Sunday, 8 December 2013

talking is sex – using language symbiotically

instead of rhetorically... 

Organic DMT: "the society beast can only be tamed with truth..."
12'06'13 pinciotti: on the contrary. "truth" is exactly what makes society a beast, because everyone believes to know it... everybody believes to possess "the truth".

Kendra: "why does an orgasm feel so good?"
12'07'13 pinciotti: imagine an earthquake within your soul... sex is your personal ultimate truth.
the deeper the soul, the deeper the feelings...

"'you,' he said, 'are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that, I believe, is why you are in so much pain." 12'04'13 Beatrice: "this has been accurate, on occasion, both for me and many whom I know and love."
Charles Bukowski: "we're all going to die. all of us. what a circus! that alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. we are terrorized and flattened by trivialities. we are eaten up by nothing."

pinciotti: but Bukowski couldn't say why. neither could Freud, Nietzsche or Kafka...
Beatrice: "it is because we perceive reality with such intensity and believe in good so fervently where there is such precedent for evil. it's the disappointment that we feel, when the reality of an evil and brutally selfish world rears to strike, that pains us. we, who give our all, feel the pain of a world in which so many refuse to accept even a tenth of what is offered."
pinciotti: alway always ALWAYS always almightily trapped in a preacher's mentality... meanwhile, the web offers something completely new.
Beatrice: "explain what you mean by 'always trapped in a preacher's mentality'."

sure. with a little help from you and from Twitter I believe we can handle and clarify this subject. step by step and once and forever.

let's start with "I'm just a girl armed with words and a camera. INFP" and her tweet:

12'04'13 Raine: "when I grow up I want to be a forest."

because she genuinely marks the difference: I'm in the mud like she's in the thicket.

the bird's nest's equivalent in terms of (re)presenting your perspective is of course the pulpit, which nowadays under cyberspace conditions is being entered by every single voice, every fucking blogger, who furthermore conglomerates into oases of piety, where you can treasure your beliefs, widen your nest, heighten your pulpit and repel critique. and that's no wonder where modern education goes back to Loyola's anthropology, including the main principle of science. and only because he was a fucked-up soldier we now have to fight against one another? always? this is absolutely crazy and insane.

10'01'13 Beatrice: "father/brother/uncle/cousin are all pastors."

so each of my four "always" counts for one of them... unknowingly – that's funny. although I didn't mean you personally with this little appeal for help. that deep sigh had more to do with political slogans like those:

12'05'13 Peace of Mind: "create your own religion based on your beliefs, thoughts and morals."

12'04'13 Abstract Thoughts: "define your own truth."
12'04'13 Abstract Thoughts: "everybody is a hypocrite in one way or another..."

12'06'13 pinciotti: alltogether, I think, your thoughts are a little bit too abstract, because they are incompatible with one another.

you say you view your work as sacred. by canonizing your perspective/truth/work/life/sexuality etc. you devaluate everybody else's. I, on the other hand, can understand my perspective/truth/work/life/sexuality etc. much more better if I'm capable to understand everybody else's too. you, for instance, like Bukowski or Nietzsche, are blessed with sensibility. without sensibility no intelligence – perception is everything.

the disappointment that you feel, like Bukowski or Nietzsche, originates, from my perspective, from a very conscious incomprehension of how people, who are less exceptionally gifted, do conceive the world. as if all three of you would reject the notion that character equals destiny. and until today nobody has really found a formula to change a character significantly...

Jung: "what he'll never accept is that what we understand has got us nowhere. we have to go into uncharted territory. we have to GO BACK to the sources of everything we believe. I don't want to just open a door and show the patient his illness, squatting there like a toad. I want to try and find a way to help the patient reinvent himself. to send him off on a journey at the end of which is waiting the person he was always intended to be."

"talking = sex" could be the step that Freud wouldn't have gone, because he thought this wasn't necessary. and Jung couldn't do it, although he desperately wanted to, because you have to have a much broader general understanding of what social structures are really based on. today through computers, "9/11", and Facebook it's relatively easy to grasp.

are you familiar with Bruce Lipton's "New Biology: where mind and matter meet"?
the symbiotic relationship between mushrooms and trees delivers the prime example to interpret language organically. it also delivers the prime example for what computer communication could become in the future...
rhetoric is confrontative. maintained and enforced by militant priests of all sorts. the education principle is catholic which means universal, all-embracing – now every blogger is kind of a politician of his own... in reality every citizen is by birth a legally recognized corporation.

12'04'13 Rachel: "beauty in simplicity"

part of my perspective is therefore the need to understand other viewpoints as well as my own.
opinion makers don't do that. conspiracy rhetorics for instance don't waste any thoughts on the notion that a conspiracy cannot work on the cultural level. the problem of being subject to massive crime and mystification is that much bigger than a conspiratorial construct. which by the way could easily understood if it would be one, actually.

11'23'13 Wilrieke: "the largest conspiracy ever...
"I'm talking about a conspiracy in which both you and I – and everybody around us – is involved. it's not guided by the government or anyone. we are the ones who've created it a long time ago, and we are the ones maintaining it."

my new approach as "piety theorist" however differs from the rest. you won't find any open piety scientifical faculty world-wide, because saintliness is the biggest business at all. I mean all kinds of pieties, not only religious or ideological ones.

understanding each other is "the most crucial foundation of sex". one of my deleted comments from Cara Sutra's sex blog.

11'19'13 Melli: "to really be the first generation of women in my family to begin to break free of that religious shame is amazing. to own my sexuality..."
11'19'13 Melli: "...and owning my sexuality by choosing to be submissive – the irony is not lost on me."

this is where we are.
priests kept people in the dark for centuries by asserting that they were enlightening the faithful. this is how powerful language can be. as well as how dangerous and unbelievably toxic. schizophrenic by all means.
language enables the biggest despisers of mankind to sell themselves as the greatest philanthropists that there are. possible through superior intelligence.

words are the most intimate things... nobody says it better than you did:

10'25'13 Verbal Stimulation – using your words to get results

"every day I'm learning just how painful but important it is to encourage and bear witness to the verbal expression, written or spoken, of his new and slightly unnerving journey toward self awareness.
that's what verbal interaction is all about, for both dommes and the subs they love and the clients with whom they work: self awareness that leads to self fulfillment.

physical pleasure is high on the list, and no one's denying it. I thrill every time I see my sweet pet or one of my clients absolutely lose themselves in sensation. but the true high, the true ecstasy for me, comes from their understanding of those sensations and clear ability to ask for those sensations.
am I on the cerebral end? you're damn right. do I want to get inside the minds of every sub I encounter and lick their motor strip and processing centers until they cum? double-damn right.
however, since lobotomy and cranial lingual stimulation are not recommended, I get to use my tongue in other ways – I get to use my words

I get to describe, entice, tease, create, and titillate, all with the mere touch of my tongue to my teeth and hard palette.
I get to show my sweet favorite that I love him by telling him, outright, and by telling him what I love to do to him, his mind, and his body.
I get to encourage, praise, and correct with the softest direction and the most lustful demands.
I get to lead by example.

with every submissive, I strive to use my words in an effort to show them that they, too, can have exactly what they need through the simple act of asking.
hell, you go ahead and beg, you beautiful submissives – you know I like that.

articulate begging, and even barely-lucid begging, are hugely aphrodisiac in their effect.
but you have to start somewhere – you have to start by talking, and by asking for what you want.

believe me, your words will yield amazingly tailored and pleasurable results."

