation but it never really comes. I don't know about you, but I have serious blue balls right about now. ask yourself, what do we really know that we didn't already know? again, was it not obvious that the U.S. government, NSA and intelligence agencies have been spying on us and other countries for some time now? it may be a surprise to the conditioned masses (the very definition of a limited hangout) but for inquisitive minds and those paying attention none of this comes as a surprise, it's just confirmation.
did Snowden release anything about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks we didn't know about before? has he incriminated a single powerful person, banker or politician? has he ruined anyone's career, forced Congress to act or change policy of any kind? has anything he released really been that dangerous?
according to one BLOG POST, here are the top ten biggest revelations Snowden has leaked so far...
1. Secret court orders allow NSA to sweep up Americans' phone records
3. Britain's version of the NSA taps fiber optic cables around the world
4. NSA spies on foreign countries and world leaders
5. XKeyscore, the program that sees everything
6. NSA efforts to crack encryption and undermine Internet security
7. NSA elite hacking team techniques revealed
8. NSA cracks Google and Yahoo data center links
9. NSA collects text messages
10. NSA intercepts all phone calls in two countries
does this not prove our point? outside of wiretapping Angela Merkel's cell phone what have we really learned from Snowden that we didn't know before?
in stark contrast, Chelsea (formerly Bradley Manning) leaked thousands of documents that proved U.S. torture, abuse, war crimes, soldiers laughing as they killed innocent civilians, U.S. complicity and involvement with repressive Arab regimes, changed our entire perception of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, future wars and threatened people's lives and careers. I mean, we are talking serious and very real shit. note that Chelsea rots in a box in solitary confinement and received a 35-year prison sentence while Snowden lives the high life, shooting movies, drinking Russian vodka and partying with his pole dancing girlfriend in Moscow. must be nice.
is it possible journalist Glenn Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras are being used? are they a pawn in the elaborate Snowden game or are they also a part of the coverup? isn't it strange that Snowden, the most wanted man alive when the leak first broke was able to escape detection from the entire global intelligence community? he literally snuck out the backdoor of a Hong Kong hotel unscathed and unnoticed. this is incredible. he must be superman. then he boarded and flew on an airplane where he was stopped at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow where he was held for almost a week without a single intelligence agent, journalist or civilian bumping into him or snapping a photo to post on Instagram. strange.
I have a feeling if you were Snowden and you were the most hunted man in the world, you would be triangulated and compromised immediately by the same Orwellian spy network that you allegedly exposed.
but not Snowden, he's smarter than the entire global intelligence community.
we need to ask, who and what does the Snowden leak serve? who benefits? do the people? has there been any real reform since the leak exposed the NSA and a vast illegal and anti-constitutional wiretapping program? has Obama or any other politician for that matter intervened in any material way to change and/or stop what is now public knowledge? the answer to that question is an obvious and startling no. in fact, I would argue that the leak has actually served the NSA and their interests more than it has the American people. again, if Snowden is a limited or partial hangout what the leak did is remind every American and citizen of the world that they are being watched (surveilled) at all times and anything they say or do in private or public will be used against them. an omnipotent and ubiquitous government spy grid. this is ultimate control. it is psychological power and the very definition of a PANOPTICON prison.
although these are good questions, it still doesn't answer what is probably the most penetrating. if Snowden is in on it, still working for the U.S. government and global intelligence agencies then why is he being held over in Russia? why would he agree to that? is it possible that Snowden has been brainwashed by the same people he represents? is he on his version of a jihad mission in what he believes is serving the best interests of the United States? I mean think about it, if he really is protecting the best interests of the U.S. government from a much greater leak that would threaten national security, is he not a hero in his own mind?
also, what smells foul is that Snowden has been acclaimed as an international hero and has been immediately sprung into the spotlight. he is the star of a new Poitras documentary called Citizenfour and even has a film in the works by famed director Oliver Stone. I thought he said he didn't want the spotlight? even his soon to be hinted at fiancée was flown out to Russia (undetected or stopped by the U.S. intelligence community BTW) to live with him in a hidden, secret and non-disclosed location so she could join him and the celebrity lifestyle that makes up Snowdinia. really? are we really expected to believe this? I call bullshit.
why is the media and Hollywood giving him so much attention? everyone knows that one of the first rules of mainstream media propaganda is to lie by omission. in other words, if the media wants to hide something significant or cover something up, they drop the story and let it die. the people will assume the story has run its natural course, is no longer a headline (therefore not significant) and because the masses have what is called short-term memory loss will quickly forget controversial events like public protests, bank bailouts and political scandals. but not for Snowden, he's Hollywood now and the media is highlighting it. to me, this smells like a dirty sock.