"awareness is the food of the soul" – that's right. and what's the point of going kinky?
isn't it first and foremost the higher degree of intensity? and intimacy, consequentially. a kinky relationship is far more symbiotic than the cultural standard, isn't it.

for example:

06'13'13 Mr. Intensity: "the journey of D/s is more intense and clear. you will never feel so female and feminine as when in the hands of a man who owns you, yet frees you."

11'24'13 Mr. Intensity: "the key to delivering strong mastery sits not in focusing on what you hunger for, but truly understanding what she hungers for."

11'22'13 Mr. Intensity: "identify what 'moves' HER not you. then you can accept your responsibilities as her dominant and architect the path that enslaves her."

01'10'13 Beatrice: "don't sell yourself short: find a domme that understands you in ENTIRETY. only the well-trained, ethical, and knowledgeable should be seen!"

12'04'13 Beatrice: "my amusement, not your pleasure, is the goal. the sooner you learn to take pleasure in my amusement, the happier you'll be."

11'26'13 Mr. Intensity: "extreme selfishness has no place in dominance."

11'23'13 Mr. Intensity: "neither dominance nor submission is based on getting. they are based on giving."


12'02'13 tenderstorm: "I find my pleasure in your pleasure."

10'02'13 tarl bludworth: "the only thing better than having orgasms is giving someone else orgasms."


04'23'13 Mr. Intensity: "her body is a decoy designed to distract you from the place of her truest femininity and most beautiful vulnerability: her mind."

04'20'13 Mr. Intensity: "D/s moves the discussion from sex acts to mental cravings. it takes us from sex to sexuality."

04'14'13 Mr. Intensity: "D/s is where intellect meets sexuality."
Desiree: "and where sexuality takes precedence guided by intellect."

can you see my point?

11'30'13 Seated Sir: "properly nurtured, D/s is a fascinating and logical dynamic. both parties desiring precisely what the other offers freely, urgently."

what I'm trying to say is that in symbiotic love affairs the own excitement begins outside of you, inside the other. so how about transferring this D/s principle from making love to the way we talk to each other? in the most general sense. see, since Cara has called me a comments stalker I'm saying that "talking IS sex... can't you feel it?"  
why not talking together like having a nookie, you know? instead of doing it like preachers and teachers. that's what I am doing: choosing kind of an orgasm-oriented approach to language... finding myself within the other and let him feel that, so to speak.

11'08'13 Galileo Galilei: "you cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to find it within himself."

11'23'13 a fifth of forever: "sometimes it's best to simply listen. we learn a lot about life, others, and ourselves from listening. no explanations, just reflection."

10'12'13 Carol N: "communication can be like fishing. sometimes it takes silence and patience before you reap the reward."

12'04'13 Organic DMT: "reach down inside your intuition and reward the people with your energy that are connected with your inner self. if they aren't... let it be. force only creates stagnant force back to the source, basically, it will create a wall of equal force where interpretations will be expressed, but not heard... listen to it all and always respect each others mind waves... everyone rides a different one, but we're all riding the same bigger wave together..."

Beatrice: "love is only dangerous/damaging in the absence of honesty."
pinciotti: honesty is what we need most.

06'28'13 Erik Allen: "vulnerability is the most confident and authentic form of honesty."

11'23'13 Melli: "in so many respects, I am tender, new, vulnerable. coiled-in. this feeling of vulnerability is new, part of my rebirth."

I think I have to bring more vulnerability to the table when I want to create another setting for successful conversations with a mental satisfaction factor comparable to an orgasm. more poetry, more joy of playing, more philosophical width. kind on an erotic setting to really act out the potential of language.

11'29'13 Wolfgang Alexander: "honesty of emotion and down to earth challenges to Stepford sexuality."

Abstract Thoughts: "religion is like a penis, it's cool that you have one but I don't need you whipping it out in public or shoving it down kids throats"
12'07'13 pinciotti: don't you penetrate the web with your religion like any fucking priest too? you too have a love affair with your "truth"...

like I said at the beginning: sex is your ultimate personal truth.
and: there's nothing more intimate than your truth.
YOU ARE your truth and your truth shows up nakedly in your sex life...

12'06'13 Organic DMT: "the meaning behind a word that is heard is filled with your perspective..."

12'05'13 pinciotti: inspiration is the instance through which life proceeds.

through inspiration gods unfold their influence and power. religious gods, screen gods, or any other cultural icons.

the sex drive is the most basic and most natural expression of a human being. his most important source of energy. and eroticism is inspiration pure. an orgasm represents the pinnacle of inspiration, its absolute maximum and flagship in some measure. and inspiration, I think, is driven by focussing on resonances instead of trying to convince somebody, you know. if D/s takes us from sex to sexuality, the use of words in a symbiotic fashion should take us from conquering another mind to exploring let's say two minds together at the same time in form of a mutual mental act similar to carnal intercourse.

12'05'13 Bohemisphere: "my brain wants to fuck your brain. 
and don't worry about the logistics, they'll figure it out."

12'05'13 GoddessDeviRani: "great minds fuck each other."

12'06'13 Alison: "vagina – a man's best friend but attached to his worst enemy."


12'02'13 tenderstorm: "I find my pleasure in your pleasure."

11'24'13 Mr. Intensity: "the key to delivering strong mastery sits not in focusing on what you hunger for, but truly understanding what she hungers for."

through their intimate nature words can be used as the most disastrous weapon at all, unless you prefer to fuck with them. you think with them, so you feel with them, then you put your feelings back into words in order that they can be understood. I don't think of that as wishful thinking, speculation or some sort of policy, no. this is what happens anyway, but we don't see it as it is actually, I believe.

in plain terms: I want to fuck you with my perspective/truth/work/life/sexuality etc. to sharpen, expand, and elaborate it, but I want the same for you in this act. "it's my urgent desire to be artistically fucked... by you and by every trick in the book." just by your mind, mistress. if talking is sex then sex is talking, which means sex is a far more spiritual thing.

Sabina Spielrein: "suppose we think of sexuality as fusion, losing oneself, as you say, but losing oneself in the other. in other words, destroying one's own individuality. and wouldn't the ego, in self-defense, automatically resist that impulse?"

let's transfer this aspect to the "talk act"... because in my eyes that's exactly the reason why blogger masturbate. they fear real sex in that sense. am I the only one who's apparent that people don't really speak with each other on the web?! everyone broadcasts, nobody corresponds. everybody is digging oneself in... to shelter his very piety. in vulnerability lies strength. while the mainstream supports willed consumer souls – the mentality of loyal subjects.

11'28'13 pinciotti @DomSigns @Mollysdailykiss) "the system squats deep in your guts" – you will need a completely new basic communication principle.

12'01'13 Michael Cooper: "my grandma once said to me something rather profound: that she does not know how to think."
comment: "I do not think that free thinking is encouraged in the current curriculum."

why can't talking be more about learning?

according to: "why can't education be more about thinking?" (12'05'13 Jordan Shapiro)

today, 12'07'13 pinciotti: I am NOT broadcasting. (like Cara, Molly, Epiphora or you or any clown who preaches his truth)
what am I doing instead? I'm learning... I don't need your webspace, your feedback, your goodwill, I'm corresponding... no more, no less.

the cyberweb blatantly obvious shows how limited everyone's knowledge is. nevertheless everybody believes that only he knows "the truth".
this belief in some sort of personal truths or let's say personalized truths alone tends to be ridiculous in my opinion. is there really no other way than to have a romantic relationship with your truth? this is how education forms a mentality, characters and the climate of the public. if you believe in A truth you're just about on the warpath. the purpose of a conversation should be distinctly anti-rhetoric, making the conversation itself as highly erotic as possible. to learn from each other instead of permanently fighting like living a life of a pea-brained heeler.

corresponding with the aim of reaching a climax together – that's what I am talking about.
or in the sense of the following article, transferred into the realm of language:

11'05'13 The Orgasm Paradigm
"if sex is much more than penetration, the goal is much more than orgasming. in fact, the practice is the goal. which erases the goal completely!"

11'12'13 Oscar Wilde: "everything is about sex, except sex. sex is about power."

12'06'13 pinciotti: reclaim your mind, exactly. fuck all those plumbers of piety and every single opinion maker... every priest and every blogger. fuck! them! all!
and do it hard... but also gently!

12'05'13 Stanley Behrman: "the way we interpret what people say is determined by how we feel for them and not always by what was said."

11'27'13 Melli: "the thing is (and here's the clincher): I'm a whore who believes in love."

11'22'13 Melli: "my signature move is thinking I'm already at the destination when in reality I'm only still on the journey."

in a general sense, the human soul is pretty ambivalent. nevertheless, most don't play with words, they fight. day in, day out. it's like a big rhetoric fight club – the opposite of cruising symbiotically together.
communication à la Twitter works more indirectly, more subtle, more free-flowing. as if you wanted to mix your perspective with all the others and see how it works together. for you AND the others. Twitter is a true playground for language and opinions. and although you can block critical voices like a blogger, you can't really hide something or preach or establish any kind of mental fortress.

08'09'13 Moosstaccha: "I didn't mean to offend you. that was a bonus."

logic, the Trivium, rhetoric – no linguistics does include the feeling. they "have no idea" of lust or love, hate or disgust.
so far, the pure logic of language is blind to the romantic nature of the human soul. big mistake or political strategy? because this is unnatural. THIS is theoretical. you only can FEEL inspiration, not just think.

it's all about inspiration, you know. in every second, so to speak.
"The Shawshank Redemption" as best rated movie on is most of all about inspiration.
Loyola, of course, is inspirational too, but Jesuits aren't honest.

to clarify a conversation...

"I, respectfully, disagree wholeheartedly with your presented view on separation.
I know that I have separated the two, and can inform one with the other."

wholeheartedly – yes, of course. see above. so you have separated your "thinking world" from the "non- or not so much thinking world".

what I wanted to know from you when I was asking
where would you draw the line?
where ends your thinking world?
where do you see the horizon of your thinking world?
was: when you define or separate a thinking world then how would you describe the rest, the world outside of it?
because I think a lot of common categories are simply artificial. and therefore not useful.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

madness is akin to ecstasy

09'14'13 Beatrice: #truth "I'm a lady, but when I'm mad, I'm an evil sadistic demon spawned bitch from hell that'll make you wish you were never born... and when I'm happy, I bake cookies and shit."

01'10'13 Beatrice: "don't sell yourself short: find a domme that understands you in ENTIRETY. only the well-trained, ethical, and knowledgeable should be seen!"

Dandyland Diaries

09'27'13 D.M. Dewey: "this slave is on his way to me. I wrote about him in my book. he is my very fav!! 
SO EXCITED to see him."
10'01'13 Beatrice: "fantastic work – I adore the painsluts, as they always offer such a willing canvas. cheers to your continued enjoyment!"
D.M. Dewey: "I just adore them too! and they are hard to find! real ones, that is. I think you would like my book. it's hilarious.
where do you live? I would love to do a double session with you. we are kindred spirits."
Beatrice: "I'm in the BUF, but if we find a lucky enough victim, er, sub, I'll look into a little trip! we'd work in excellent harmony. also, where do I find your book? want!"
D.M. Dewey: "it's on Amazon!!!
its first hand my experience learning I am a Domina.
yay!!!! I will keep an eye out for the perfect specimen."
Beatrice: "oh, definitely getting my paws on this... I've been keeping memoirs for years... you've inspired me to start a new project!"
D.M. Dewey: "I think I sent you a link to a pic... hold please."
Beatrice: "also, ain't you cute! LOL yes you did. holding..."
D.M. Dewey: Dandyland Diaries
"do it!!!! so easy now to self publish!!! get your story out there!!"
Beatrice: "also, I'll be in L.A. in two weekends... there's a wedding I'm attending, but I have two days with free time beforehand! oh my."
D.M. Dewey: unfortunately that not me. just a pic of hair that I want to show my hair stylist LOL!!!
Beatrice: "HA! I dig the concept. keep it spicy. I actually got new clients through my stylist here in BUF when I first moved from CLE."
D.M. Dewey: "what!!!??? yes!!! we can both work on my pain slut!!  
he has a fabulous clit... it's hard not to sit on it.
we need to spend this time wisely!!!"
Beatrice: "BAHAHAHAHAHA – I'll leave the sitting or not sitting to you, my darling. email me at!"
D.M. Dewey: "LOL! I'm a perv. will do!!"
Beatrice: "wholeheartedly agreed."
I've published work of the vanilla variety. I'm getting pretty pumped up. (read: Hans und Franz – pump *clap* you up!)"
D.M. Dewey: "oh!!! amazballz!!! definitely a risk. there's no going back in the bdsm closet after this. friends seem to be embracing it."
Beatrice: "pseudonyms are wonderful things. I'm currently (and slowly) co-authoring a book on BDSM applications for Brazilian JJ.
oh, that closet. father/brother/uncle/cousin are all pastors. I view my work as sacred, but I have huge coming out fears."
D.M. Dewey: "holy fuck balls!!! I have always let my freak flag fly since I was little so it is not such a huge leap but still scary!!!"
Beatrice: "you know, I was always told to trust those who swear freely. consider yourself trusted."
D.M. Dewey: "I'll take that as a huge honor!"