but again, we didn't answer the original question. the most penetrating one. why would Putin be in on this? how does this serve Russian interests? isn't Russia an enemy of the United States and is this the red herring?
is it possible that Putin stopped Snowden in Moscow while on his way to flee to another country, interrogated him, and then decided to use him to his advantage in a vast propaganda war against the United States? or is it possible that Putin and Obama struck a deal? did they make a trade? could it be that the information about to be exposed by an unknown whistleblower was so damaging and controversial that it compromised not just the United States but also Russian intelligence? remember, even enemies work together at times when it is in their best interest to do so. it's good business. what's the old saying, 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?'
we may never know all the facts about the Snowden leak and it may take years to uncover more information. who knows, maybe the bombshell revelation we've all been waiting for is just around the corner? or maybe Snowden isn't who he says he is."
"I saw it with a friend who was a few minutes late because she was watching the Giants' game. in discussing the movie afterward she questioned just how important some of the issues raised were. Greenwald and others speak passionately about the dangers of the surveillance state, but my date pointed out that she can't feel much fear that the NSA is going to be breaking down her door because of anything she's said on the phone or in e-mail. my own experience is that friends and colleagues on the one hand self-censor and don't mention politics, drugs, Bittorrent use, etc. in e-mail or social media for fear of the all-knowing eye, or on the other hand seem oblivious to any danger – why worry about Google programmatically reading every single e-mail sent or received, if it means free e-mail and potentially more accurate search results when shopping? Snowden at one point convincingly says he doesn't think it is possible for anyone no matter how brilliant and educated to individually fight all the electronic surveillance systems in existence. we're told of the multitude of methods of surveillance and repeatedly shown NSA officials blatantly lying to Congress about their existence. the lack of accountability for this last has been personally troubling to me – I remember Watergate and Iran-Contra – how is it that the heads of the NSA can with impunity flat out lie to Congress about spying on American citizens? what will viewers come away with when walking out of the theater after Citizenfour? I'm wondering how many will see it as a call to action, and how many as a well-executed depiction of Edward Snowden's experience, which may not be seen as intersecting our own." COMMENT
"How sick is it that 'truth' and 'truther' have become mechanisms through which concepts and people are reflexively derided and discredited?"
11'25 @Jentastic23 as sick as normal.
two different paradigms are fighting each other religiously: "sheeple" vs "truther". TWEET
"One of the best books about the Jesuits and Roman Catholicism and their contrast to America and it's Constitution"
11'26 Uncle Sam or the Pope, Which? by L.L. Pickett ARCHIVE
11'26 "The Patriot Act was written prior to '9/11' by the Jesuit Georgetown Professor Viet Dinh." WEBSITE
11'26 @tlthe5th "study Propaganda Techniques and you'll see he uses many of these.
Alex Jones is 100% Psy-Op. I believe he's CIA or Army Intelligence." WEBSITE
11'26 RT @tlthe5th Ripples of the Big Bang Are Seen Through 'The Times' ARTICLE
11'26 Loyola High School of Los Angeles Kicks Off Its Sesquicentennial As Oldest Continually Operated Educational Institution in Southern California. MESSAGE
"I'm decisive. The only thing about me that is ever up in the air is my ass."
11'26 @Feenohmenal In the words of Red Forman: "How would you like your keen eye to watch my sure foot kick your smart ass."
@cosmopinciotti Ass kicking needed lately. The world has been beating me up plenty, though in an irritating way, not a humbling one.
11'27 @Feenohmenal I can imagine that it gets harder to be decisive the more an irritation strikes deeper-seated beliefs. TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal but aren't you just cinderblocks on the run? TWEET | TWEET away from: TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal when microblogging goes macro TWEET | TWEET | TWEET | TWEET
11'27 @cosmopinciotti I enjoy your linking of ideas. I assuredly tweet contradictions – some are feelings, others beliefs. Change energizes me.
11'26 Government wants to control information and control language because that's the way you control thought.
George Carlin VIDEO
01'07 @dear_winsome "pialogue recognizes that true genius has its own internal language that facilitates genius for that specific person" WEBSITE
"This 'JOURNAL ENTRY' is so suspect. #Ferguson"
11'27 @dear_winsome allowing for deep-seated and business beliefs I consider career journalists as being government assets TWEET
"They can't kill Truth."