edging is fun

10'02'13 Beatrice #Dominas) do you prefer confident, seasoned submissives or new, malleable submissives? reasoning? @MarabelleBlue @GoddessSinPlay
GoddessSinPlay: "I prefer seasoned subs but I get a lot of newbies. TPE is best felt when both parties know what they want."
Beatrice: "excellent observation, on the TPE. I think it's safe to say that TPE is only an option with a veteran sub."
Marabelle: "I like new. they are willing and humble to explore and learn. I miss my newbie slave." @OWNEDbyMBlue
Beatrice: "I do love the humility. there's such a sense of wonder, and teaching is always a thrill."
Goddess: "that's what I crave most in a sesh. I crave the look from a slave that shows the moment of total submission."
I'm Your Slave: "Goddess, I read your conversation. what do you mean by TPE? I can't figure it out.
Goddess: "Total Power Exchange"
I'm Your Slave: "thank you."
Goddess: "but the look on a newbie once they realize this is not a game and I am truly in power is priceless too."
Marabelle: "in gaining our BDSM community back we must educate. too many uneducated chiefs."
Beatrice: "watching self-realization and the moment of awakening are incredible aspects of what we do. also #itsnogame"
Goddess: "ok, now I am turned on again... damn it.
Beatrice: "no damnit! edging is always fun."
Marabelle: "all blog posts are up."
Beatrice: "also, I have a new technique for erotic entrancement I've been dying to try in dual delivery. you game?
thank you! exciting!!"
Goddess: "I miss my playtoy already. his bottom's sore from the harsh flogging and his pee hole a little bigger.
HELLS YEAH!!!! DO TELL!!!!!!!!!! I'm a little excited."
Beatrice: "Simple, really – going for a cacophonous effect – saying the same phrase(s) but starting at different points.
the effect is one of never ending suggestion that is murmured and whispered and delivered to both ears at once.
the longer is lasts, the softer or louder it gets, depending on if we're lulling or trying to frenzy the sub."

Goddess: "panties are wet. this is a good sign."
Beatrice: "ha! oh my sweet summer child, we're going to have such fun!"
Goddess: "so much fun. my slave is very excited. you will love how quickly he responds. it is like buttah."
Beatrice: "like BUTTAH. let me give you a topic: the Royal Family, neither royal, nor a family. discuss!"
Goddess: " LOL! how beautiful is this image. D/s relationships have intimacy in its rawest form."
J. David Clarke: "Game of Thrones reference! I knew I liked you Madame Beatrice."
Goddess: "I'm about to pack up and head out to Vegas. my sub is missing his domme. book release tomorrow. life is good."

female superiority

Sachero: "caged twins... double the fun... double the frustration... and when I own the keys to your cage I enjoy every minute of it!"
Beatrice: "lovely demonstration of power and supremacy."
Sachero: "sexuality pave the way to the cosmos of female supremacy. on this ground women have real power."
10'08'13 Beatrice: "naturally. our is the power of will, tantalization, ownership, and mental control. ours is the true power."
Sachero: "men try to cling to the illusion of a "glorious past". pathetic. nobody believes more this pitiful glory locked in a cage."
Beatrice: "men attempt control with violence, the threat of death, and with blackmail. we need nothing more than our minds and bodies to rule."
Sachero: "man is facing destruction. the rejection of Female Superiority breeds fear of women and misogyny."
Beatrice: "mankind would rather see itself implode than seek salvation in the superiority and intelligence of women.
they view need as weakness, and so, destroy themselves from pure spite."
Sachero: "men become violent cause they've 0 argument. anger is a confession of helplessness and weakness. crazy beasts facing downfall.
the biggest challenge: patriarchy leads to ruin. mankind prefers collective destruction to confession of his carelessness.
malice, dishonesty, disloyalty and stupidity rather than open their eyes to the evidence.
they want their natural submission remains secret... alleging that sex is a private matter. but who is still fooled?"

10'09'13 Beatrice: "I love photo tributes from my talented fans! attention to detail never fails to impress me."

10'15'13 Beatrice: "put aside fear. embrace the chance of hurt along the way. expect the best of yourself, and others will follow suit."

10'27'13 BDSM Dominatrix: "ageplay is a common theme within the BDSM/Fetish lifestyle. age differences either real or imaginary set the stage for erotic adventures."

10'28'13 Beatrice: "few things trump waking up to your sub begging for your strapon in his ass. god bless morning sex."

10'28'13 Beatrice: "whore is a compliment. pass it along to the sub you love. new blog post is up!
whores = happiness."

10'29'13 Beatrice: "to be owned is to be given purpose and the security of service. no greater peace exists than that which stems from true submission."

11'02'13 Marabelle Blue @MadameBeatriceX) "you are the best!"

Michael Makai: "BDSM is not a religion..."
11'04'13 Beatrice: "most excellent."

11'10'13 Beatrice: "when you are outed in a malicious manner, remember: whomever took it upon themselves to out you is insecure, pathetic, and uninteresting."

11'10'13 Beatrice: "those who would slander, hurt, or humiliate any member of the kink community should rethink their actions. we are not the complacent types."

11'10'13 Beatrice: "each of us is responsible for the end of hate, stigmatism, and ignorance. be your best – those who slander you cannot combat your character."

11'10'13 Beatrice: "I show my face on each of my pages because I can say, with full assurety, that who I am and what I do are not shameful."

11'13'13 Beatrice: "it's not the things I've done that make me special. it's the way in which I've done them."

Beatrice: "lick them!"
11'15'13 Will: "there is no better word to hear from a woman then obey, especially as she shoves her feet in your face."

11'25'13 Beatrice: "I love ashing into a perfectly clean crystal ashtray, held by a man who lives to watch me blow smoke in his face."

11'26'13 pinciotti: you can let my excitement nearly explode through a fleeting touch in form of a sentence.

11'26'13 "it's a big fucking job. you DON'T get to be weak. you don't get to be trite. you don't get to be trivial."

11'26'13 "the truth is, our kinks are only as wrong/dirty/unacceptable as WE believe them to be."

11'11'13 Outing in the BDSM Scene (A Story with a Rude Beginning and a Happy Ending)

11'26'13 "engines of desire and control"... "a beautiful instrument of destruction"... "an all-encompassing vantage point"

11'26'13 pinciotti: I'm now fired up for studying your mind: your lovely female cruelty and all the things that make you poly.

11'27'13 Beatrice: "every mind is a new delicacy to devour. thank you, for giving me yours."

11'27'13 "she does not give two tenths of a fuck. no, I take that back. she knows she’s powerful. she knows her BODY is powerful."

11'27'13 "he told me, point blank, that my behavior was hurting me and hurting him."

11'27'13 "small touches provide the greatest and most consistently felt security."

the cages

11'27'13 Beatrice: "never mistake loyalty for naiveté, nor love for weakness."
pinciotti: your idea of loyalty is based on independent thinking – problematically in real life. and love can become extremely dangerous.
Beatrice: "love is only dangerous/damaging in the absence of honesty."
pinciotti: entirely true. but honesty requires a lot of attitude and decency in this (kafkaesque) world...
Beatrice: eradicate the word "but" from your vocabulary. it inhibits the path toward change.
pinciotti: for me it's easy. for me honesty is fun. BUT only after I was standing on the ground of this abyss which Kafka discovered.
after that I became addicted.
it has something to do with this, you know "the struggle is the best part of bondage"
pinciotti: "think outside the cage. be open and honest. accept others for who they are – including yourself."
Beatrice: "for a very long time I lived inside cages of my own making, because I accepted the cages in which I was put."
pinciotti: as we all do, Madame...

feel it

11'27'13 pinciotti: "that constant mental engagement must be comprised of teasing." this sentence made my day! thanks.
Beatrice: "you're most welcome."
pinciotti: I can feel it.
Beatrice: "where, exactly? thalamus, spine, between your legs?"
pinciotti: downwards from my stomach, to be precise.
Beatrice: "perfect. arousal is one of the highest levels of compliment."
pinciotti: absolutely. and you don't give me any chance... my heart is pounding like made at the moment! 
Beatrice: "mad... very good. madness is akin to ecstasy."
pinciotti: I know. and I can nothing do against it! how do you feel at the moment?
Beatrice: "relaxed."
pinciotti: quite the opposite therefore... your blog is a real treasure chest for me.
Beatrice: "I'm very pleased to know that. by all all means, keep up the mental excavation in the dirt I have provided."
pinciotti: "with pleasure. most of your honed sentences strongly resonate with my deepest thoughts... that's why my explosive excitement."

11'28'13 "I'd love to bottle the feeling of this night and mass-atomize it like a perfume, throughout the rest of the year."

12'01'13 Beatrice: "it's the little touches that help us infiltrate the vanilla world."

12'02'13 [kink for the thinking world]
pinciotti: are you implying there is a non or not so much thinking world?
Beatrice: "I'd say I was less implying it than shouting it."
pinciotti: where would you draw the line?
Beatrice: "at being one's self? where we cross from being happy unto ourselves to invading the safe spaces of others."
pinciotti: no. where do you see the horizon of your thinking world? let's say in regard to pieties of all sorts. not beliefs, pieties.
Beatrice: "I don't see a horizon line. I often see intersecting planes, i.e. Paganism and Christianity interacting in plausible ways."
pinciotti: sure. but where ends your thinking world? being piously means for me to put blindages on certain beliefs... building walls.
Beatrice: "I have never thought of my world, or the metaphysical realm of my thought/possibility, as having any type of limit.
I maintain that unlimited belief in the Other, the opposite of piety, allows us to have limitless avenues for exploration."
pinciotti: so do I. but there has to be a demarcation between the thinking and the non- or not so much thinking world: why shouting otherwise?
Beatrice: "shouting is necessary when most persons have consented to living in fog, whether of their own or society's making."
pinciotti: no one can really separate its individual from the public mind. and shouting in a respectful manner seems difficult to me.
Beatrice: "if we will break this down to semantics, then I will say it was declared rather than implied.
I, respectfully, disagree wholeheartedly with your presented view on separation.
I know that I have separated the two, and can inform one with the other. I do not consider my mind to be engulfed by the accepted public/mass perception.
I do consider it my happy charge to help others view the public mind from the bird's nest of their own unique perspective with a healthy dose of experience and critical thinking." 
pinciotti: the bird's nest doesn't sound like digging... I'm rather deeply in the mud of loyal mass media consumption.
Beatrice: "I think of my digging as either excavation or tactical tunneling meant to undermine such media. analyze, dissect, overthrow."
pinciotti: yes. while I'm directly amongst "the masses" exactly listening to how one believes what he wants and what he has to believe.

12'03'13 Beatrice: "I'm not interested in what you think you know. I'm interested in what you have done, what you want to do, and how you plan to do it."
pinciotti: are you maybe interested in exploring this question, Beatrice?
"what will you see blindfolded that way?"
Beatrice: "I struggle, still, with the stigma attached to my profession, even without the title of Whore (used with all due respect).
I have, since a young age, considered courtesans and temple/healing Whores to be pinnacles of two distinct female powers."
pinciotti: completely understandable, as long as "slut" is not the social standard. but that's not quite the topic I was referring to.
Beatrice: "the power to enthrall and the power to heal."
pinciotti: applaudable, very impressive. and you combine those two of course... it's your way that makes you special.

12'04'13 Beatrice: "some dommes collect keys. I collect skulls."
pinciotti: no surprise.
"Skull and Bones" stands for ultimate authority, for unrestrained power.

12'04'13 Beatrice: "my amusement, not your pleasure, is the goal. the sooner you learn to take pleasure in my amusement, the happier you'll be."