11'27 @dear_winsome no, that's my job... TWEET | TWEET | TWEET
11'27 @dear_winsome "The inquiry, knowledge, and belief of truth is the sovereign good of human nature."
Francis Bacon, Essays, "Of Truth"
Inscription on a wall in the reading room of the Library of Congress VIDEO Riddles in Stone by Chris Pinto
11'29 "A simulacrum of truth has blossomed..." ARTICLE
11'27 "the most influential preacher in America is not Jim Bakker or Jerry Falwell or John Cardinal O'Connor.
rather it is Bill Cosby" ARTICLE
"this year 'The Cosby Show' and 'Family Ties' became, respectively, the first and second most-watched programs in the history of television"
"A modern version of the medieval morality play has slipped into prime-time television almost without anyone noticing it."
11'27 "Family love is one of the tiny windows through which the Good or the Possible or God, if you want to use the term, peeks at us. It is in the little things of life, isn't it, that we often find the meaning of the big things?"
"Having recently watched a couple score of tapes of 'Cosby,' 'Family Ties,' 'Growing Pains,' 'Mr. Belvedere' and 'My Sister Sam,' I am prepared to propose that anyone who can certify that they have viewed two of these programs in a week can be dispensed, if not from weekend religious services, then at least from the sermon.
They do it a lot better than we do it."
11'27 "Adding new beliefs on top of a foundation of opposing deep-seated subconscious beliefs is generally not a good recipe for lasting change." Andrew Maneker
11'27 @cosmopinciotti "approach the emotion as information" – I'm intrigued TWEET | TWEET | TWEET
@cosmopinciotti Impulses and feelings turn the cogs of thought, yet few have the stamina to power an entire belief system for me.
11'27 @Feenohmenal I see intuition as the instinct of the "languaging being" BLOG POST relying on conscious and sub-conscious beliefs
11'27 @Feenohmenal if the heart works individually the same way as mentality for groups, impulses and feelings are always "colored" by convictions
@Feenohmenal "we don't see the market itself, we see our projection. it is simply human nature to see things through our own personal filter"
11'27 @Feenohmenal in case you're familiar with The New Biology, imagine beliefs as the nucleus and intuition as the membrane TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal Let's call it taste, if you will. TWEET Beliefs and intuition stabilize each other... TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal or take your notion of intuition and look how blinders are actually functioning.
like the height of the walls of someone's heart
11'29 a theory of the blinders must be a concept of the heart. and it will define death as being emotionally detached from the cognitive dimension
11'29 there's a strong connection between an I-love-you TWEET and total coldness towards the death of the towers/death in general
11'30 "anything is possible. everything's worth the same. nothing really matters.
life's but a cosmic chaos: an absolutely meaningless, black vacuum"
11'25 @amtvmedia Stone's involvement speaks volumes.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill COMMENT
@amtvmedia That's the beauty of conspiracy theories: you never know what or who to believe.
11'25 @ZabucaRodrigo it's important to feed the conspiracy myth @amtvmedia TWEET
this infowar must go on TWEET
12'21 If "trusted media" are among the powerful conspiring against the powerless, they cannot and will not present an accurate portrayal of reality.
11'25 @Jentastic23 there's no bigger business than making others believe TWEET
This subject is taboo for scientific exploration.
11'25 @Jentastic23 why? nobody wants that TWEET why? hmm, most people are mostly terrified by themselves TWEET
11'25 "If...the...TTIP treaty becomes law...corporations will have completely taken financial control from elected governments." ARTICLE
11'25 Snowden's "9/11" Panopticon Prison 11'16 ARTICLE by Christopher Green
"what if Edward Snowden isn't who he says he is? what if Snowden is still working for the U.S. government?
what if the leak was an elaborate smokescreen, what some call a 'LIMITED HANGOUT' or PSYOP?
is the Snowden leak a part of a U.S. intelligence 'PR' operation to disseminate some truthful information while at the same time protecting what really might be compromised? you know, give the American people something to chew on while at the same time covering up and protecting the real damning information.
...a limited hangout, or partial hangout is defined as a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details.
it takes the form of deception, misdirection, or coverup often associated with intelligence agencies involving a release or 'mea culpa' type of confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information, that establishes credibility for the one releasing the information who by the very act of confession appears to be 'coming clean' and acting with integrity – but in actuality, by withholding key facts, is protecting a deeper operation and those who could be exposed if the whole truth came out. in effect, if an array of offenses or misdeeds is suspected, this confession admits to a lesser offense while covering up the greater ones.
a limited hangout typically is a response to lower the pressure felt from inquisitive investigators pursuing clues that threaten to expose everything, and the disclosure is often combined with red herrings or propaganda elements that lead to false trails, distractions, or ideological disinformation; thus allowing covert or criminal elements to continue in their improper activities.
is it possible that what we're seeing today with the Snowden leak meets this definition? is Snowden a front man still working for the same government he says he exposed? again, a lot about Snowden doesn't make sense.
he supposedly left a six-figure paying job in Hawaii, a beautiful girlfriend behind and jeopardized his entire career, life and future so that he could expose a traitorous U.S. government and its criminal spy operations.
again, I want to believe this too but my bullshit detector is on high alert. let's not forget that Snowden actually worked for the U.S. government, NSA and CIA (he was one of them). he was a high-tech spy (according to him) and if he is telling the truth, he flipped. that in and of itself should be questioned. now it's not to say this doesn't happen from time to time and there are legitimate whistleblowers, truth-tellers and good people out there. there are. but the question is, is Snowden?
one of the key things about Snowden that doesn't smell right is how put together and polished he is. it's as if he is working from a well prepared script. leakers like Chelsea Manning for example are discombobulated, strange, not well prepared and disorganized. not Snowden, he's prepared beautiful PowerPoint presentations, speaks simply and fluidly, looks the part and seems to have thought out every response and answer to the questions posed to him before they are given. he really is a PR genius. but I thought he was a tech nerd?
also questionable is the quality of the leak, subsequent leaks and the information it exposed. Greenwald for example keeps promising more damaging information to be released with the next Snowden revelation but it never really comes. I don't know about you, but I have serious blue balls right about now. ask yourself, what do we really know that we didn't already know? again, was it not obvious that the U.S. government, NSA and intelligence agencies have been spying on us and other countries for some time now? it may be a surprise to the conditioned masses (the very definition of a limited hangout) but for inquisitive minds and those paying attention none of this comes as a surprise, it's just confirmation.
did Snowden release anything about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks we didn't know about before? has he incriminated a single powerful person, banker or politician? has he ruined anyone's career, forced Congress to act or change policy of any kind? has anything he released really been that dangerous?
according to one BLOG POST, here are the top ten biggest revelations Snowden has leaked so far...
1. Secret court orders allow NSA to sweep up Americans' phone records
3. Britain's version of the NSA taps fiber optic cables around the world
4. NSA spies on foreign countries and world leaders
5. XKeyscore, the program that sees everything
6. NSA efforts to crack encryption and undermine Internet security
7. NSA elite hacking team techniques revealed
8. NSA cracks Google and Yahoo data center links
9. NSA collects text messages
10. NSA intercepts all phone calls in two countries
does this not prove our point? outside of wiretapping Angela Merkel's cell phone what have we really learned from Snowden that we didn't know before?
in stark contrast, Chelsea (formerly Bradley Manning) leaked thousands of documents that proved U.S. torture, abuse, war crimes, soldiers laughing as they killed innocent civilians, U.S. complicity and involvement with repressive Arab regimes, changed our entire perception of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, future wars and threatened people's lives and careers. I mean, we are talking serious and very real shit. note that Chelsea rots in a box in solitary confinement and received a 35-year prison sentence while Snowden lives the high life, shooting movies, drinking Russian vodka and partying with his pole dancing girlfriend in Moscow. must be nice.
is it possible journalist Glenn Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras are being used? are they a pawn in the elaborate Snowden game or are they also a part of the coverup? isn't it strange that Snowden, the most wanted man alive when the leak first broke was able to escape detection from the entire global intelligence community? he literally snuck out the backdoor of a Hong Kong hotel unscathed and unnoticed. this is incredible. he must be superman. then he boarded and flew on an airplane where he was stopped at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow where he was held for almost a week without a single intelligence agent, journalist or civilian bumping into him or snapping a photo to post on Instagram. strange.