12'05'13 Beatrice: "I refuse to be devoured by anything other than bliss."
Damien Carrion: "sexuality is completely natural, however mainstream culture and society have falsely turned it into something considered to be controversial and perverse."

12'05'13 Beatrice: "yep. that's about right. born in Illinois, spent adolescence in Ohio. sailor-mouth, for me."
12'03'13 Congratulations, Ohio! You Are the Sweariest State in the Union

12'05'13 Beatrice: "I love the way I work. full speed, stop to take a porn/orgasm break, then a quick sip of something sweet, and back to full speed."

Monday, 2 December 2013

silenced by the media as it is

04'18'12 Molly Moore: Fifty Shades Of Me

"firstly the notion that this is some filthy secret that woman are holding onto...
secondly there is the hidden undertone that being submissive means you cannot be 'independent' or 'have a career'...
of course all these articles don't really spell it out so bluntly but you read enough of them you will find there is a common theme running through all them and that is that really and truly, at the end of the day, is that it is only a book and these are just fantasies that woman have, after all we have fantasies but that doesn't mean we act on them... does it!?
can you tell I am angry? I fucking hope so. [...] I want to be destroyed by my desire to do these things and then I want him to pick me up and fix me... until the next time.
I don't want a bully or someone with a controlling nature, I don't want arbitrary decisions just because he says so. I want to talk and negotiate and be heard and acknowledged. I want to be seen and known and understood.
am I weak for being submissive? I don't think so and if you know me or have met me I am fairly confident that you would agree with me. being submissive to him does not make me a weak person, in fact I truly belief that being that self-aware and confident in my own needs and desires and willing to act on them actually takes a great deal of strength and trust in yourself.
I am brave enough to start that sentence with I am submissive because I am not ashamed of it despite the fact that everything I read in the media at the moment which is telling me this is just a genre of fiction, I know different. I am not a work, a fiction, I am a woman.
I don't really give a crap whether the book is written well or not or whether you have enjoyed reading it or not, this is not about the book. what I do care about is the way submission is being written about within the popular media. the implication that by being submissive is somehow a betrayal of woman's rights, that it is a backward step for woman into the dark ages... it seems that being submissive is something to be ashamed of, it is something no self-respecting woman would actually openly admit too.
just to be clear, I have not read the book Fifty Shades Of Grey and at this point in time I don't intend too. from what I have read about it, it has as much to do with being submissive as Interview With A Vampire does about being a journalist. it is a work of fiction about two people but unlike Interview With A Vampire it touches upon a lifestyle and a sexuality that many people identify with. I can't comment for sure on whether it is a good read or not and as I said above this rant is not about the book is it about the fact that submission, in particular submissive woman, are being talked about as genre of fiction rather than real life fully functioning people. it is about the fact that the media only seems comfortable talking about submission in terms of fantasy and writing and not in terms of lifestyle and choice. to those people who continue to write about female submission in the same way they write about vampires... fuck you!"


Marie Rebelle: "brilliant post! ab-so-lu-te-ly fucking brilliant. thank you Molly for putting these words to paper. having a high strung job in senior management of an international company, I don't see myself as weak. and I definitely feel that being submissive does not make me weak. in fact, letting go, giving the control to someone else... it takes a strong person to do just that."

Newt Kai: "I first read your husband's tweets. was moved by his humor and obvious love for you. then I clicked through and found your blog. it was without a doubt a very defining moment for me. I came to the internet with my kink in mind but wanting to see all of the color and sounds and tales of others.
what I found was what I thought I wanted. but then in reading your words and following your weds and sundays... I saw the romance in play and submission that was far beyond my experiences. to say it opened me is a understatement. it made me understand wants, it made me ask questions.
you are a fascinating person in a fascinating relationship... raising kids, doing normal and not so humdrum things in life. I am glad you wrote this.
because being kinky or submissive or which ever 'tag' we fall into, just accentuates the creative thriving people that we are. I am glad your proud of that."

Mina Lamieux: "really great post Molly. society is just too scared to face another form of sexuality and it sucks. the US still battles the 'being gay is not a choice' war. so many institutions and people there will tell you being gay is just a phase someone has to get over. so it really is no surprise that society will refuse to see this as a viable sexuality as well.
I really wish I could be more open. maybe one day. I just want to write freely and say 'yes, this is me. I love sex and everything about it. I am strong and powerful because I embrace it. and yes, I am submissive too.'"

Goldi: "OMG! I don't think that I have ever agreed with a post so much before! it's like I wrote it! my thoughts are exactly the same! good for you Molly! never let them shut you up!"

Penny: "go Molly! I don't think I've told you yet, but I greatly admire your blog and your honest, unapologetic, and powerful writing and images. you know what you want, you get it, and you aren't afraid to share it with others even if it's not the 'norm'. that makes you strong, stronger than most. if there were more brave women like you, maybe people would realize sexuality is complex and diverse and shouldn't be judged and oversimplified."

DDD: "I love you, Molly! your passion, your intellect, your sexuality. while so much of what you wrote 'read true' for me, there is also more. and you made me want to explore this issue and myself more deeply. it can be confusing, but I feel that it is only as a strong woman that I can fully embrace submission. otherwise it would simply be weakness. for me, at least. anyway, thank you for writing this and sharing it with us. for being you. I love you, Sister in Slut."

InspireRae: "thank you for putting down into words what I have not been able to convey to others not in this lifestyle. it was like you where in my head. beautifully done."

subbieluvie: "fabulously put dearest Molly, perhaps time more of us submissive women and men for that matter wrote more books, non-fiction, autobiographical, to tell of the reality... this has inspired me enough to finally make a start on mine. it is after all meant to be the 21st Century – people are more acceptant and tolerant but still very ignorant to all intense purposes when it comes to anything that is not the 'norm' it gets ridiculed rather than studied."

Victoria Vista: "Molly! Molly!!!! found this on e-lust 36... and absolutely love it! I have had the same distaste in my mouth over this book... also have not read it... but may just have to for a better argument.
I'm not a submissive, but a mistress, but even our male submissives have the same cliches toward them... as weak etc.... we all know it takes honesty and strength to be a submissive. I love and respect mine.
my 'blood boiling' reaction to this book has been as yours! first that the author obviously is clueless about the lifestyle and I've heard also the book isn't even well written. what a slam! it could have at least been well written! LOL
oh well... maybe some good well come out of this... at least maybe some honest discussion about what the D/s lifestyle (that we all love) is all about!"
thank you for your great post!!!