I have a feeling if you were Snowden and you were the most hunted man in the world, you would be triangulated and compromised immediately by the same Orwellian spy network that you allegedly exposed.
but not Snowden, he's smarter than the entire global intelligence community.
we need to ask, who and what does the Snowden leak serve? who benefits? do the people? has there been any real reform since the leak exposed the NSA and a vast illegal and anti-constitutional wiretapping program? has Obama or any other politician for that matter intervened in any material way to change and/or stop what is now public knowledge? the answer to that question is an obvious and startling no. in fact, I would argue that the leak has actually served the NSA and their interests more than it has the American people. again, if Snowden is a limited or partial hangout what the leak did is remind every American and citizen of the world that they are being watched (surveilled) at all times and anything they say or do in private or public will be used against them. an omnipotent and ubiquitous government spy grid. this is ultimate control. it is psychological power and the very definition of a PANOPTICON prison.
although these are good questions, it still doesn't answer what is probably the most penetrating. if Snowden is in on it, still working for the U.S. government and global intelligence agencies then why is he being held over in Russia? why would he agree to that? is it possible that Snowden has been brainwashed by the same people he represents? is he on his version of a jihad mission in what he believes is serving the best interests of the United States? I mean think about it, if he really is protecting the best interests of the U.S. government from a much greater leak that would threaten national security, is he not a hero in his own mind?
also, what smells foul is that Snowden has been acclaimed as an international hero and has been immediately sprung into the spotlight. he is the star of a new Poitras documentary called Citizenfour and even has a film in the works by famed director Oliver Stone. I thought he said he didn't want the spotlight? even his soon to be hinted at fiancée was flown out to Russia (undetected or stopped by the U.S. intelligence community BTW) to live with him in a hidden, secret and non-disclosed location so she could join him and the celebrity lifestyle that makes up Snowdinia. really? are we really expected to believe this? I call bullshit.
why is the media and Hollywood giving him so much attention? everyone knows that one of the first rules of mainstream media propaganda is to lie by omission. in other words, if the media wants to hide something significant or cover something up, they drop the story and let it die. the people will assume the story has run its natural course, is no longer a headline (therefore not significant) and because the masses have what is called short-term memory loss will quickly forget controversial events like public protests, bank bailouts and political scandals. but not for Snowden, he's Hollywood now and the media is highlighting it. to me, this smells like a dirty sock.
but again, we didn't answer the original question. the most penetrating one. why would Putin be in on this? how does this serve Russian interests? isn't Russia an enemy of the United States and is this the red herring?
is it possible that Putin stopped Snowden in Moscow while on his way to flee to another country, interrogated him, and then decided to use him to his advantage in a vast propaganda war against the United States? or is it possible that Putin and Obama struck a deal? did they make a trade? could it be that the information about to be exposed by an unknown whistleblower was so damaging and controversial that it compromised not just the United States but also Russian intelligence? remember, even enemies work together at times when it is in their best interest to do so. it's good business. what's the old saying, 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?'
we may never know all the facts about the Snowden leak and it may take years to uncover more information. who knows, maybe the bombshell revelation we've all been waiting for is just around the corner? or maybe Snowden isn't who he says he is."
"I saw it with a friend who was a few minutes late because she was watching the Giants' game. in discussing the movie afterward she questioned just how important some of the issues raised were. Greenwald and others speak passionately about the dangers of the surveillance state, but my date pointed out that she can't feel much fear that the NSA is going to be breaking down her door because of anything she's said on the phone or in e-mail. my own experience is that friends and colleagues on the one hand self-censor and don't mention politics, drugs, Bittorrent use, etc. in e-mail or social media for fear of the all-knowing eye, or on the other hand seem oblivious to any danger – why worry about Google programmatically reading every single e-mail sent or received, if it means free e-mail and potentially more accurate search results when shopping? Snowden at one point convincingly says he doesn't think it is possible for anyone no matter how brilliant and educated to individually fight all the electronic surveillance systems in existence. we're told of the multitude of methods of surveillance and repeatedly shown NSA officials blatantly lying to Congress about their existence. the lack of accountability for this last has been personally troubling to me – I remember Watergate and Iran-Contra – how is it that the heads of the NSA can with impunity flat out lie to Congress about spying on American citizens? what will viewers come away with when walking out of the theater after Citizenfour? I'm wondering how many will see it as a call to action, and how many as a well-executed depiction of Edward Snowden's experience, which may not be seen as intersecting our own." COMMENT
"How sick is it that 'truth' and 'truther' have become mechanisms through which concepts and people are reflexively derided and discredited?"
11'25 @Jentastic23 as sick as normal.
two different paradigms are fighting each other religiously: "sheeple" vs "truther". TWEET
"One of the best books about the Jesuits and Roman Catholicism and their contrast to America and it's Constitution"
11'26 Uncle Sam or the Pope, Which? by L.L. Pickett ARCHIVE
11'26 "The Patriot Act was written prior to '9/11' by the Jesuit Georgetown Professor Viet Dinh." WEBSITE
11'26 @tlthe5th "study Propaganda Techniques and you'll see he uses many of these.