Clive: "phew! that was clearly something on your chest that needed saying. and 'hear hear, well said' – and I would add, what about all those submissive blokes! anyway, the important thing is that I have learnt that I shouldn't give you balloons on your birthday Molly."

pinciotti: wow, the vampire has spoken! a real living one, not a spooky phantom from the screen... a vampire among us who actually bites and wants to see blood and big big emotions. a vampire lady who lives her life. what novel would that be in which your story was told: how you've found your lord!

you want to be destroyed by your desire to be kinky under him. you want to be used, abused, marked and bruised and sore from his emphatic touch. to be tied down, legs spread and fucked by him for his pleasure only... you want him to make you throb and ache and beg and cry... to be on your knees lost and destroyed in front of him feeling the pain...
"this feels like nothing for him, that he can do this. that he can reduce me to this. I cannot quite conceive that he thinks this is normal, how normal people have sex. this is something amazing." "nothing else exists but the feelings... the feelings, my god they are so strong, like nothing else." (Cara Sutra)
...and wanting he'll pick you up then and fix you until it itches you again.

I'm deeply touched by the power of your feelings and the vehemence of this outcry. such an amount of hard-edged commitment is in my eyes pretty unique. you won't find anything like that somewhere in the mainstream. this level of intensity, this depth and strength marks unfamiliar territory, because corporate business mentality – or let's say – loyalty in the sense of its inventor is based on frigidity, obedience and the performance of one's duty, not so much on the advancement of your soul and ego.

this isn't normal, how normal people see and have sex. people who have normal sex have no idea what sex really means and how big sex in fact is: how profoundly it rules the world, what energies are contained in this drive. normal people with normal sex don't know the intensity with which you feel, the intensity with which you fuck, the intensity with which you think and write. I've said to Cara that she was "able to express yourself in an intoxicated fashion which makes me high, which makes me go nuts." the same thing here. you both are special.

everybody believes what he wants and what he has to believe, right? the ultimate principle of civilization: power arises from making others believe. only extremely strong and devoted personalities have the chance to break through through all of these layers of old and popular pieties that are overlying the most basic instincts. George Carlin for instance, Kafka, Nietzsche, Bill Hicks, Acharya and many others.

"being submissive to him does not make me a weak person, in fact I truly belief that being that self-aware and confident in my own needs and desires and willing to act on them actually takes a great deal of strength and trust in yourself."
I totally agree. but the thing is this, you act the same way as any journalist or other opinion maker does: I couldn't find even one critical comment on your website... so far. absolutely none. no backtalk allowed as it seems. you're playing the role of a priest for your case, and I don't think that's the future, you know. therefore "blogging is masturbation". there's nothing really new about it, nothing revolutionary, nothing explosive.

everybody now tries to establish his own little opinion stream on the web and joins certain communities to treasure his beliefs. Facebook shows it's not conspiratorial, it's all mental, a human question. I mean, where is a central market place that could mix up all of these different horizons of perception... and would you like to use such a parquet with this merciless and bitchy fuck-you attitude? the more we plunge into the cyberspace, I think, the more it becomes crystal clear: you can't convince somebody anymore. this game is over more or less. for God's sake! LOL

I was reading Cara Sutra's synopsis from May 15, 2013 about the book's media resonance before I wrote "kink had become a fairy tale to kneele before the mainstream". the "Christmas Mistress": "no matter your personal opinion of Fifty Shades Of Grey, this trilogy has achieved what no other kink themed book has done before. it has been accepted into the mainstream. I believe it has helped the majority of 50 Shades lovers who had been living their sex life through vanilla fulfilment only, to draw closer to kink and help them experiment with power exchange, if not the full range of BDSM potential. as is their choice, of course. [...] something that makes the nation, the world as a whole, acknowledge that not only does kink/Fetish/BDSM exist but that it can be enjoyable, sexy and even healthy for consenting adults, is a huge step in the right direction, in my personal opinion. no longer is punishment spankings and bondage something that is seen to be done in the darkest realms of unhealthy relationships or in freak show clubs by perverts of the highest order. it can be enjoyed by a loving couple with things you already have in your own wardrobe. [...] Fifty Shades Of Grey is read in public, joked about on TV and now a part of pop culture with references in every area of media. I can only hope that this is the first step in what I believe to be the right direction, to a time when BDSM is fully accepted as a beautiful, if alternative style of adult relationship – and sometimes, even love."

I trust her taste and her inside knowledge, her natural wisdom to be honest with you... nevertheless, I'm more on your side regarding the topic, but cannot explain it yet exactly why. the Hollywood production Fight Club for instance didn't make much of a difference in the end, but the impact of Fifty Shades of course is significantly greater and more directly related to sex as the movie. the mainstream is massive, that's for sure, and why is it that much monolithic?

"by the way, if anyone here is in advertising or marketing... kill yourself. kill yourselves, seriously. you're the ruiner of all things good. seriously, no, this is not a joke. 'there's gonna be a joke coming...' there's no fucking joke coming! you are Satan's spawn, filling the world with bile and garbage. you are fucked and you are fucking us. kill yourselves, it's the only way to save your fucking soul. kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now. now, back to the show..." Bill Hicks

the rest is silence, isn't it.

talking IS "sex" (according to my own definition) can't you feel it?! so you can't talk vampire-esquely anywhere in mainstream media. either in this emotional depth nor with blatant intensity. corporate thinking has to be nice and fine and soft and flat. like McDonalds and Coke, not like your cunt. "in all these articles I have read there is not one genuine submissive woman having her say." of course not, this is out of the picture (no conspiracy necessary, so to speak)

the self-declared "ranty, spiky bitch from hell" (Cara) is willing to negotiate about the book, how about you one and a half year later? I've found an excellent comment yesterday: "I'm pro-comments, and I'm pro-education. we still live in a society which was founded on Puritan ideologies. it's changing, but it's slow. things like this are a reminder that while we personally may live in sex-positive worlds, we're in a bubble there and this is what the rest of the world is really like." Lorax of Sex

"if being gay was written about in the same way that being submissive is currently being written about in the press with all its judgements, ill-informed rhetoric and implications that it is just a fantasy world for people there would be uproar."
kink is yet another dimension, another degree of intimacy. "What Makes Sex Good?" I've found this tremendous blog entry thanks to Kendra Holliday. "the truth just punched me in the gut like a bag of oranges in a mob movie. I'm looking for intimacy. connection" intimacy is always the key. and to develop your own ego you must destroy it from time to time – the ultimate form of intimacy for which you need a partner who will shred you.

from my point of view, this very sophisticated and well-written rant is more than just a blog outcry... there's something majestic behind it, something historical nearly (I'm aware there are some holes in my text – surely no big deal for you)

Sunday, 1 December 2013

I love going to bed smelling like fire

03'08'13 Kendra's daughter: "there's more to my life than cheap, fake romance. I want the real deal"

03'14'13 Jeff Zander: "Kendra, if I were to ever have a kid I would want you to be involved in their lives. you are such an awesome inspiration!"
Kendra: "that is seriously the nicest compliment I have ever received! thank you! working on a parenting post now..."