Alex Jones is 100% Psy-Op. I believe he's CIA or Army Intelligence." WEBSITE
11'26 RT @tlthe5th Ripples of the Big Bang Are Seen Through 'The Times' ARTICLE
11'26 Loyola High School of Los Angeles Kicks Off Its Sesquicentennial As Oldest Continually Operated Educational Institution in Southern California. MESSAGE
"I'm decisive. The only thing about me that is ever up in the air is my ass."
11'26 @Feenohmenal In the words of Red Forman: "How would you like your keen eye to watch my sure foot kick your smart ass."
@cosmopinciotti Ass kicking needed lately. The world has been beating me up plenty, though in an irritating way, not a humbling one.
11'27 @Feenohmenal I can imagine that it gets harder to be decisive the more an irritation strikes deeper-seated beliefs. TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal but aren't you just cinderblocks on the run? TWEET | TWEET away from: TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal when microblogging goes macro TWEET | TWEET | TWEET | TWEET
11'27 @cosmopinciotti I enjoy your linking of ideas. I assuredly tweet contradictions – some are feelings, others beliefs. Change energizes me.
11'26 Government wants to control information and control language because that's the way you control thought.
George Carlin VIDEO
01'07 @dear_winsome "pialogue recognizes that true genius has its own internal language that facilitates genius for that specific person" WEBSITE
"This 'JOURNAL ENTRY' is so suspect. #Ferguson"
11'27 @dear_winsome allowing for deep-seated and business beliefs I consider career journalists as being government assets TWEET
"They can't kill Truth."
11'27 @dear_winsome no, that's my job... TWEET | TWEET | TWEET
11'27 @dear_winsome "The inquiry, knowledge, and belief of truth is the sovereign good of human nature."
Francis Bacon, Essays, "Of Truth"
Inscription on a wall in the reading room of the Library of Congress VIDEO Riddles in Stone by Chris Pinto
11'29 "A simulacrum of truth has blossomed..." ARTICLE
11'27 "the most influential preacher in America is not Jim Bakker or Jerry Falwell or John Cardinal O'Connor.
rather it is Bill Cosby" ARTICLE
"this year 'The Cosby Show' and 'Family Ties' became, respectively, the first and second most-watched programs in the history of television"
"A modern version of the medieval morality play has slipped into prime-time television almost without anyone noticing it."
11'27 "Family love is one of the tiny windows through which the Good or the Possible or God, if you want to use the term, peeks at us. It is in the little things of life, isn't it, that we often find the meaning of the big things?"
"Having recently watched a couple score of tapes of 'Cosby,' 'Family Ties,' 'Growing Pains,' 'Mr. Belvedere' and 'My Sister Sam,' I am prepared to propose that anyone who can certify that they have viewed two of these programs in a week can be dispensed, if not from weekend religious services, then at least from the sermon.
They do it a lot better than we do it."
11'27 "Adding new beliefs on top of a foundation of opposing deep-seated subconscious beliefs is generally not a good recipe for lasting change." Andrew Maneker
11'27 @cosmopinciotti "approach the emotion as information" – I'm intrigued TWEET | TWEET | TWEET
@cosmopinciotti Impulses and feelings turn the cogs of thought, yet few have the stamina to power an entire belief system for me.
11'27 @Feenohmenal I see intuition as the instinct of the "languaging being" BLOG POST relying on conscious and sub-conscious beliefs
11'27 @Feenohmenal if the heart works individually the same way as mentality for groups, impulses and feelings are always "colored" by convictions
@Feenohmenal "we don't see the market itself, we see our projection. it is simply human nature to see things through our own personal filter"
11'27 @Feenohmenal in case you're familiar with The New Biology, imagine beliefs as the nucleus and intuition as the membrane TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal Let's call it taste, if you will. TWEET Beliefs and intuition stabilize each other... TWEET
11'27 @Feenohmenal or take your notion of intuition and look how blinders are actually functioning.
like the height of the walls of someone's heart
11'29 a theory of the blinders must be a concept of the heart. and it will define death as being emotionally detached from the cognitive dimension
11'29 there's a strong connection between an I-love-you TWEET and total coldness towards the death of the towers/death in general
11'30 "anything is possible. everything's worth the same. nothing really matters.
life's but a cosmic chaos: an absolutely meaningless, black vacuum"
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