03'15'13 Kendra: "I was at a conference one time and I met a kind, powerful man. later I sat behind him and noticed his barely visible hearing aids. not sure why, but his subtle, peekaboo hearing aids made me more intrigued/interested in him."

03'16'13 Kendra: "I love my life."

03'19'13 Kendra: "I love to..." [Hop on Pop]

03'23'13 Kendra: "I think my friend @piecesofjade is calling my gang bang VANILLA. hmpf!"

11'28'13 Kendra: "Jade and I are sluts – that's how we roll. a slut = a person who is in touch with their sexuality."

03'26'13 Kendra: "are men who pay for sex normal, or weird?"

03'26'13 Kendra: "I say men who pay for sex are as normal as the people who pay for massage, psychics, chiropractors, acupuncture, etc."

03'26'13 Kendra: "prostitution is a therapeutic or entertainment service! not a big deal."

03'28'13 Kendra: "In the meantime, read this guest post I wrote about how we can overcome our sex-negative culture."

04'13'13 Kendra: "I have a dirty imagination and I'm not afraid to use it."

04'16'13 Kendra: "@ChrisRyanPhD is one of my Top Sex-Positive Recommendations!"

04'18'13 Kendra: "submissive men tend to try wasting my time. Instead of adding value, they drain energy. here is my gripe with them."

04'19'13 Kendra: "9 out of 10 sub men I have encountered attempt to suck my time and energy. I'd rather be energized than depleted."

05'27'13 Kendra: "this tumblr featuring review excerpts by men who use sex workers is chilling. read at your own risk."

05'28'13 Kendra: "our society is rigged for failure. we need to restructure, make big changes, reprioritize. clearly, status quo is not working."

06'04'13 Kendra: "This is what I've been telling you – when it comes to sex, women can be just as animalistic as men."

11'27'13 Kendra: "we replaced the fear with love. and now I can suck dick proper again!"

06'13'13 Kendra: "a peek into our open relationship – it's complicated. oh, not really."

06'02'13 Stormy: "woah – when did Playboy start doing this?! MT @TBK365 Is Playboy magazine designed for 12-year-old boys who find them?"
Kendra: "No Vulva for You!"
06'02'13 Molly Moore @TBK365) "just saw your post about Playboy. don't know if you've seen this but exactly what you are saying in your post."

06'10'13 Kendra: "so do you think I should swallow everyone's cum and have anal sex with everyone in order to empower them?"

06'17'13 Christopher Ryan: "the mainstream embrace of polyamory continues. feels like the 'traditional heterosexual monogamy' levee has been breached..."

06'11'13 Kendra: "sigh. I'll never understand why some people think grownups shouldn't have toys. or enlightenment, for that matter."

06'12'13 Kendra: "hell yes! but not in the eye. that cum-in-the-eye porn makes me squeamish!"

06'13'13 Kendra: "ha, you are funny. anal is only something I engage in every once in a while. I have to trust the person."

06'15'13 Kendra: "I finally watched Game of Thrones in bondage. it made it even better!"

06'18'13 Kendra: "I hosted a fascinating and intimate event last night. it was all about scars."

06'19'13 Kendra @hugoschwyzer) "I think both men and women are screwed in our society unless they consciously choose to reinvent themselves on their own terms."

06'25'13 Kendra: "putting on a mask. no doubt you know what that is like."

06'25'13 Kendra: "just sat on someone's face for a while... and now I feel much better, phew! #gameofthrones"

06'25'13 Kendra: "I feel like I'm a sow with eight teats, and 16 piglets are trying to drain me dry."

06'25'13 Kendra: "here's a hot face sitting porn clip... and then it goes into anal."

11'14'13 Kendra: "I love kissing him as he cums inside another woman."

11'15'13 Kendra: "feedback from a client: 'it was the most positive sexual experience I've had in a long time, likely ever...'"

11'15'13 Kendra: "I feel most natural and sacred when I'm sharing erotic energy with another person. feeling the teasing, pleasing tug of yin and yang."

11'15'13 Kendra: "I embrace it! I love cozy, and you can't have cozy without cold. "Hygge" is pronounced "hue-gah" – check it out!
11'15'13 Kendra: "YOU GUYS. I'm super cold-blooded and used to dread winter, but ever since I discovered the art of "hygge"..."
"I simply love it."

11'15'13 Kendra: "you can't be cozy in Miami or the Caribbean. balmy, breezy, sultry – yes. but not cozy. you need cold for cozy."

11'16'13 Kendra: "I love going to bed smelling like fire."

11'16'13 Kendra: "I have a sex blog CHOCK FULL of hot naked pics of me. and you ask me to send you a pic? AND I'm not dating you? FUCK YOU."

11'23'13 Kendra: "took a hot shower. so clean and ready for my relaxing, healing massage tonight. I totally deserve this."

05'12'13 Kendra: "The Mango Talk. this is one of the many sex-positive conversations I've had with my daughter."

05'14'13 Kendra: "sex snippets."

05'18'13 Kendra: "this is the pic that just made me cum. I've been turned on all day!"

05'29'13 Kendra: "sexual acts are where I shine"

05'21'13 Kendra: "a good writer makes you FEEL. surviving a scary plane snafu."

05'21'13 Kendra: "someone took issue with my Killer Kinks list."

05'24'13 Kendra: "exploring cock cages with Sissy Maid! I want to help him get a good one."

Kendra @AniKnits) "what therapy aims to achieve is not health, but compliance to social norms." – Barbara Ehrenreich
11'27'13 @TBK365 "your famous saying is carved in block letters on my heart: 'whatever you do, give up any idea of trying to cure them.'" Jung/Freud

11'27'13 "he best way to make a male-female-female threesome happen is to widen your focus and open your relationship up..."

06'25'13 Kendra: "the word 'nice' comes from the Latin word 'nescius', which means 'ignorant'!"

06'26'13 Kendra: "a guest post by Lisa, on what it's like being a single, polyamorous woman."

06'30'13 Kendra: "if I don't get back to you quickly, this is why. thank you for understanding."